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A Potential Pathway, to a Peaceful Solution, to the Middle East, and Nuclear Crisis with Iran

Kevin Michael Miller

Hello, my name is Kevin Miller and I'm interested in all things political. I started in early 2013 but the truth is I've been writing for over a decade now. I live in Chicago, Illinois, am an avid international relations follower and consider myself a Republican. Don't hesitate to comment on my website or even just follow. Thank you in advance for your support. - Kevin M.

Iran has a very difficult time ahead. The bringing back of U.S. sanctions will direct Iran’s economy into recession. The persistence in the Nuclear Program has damaged seriously, the economy of Iran, as the country is isolated from Global Commerce, by United States Sanctions. Besides that, Iran has all the resources, both Natural, Intellectual, as well as Geopolitical. That an economy needs, to develop a much more significant role, in the International Arena. The Country will never reach Great Wealth, or true Great Power Status, in the Near East, or Middle East, or the World for that matter. While isolated from the West, and under United States Sanction.

An order to ameliorate this, the first step should be to recognize, and accept the existence of Israel, as a Nation that has the right to exist. And stop supporting, and giving aid, to Terrorists Groups. Such as Hizbollah, and Hamas.

Secondly, the Covert Nuclear Program has evolved into other forms of energy exploitation, as wind, solar and other forms of energy have also prevailed. The Iranian Nation could become an example to the World, as it develops new and efficient forms of Energy, with respect to the Environment. There will be always the opposition of the United States to the Nuclear Program. And it has delayed the development of the Country, and the well being of its people, that have suffered terribly with these societal, and economic barriers.

Iran is in a difficut situation, between its peoples stated desire to integrate into the West’s Global Economic Prosperity.  And the persistence of a Revolutionary Ideology, led by Ayatollah Khamenei. In which opposition to the West, and denial of Israel’s existence, constitute core elements of the Islamic Republic’s identity. These contradictions, avoid the development of a Foreign Policy, accordingly with Iran’s National interests. The people of Iran want peace and progress, an order to make possible their own economic, and societal progress. Opposition to the West by their leadership. And development by their Radical, and Ideological Government of Covert Nuclear Techonologies, and their Possible Military Dimensions (PMD). Will never allow them to achieve these goals. There must be a renouncing of the Foreign Policy of exportation of the Revolution, vis a vis, violence. And more of a focus on development within the borders of the Country, and Peace with the West, and Isael. Leaving behind the Possible Military Dimensions of their indigenous Nuclear Program. And looking forward, for new kinds of Energy, and opening their Society, and Economy, allowing them to renew, and strengthen, their relationship with the West, and other Countries.

After forty years of the Islamic Revolution, it is evident the failure in promoting wealth, and prosperity, for different social groups, such as teachers, the rural poor, retirees and bus drivers, among others. Has brought a deleterious effect to their economic prosperity. And societal well-being.

My Proposal is this. The Introduction of the Constitution of Iran, States That: “The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran is a Declaration of the Social, Cultural, Political, and Economic Foundations of the Iranian Society. Based on Islamic Principles, and Norms, that Reflect the Heartfelt Desire, of the Islamic Community. These Fundamental Desires, are Elaborated, in the Qualities of the Great Islamic Revolution of Iran, and the Revolutionary Process of the Muslim People, from the Beginning to the Victory. Principles which were Crystallized through the Decisive and Strong Slogans of All Segments of Society. Now at the Dawn of This Great Victory, our Nation Longs, Wholeheartedly, to Realize This Demand”.

The policy of developing covert Nuclear Technology for the purposes of Possible Military Dimensions, and recognizing the right of Israel to exist, is the de facto norm, for any upstart peace process which may in fact ensue. Should their be a leadership change in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Or if their is to be a de facto cessation of hostilities, as with the proposal of a Peaceful Religion, as the Islamic State, and the Islamic Republic of Iran, have stated as striving for, as a state of being. The mentioned introduction to their Constitution, should instead be changed to say “Iran is a Peaceful Republic of Islamic People, that Exports Peace and New Technologies to Bring less suffering, to the Whole Humanity.”

