Category Archives: A Moment Of Your Time…

this portion of my website is dedicated to timely articles written by me, on societies impact on me, and my development as a human being.

Artificial Intelligence, Ben-Hur, And The Making Of Modern American Cinema

Recently I was walking through the park with somebody I know, and he brought up the subject of film, and his fascination with the motion picture. I was at the time beginning to attend an online seminar on film, and photography. And so was happy to share my thoughts on the subject. Eventually the conversation began to turn to Charlton Heston, and his display of acting chops in the seminal, Roman, classical masterpiece Ben-Hur. Heston, someone I would meet in 2003, during my first stint in Hollywood. Had, by the time I met him, become heroic action figure come to life. As the titular movie star, and the then namesake of the National Rifle Association. A Republican leaning Washington run Gun Control Advocacy, and International Lobby. My expectations when first meeting him, Heston, were not at all unlike others, whom would broach a conversation with him at the time. His svelte, and smooth, almost figurine like charisma, and leading man archetypal body type. Along with his bright blue eyes, chiseled jaw line, and approachable good looks and smile. You sometimes wondered out loud, at this more youthful, and exuberant age, as I was, whether a career in cinema, was truly something which was meant to occur for only people like him. And whether this “A-List”, included yourself as its own. As I spoke to him, however, I could tell that even at the advanced age he was at, me being just nineteen at the time. That his reputation preceded him, and that his strength, wit, and acuity, were just as strong then, as they were in his heyday.

But as I was saying, as I spoke to my friend about this meeting, and just, movies and politics in general. I eventually began to elaborate on Heston, and the individuals whom made the Epic Movie Ben-Hur become a reality. Epic’s, at the time were some of the most expensive, complicated, and time consuming projects of Movie Cinema at the time. Akin to our modern day versions of Steven Spielberg led “Jurassic Park”, or Arnold Schwarzenegger’s “Terminator” Franchise. And their skill and craft, necessitated that their budgets were often into the millions of dollars, and required years of prepositioning, and planning, an order to execute. This was true of Ben-Hur, which aside from a few other select films, Ridley Scott Born “Spartacus” not excepted. Were the only ones that truly existed.

At the beginning of the 1970’s, the movie industry was in transition. Metro Goldwyn Mayer, the, at the time, most prestigious, and vaunted movie making studio, and the vehicle for countless A-List movie stars. Had found itself in a decided slump releasing just two Oscar winning films over the course of three years. This, which worried the executives at the head of the then transitioning corporation. Were rattled even more by the inclusion in the mix, of several relatively unknown, but then seasonal Oscar winning studios which had recently been created, after a United States Supreme Court Ruling, that guaranteed the freedom of speech of several important actors, and actresses in the Movie, and Entertainment Industry. Whom were frustrated by the way they, and their intellectual property were being treated by the “big three” studios, MGM, Warner Bros., and 20th century Fox. Whom were at the time, in control of almost every single American Movie Making Contract, and Movie ever made in the Industry.

This pronouncement by the high court, meant that almost every single movie that was ever made throughout the time of the formation of the studios, to then, would have to be released, or re-released through accompanying subsidiaries. However, rather than continuing to concentrate power into the hands of this handful of studios, as the court had originally intended. It instead “spun off”, at least three high profile “little three” studios, Paramount Pictures, Tri-Star (United Artist) Pictures, and Universal Pictures. Which were then free to release, and re-release the content, at a premium to eagerly waiting consumers, and movie goers. A similar event occurred at the apex of the invention of the video tape.

These, and other worrying events, including a backlash in global, and world affairs to Hollywood movie making (The Tet Offensive, Iran Hostage Crisis), sets the stage for the acquisition of, and chief executive tenure of Bob Evans. The one-time Hollywood leading man. Evans, someone who grew up around those with the means, and knowhow to create films. Quickly rose through the ranks of the Hollywood establishment, and soon found himself burgeoning on the mediocrity, of chairmanship of one of the largest movie producing filmmakers of the twentieth century, Paramount Pictures.

But before Evans could take the helm, it was incumbent upon him to both satiate the studio execs appetite for successive films, as well as anticipate audiences, and their quickly varying taste. In a stroke of both science, as well as artistic genius. He wins the chairmanship by promising not one, but two filmmaking “Epics” within his first year at the helm. One which would be directed by a well-known filmmaker, would eventually become the movie which he eventually acquired from MGM, and re-released, the Charlton Heston led Ben-Hur. The other, which was a project which centered around the Vietnam war, Platoon, would take another decade before release, and be the second directorial debut from a young and upcoming filmmaker named Francis Ford Coppola. And in a twist of magic, which only Bob Evans, could truly encapsulate, he at the last minute for the executives, debuts a third “upcoming” film which was only half finished by the young Ford Coppola. But starred a face which was immediately recognizable to the heads of the studios involved, the reclusive, brilliant, and enigmatic Marlon Brando, as the title character for the movie “The Godfather”. This scene, which includes the first fifteen minutes of the Francis Ford Coppola Directed “The Godfather”. Is one of the most famous in movie making lore, and by the time Brando steps onto the stage, to collect an Oscar, for one of his most dramatic, and endearing roles ever in 1973. Evans, had firmly supplanted the “big three” studios, and had on the way, accidentally reinvented the filmmaking industry, while making Columbia, Tri-Star(United Artist), and Paramount, Billions in the process.

This changing of the guard, which famed filmmaker, and director Ridley Scott at first acquiesced to, by releasing the rights, and privileges to an updated digitally “colorized” version of his 1959 “Ben-Hur” epic classic. Remains one of the most mysterious moves a filmmaker has made over the course of the 20th century. After all Ridley Scott, formerly of “Spartacus” fame, already knows that Ben-Hur is one of the highest grossing, but also costliest films to have ever been created. And to add further doubt, and cloud his actions in mystery. He, Scott, had just signed a contract with 20th Century Fox, an order to create at least two more epics over the course of the next twenty years. A Paramount Pictures rival. As for Heston, the re-releases, and its release on Video Cassette Tape, a then newly formed media, later in the decade. Only enhances his, Heston’s, stature, and career. And with the accompanying grosses from the movie sale. Makes him one of the richest men in Hollywood for the next thirty years.

Joel Schumacher, the famed 1980’s producer, and of a similar movie making lineage as Evans. Makes his movie making fortunes off the sale of Ben-Hur to Bob Evans, and Paramount Pictures as well. As he at the time was selling movies, in cassette form from his car out in Los Angeles. And it was said by him, in a later interview, that the receipts from “Ben-Hur alone”, were enough to fund the later John Hughes films, whose rights were acquired from the aforementioned Ridley Scott, whom found Hughes to be “childish”, and “amateurish”, in his approach. But whom would later become the basis for Hollywood pop cultural references, and careers of multiple “Brat Pack” actors, and filmmakers, throughout the 80’s, and early 90’s.

If there’s one thing that could be said about this, is just how much the movie industry is genuinely connected to one another. And how, the most seemingly simplest things, the changing of a CEO, and the invention of the cassette tape. Can transform the entire ecosystem, and landscape of a growing, and evolving, and burgeoning, now Artificially Intelligent Movie Making Industry.

Before I conclude this piece, this seeming happenstance in the movie, and entertainment industry, elucidates a broader, and more salient point about Artificial Intelligence, and change in the Movie Industry.