Accordingly in Article 14 of the Constitution: “In accordance with the Sacred Verses of the Holy Quran; (“God does not forbid you to deal kindly, and justly, with those who have not fought against you, because of your religion, and who have not expelled you from your homes [60:8])”. The Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran and all Muslims are duty-bound to Treat Non-Muslims in Conformity with Ethical Norms and the Principles of Islamic Justice and Equity, and to Respect their Human Rights. This Principle, Applies to All Who Refrain From Engaging in Conspiracy, or Activity, against Islam, and the Islamic Republic of Iran”.

Recognizing the State of Israel, in my opinion, and as I mention. Fulfills the Will of the Command of Article 14 of the Constitution as it Mentions the Respect of Other Peoples, Religion, and the Right to Exist.

The Solution, is to Understand Islamic Law, and Sharia, as being Consistent, with International Human Rights, Norms, and with Liberal Economic Policies.

The Country needs a Constitutional Reform, an order to Put Away Clauses Incompatible with Iran’s Modernisation, and Integration, with the World, writ large. This Should be Implemented, and Preceded by a Referendum, ex vi Article 59, of the Constitution, and a Subsequent Constitutional Reform. 

At the time It had been reported that Iran’s proposal has been accepted by the international community. In part the proposal forces Iran to discontinue certain parts of its nuclear program and allow outside international observers to monitor the partial dismantlement. In return the west will relax some of the crippling sanctions against Iran that forced them to the negotiating table in the first place. Benjamin Netanyahu has expressed his disgust with the proposal, reportedly, and urges the U.S. to reject the current deal as is.[1] This proposal; the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Agreement, and its future, is the most urgent issue facing Iran for the short term, as well as the long-term future.

Personally, I think that Iran is approaching these continuing JCPoA negotiations in good faith, but I think that the urgency on their side is not there. After all there were negotiations about a range of topics including the nuclear program back in 2007. I believe that after the accord this is really it for Iran. We have reached a fork in the road and its Iran’s path to choose.

They can option one: agree that their nuclear program is not going down a path that is for peaceful purposes and give up their quest for nuclear weapons. This will allow for a freer and safer Middle East that will be less antagonizing and more cooperative with one another.[2]

Or option two: go down a path that is not conducive to peace and prosperity for either the Iranian people or the Middle East in general. This will cause much suspicion amongst the allies of the U.S. and much consternation for the people of Iran. The results could be catastrophic for Iran and would put them in a position where Iran as it exists now may not exist in the future.[3]

The choice is Iran’s and Iran’s alone.[4] They must understand that this is not the beginning of a process but rather an end to a very long and convoluted dispute. The talks that were held in Geneva are meant to end the conversation over Iran’s nuclear program, not prolong a process that in their minds may just be beginning. [5]  The past decade has revealed that stability is only attained when the U.S. speaks not only to its friends but to its enemies as well. In the case of Iran, this is especially true. The talks which were held in Geneva, for the U.S., represent the ending culmination of a process that has taken at least six presidents to conclude. Again, the choice going forward is Iran’s, and Iran’s alone. 

[1] Netanyahu claims Iran lied about nuclear program,, Quint, Forgey,, Accessed On: 06/25/19

[2] Obama’s Hidden Iran Deal Giveaway,, Josh, Meyer,, Accessed On: 06/25/19

[3] Pompeo threats Iran with “Strongest Sanctions in History”,, Louis, Nelson,, Accessed On: 06/25/19

[4] Iran’s Supreme Leader Endorses Nuclear Deal,, Gass, Nick,, Accessed On: 06/25/19

[5] Ex-Diplomats Urge Ratification of Iran Deal,, Terry, Mucahy,, Accessed On: 06/25/19

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