I want to talk about the big three and their original intentions for Movies, and the movie distribution system, or digital mediums, and inherently the internet itself. There biggest worry at the time, was that the Intellectual Property which they owned. And therefore, the amount of monies, and thereby movies which they could make, would dry up, driving a stake into the heart of the movie making industry as a whole. With the advent of online file sharing websites, and applications. First delegitimated, and then coopted, and legitimated. While being backed by some of the biggest studios in the movie making industry. Along with digital physical media rising. And then co-opted by Microsoft, Apple, and Netflix, into digital arts, and entertainment empires. Has the movie industry worried again about the idea of Artificial Intelligence, and the wherewithal that it will play in the future of cinema. Both here in America, as well as in the future, in other countries, such as China, which may wince at the idea of artificial character creation, and even plotlines, and movie culture as a whole. I feel now, and I do now so as well feel, that the line between art, and fiction are never as clearly delineated, as would be allowed in an earlier time in human history. Therefore, the securing of Intellectual Property rights, and the maintenance of additional United Nations Copyright Laws, and even cultural identity. Play a role in upholding the civil, and moral rights of all citizens of the United States, and indeed, including those whom come from different parts of the World, and some of whom are not even born yet. I call on Congress to help research, and enact customized Intellectual Property laws for this Artificial Intelligence revolution which we are at now going through. And to help secure the intellectual, and property rights of all Americans. From the very wealthy and powerful, to even individuals who are maybe independent in their outlook, but are just as rigorous with the rights, and privileges which they give their intellectual property, as any other would be.

In the past it has been argued that the current state of monopolization of intellectual, and property rights, precludes the idea of intelligence, charisma, and creativity, an order to be successful.

I don’t believe it.

The state of Intellectual Property rights has never been stronger, and the utmost of care can, and should be taken an order secure a soft landing, in this ever evolving landscape. I trust that Congress sees the ideas that have taken root. And while most are legitimate. Some are coercive in their manipulation of names, images, and likenesses. Which is why stronger laws are required an order protect all whom seek to express themselves in the communicative commons of the internet, and beyond. Therefore, the curtailing of these kinds of forces which seek to delegitimize others, and only legitimize untold of untruths, and fallacies, should be included in any pending legislation which is promulgated by the media, the tech industry, or any and all others, whom have a stake in this volatile, and changing landscape.                      

Iranian Nuclear Ambitions (2003-2024)

Under the JCPOA, Iran agreed to eliminate its stockpile of medium-enriched uranium, cut its stockpile of low-enriched uranium by 98%, and reduce by about two-thirds the number of its gas centrifuges for 13 years. For the next 15 years, Iran will only enrich uranium up to 3.67%. Iran also agreed not to build any new heavy-water facilities for the same period of time.[1] A nuclear weapon uses a fissile material to cause a nuclear chain reaction. The most commonly used materials have been uranium 235 (U-235) and plutonium 239 (Pu-239). Both uranium 233 (U-233) and reactor-grade plutonium have also been used.[2][3][4]

With Separative Work Units Estimated to begin production of fissile material at about 35 SWU, the estimated amount of fissile material needed to produce one bomb is estimated to be about 30 kilograms, with perfect centrifuge production of such fissile material accomplished after the use of about 50,000 unique centrifuges.[5][6] This is thought to precipitate from the production of crude IR-1 centrifuges which have a Uranium Produced to Centrifuge Use Ratio of 0.0867% (Uranium: Centrifuge Ratio).[7] This is a certain disadvantage for any country which hopes to produce an indigenous supply of fissile material, for any illicit nuclear program, and its activities. This means that an order to produce the previously estimated Separative Work Units needed to attain 30 Kilograms of Low Enriched Uranium (LEU), the program in question would have to expend an inordinate number of centrifuges of the IR-1 grade, which would add up to something of the order of magnitude of at least 122,268,924 Centrifuges, again of the IR-1 generation, which is the crudest workable generation of centrifuges available.

It’s estimated that the Islamic Republic of Iran has about 19,500 of these installed in a cascading assay at any one time.[8] Numbers like these continue for some time when talking about the Uranium to Centrifuge Ratio for less crude centrifuge devices, IR-2, .15937%, topping out at 33,270,455 IR-2 Centrifuges alone an order to produce enough Uranium for one bomb (30 Kgs). IR-3, a respectable centrifuge technology that requires 9,053,185 to produce the same amount of fissile material, giving it a Uranium to Centrifuge Cannibalization Ratio of 0.292843%.

Amongst these lesser centrifuge technologies, it is presumed from testimony from inspectors, and reports from the IAEA, as well as intelligence agencies, that the maximum number of Centrifuges which can be installed at any one time is north of 15,000 per assay, for these centrifuge technologies alone.

This would explain the IR-1 Assay which has over 15,000 centrifuges installed (19,500).[9] 

While IR-4 has a Uranium to Centrifuge Ratio of 0.538099% Cannibalized, meaning that the number of centrifuges needed to produce the requisite amount of LEU fissile material drops considerably to 2,463,451. However, it’s thought that the Iranians only have 5,000 of the more high-tech IR-4 in existence.

But this number is up for discussion and it here posited by me, that the number of centrifuges which are currently put into production by Iran, number at least 10,000 total, with IR-3 being the most plentiful of them all. This means that by most estimates 7,800 may be the maximum declared allotment by the Ayatollah and his regime, but the figure varies accordingly due to the size of the program, meaning suspected undeclared facilities, and the scope and nature of the program as well.[10] After all, it was Saddam Hussein’s Iraqi Fedayeen, who were suspected of concealing what was in fact a defunct Nuclear Weapons Program, on trailers which were supposedly on mobile platforms throughout the desert in 2003.[11]

The number of centrifuges thought to be acquired by Iran, and their efficiency, therefore, begin to deviate from each other dramatically, after this. With highly advanced IR-5, and IR-6 Centrifuges collapsing to no greater than 1,000 for the foreseeable future, after implementation of the JCPOA, and even yet still Cannibalized Yields accelerating to only 1.8% with Centrifuges, and Centrifuges used, numbering in the hundreds of thousands.

The production of these centrifuges, and their capabilities was summed up in Nuclear Crises with North Korea and Iran, a 2019 book by Robert S. Litwak, from the Woodrow Wilson Center at Princeton University which sums up the state of the program, and the issues succinctly:

“Centrifuges are essential equipment for uranium enrichment, the multistage industrial process in which natural uranium is converted into special material capable of sustaining a nuclear chain reaction. Natural uranium occurs in two forms—U-238, making up 99 percent of the element, and the lighter U-235, accounting for less than 1 percent. But the latter is a fissionable isotope that emits energy when split. Uranium ore is crushed into a powder, refined, and then reconstituted into a solid form, known as “yellowcake.” The yellowcake is then superheated and transformed into a Nuclear Crises with North Korea and Iran: gas, uranium hexafluoride (UF6). That gas is passed through a centrifuge and spun at high speed, with the U-238 drawn to the periphery and extracted, while the lighter U-235 clusters in the center and is collected. The collected U-235 material is passed through a series of centrifuges, known as a cascade, with each successive pass-through increasing the percentage of U-235. Uranium for a nuclear reactor should be enriched to contain approximately 3 percent uranium-235, whereas weapons-grade uranium should ideally contain at least 90 percent. Iran developed indigenous facilities to support each phase of the uranium enrichment process: two uranium ore mines, whose reserves could produce 250-300 nuclear weapons, according to U.S. intelligence; a yellowcake production facility; a facility for Iran’s uranium enrichment facility at Natanz (aerial view) From Transformational to Transactional Diplomacy converting yellowcake into uranium hexafluoride gas in Esfahan; and two enrichment sites, Natantz and Fordow, with 19,000 centrifuges, of which some 10,000 were operational. They were predominantly the first-generation IR-1 model, although Iran had begun installing the more sophisticated IR-2 model, which is more reliable and estimated to have six times the output of IR1s. The industrial-scale Natanz site, located 200 miles south of Tehran, could potentially house 50,000 centrifuges. The Fordow enrichment site near Qom is too small to be Economically rational as part of a civil nuclear program and is invulnerable to a military strike because it is deeply buried. Those attributes, as well as its location on a Revolutionary Guard base, aroused concern that its intended purpose was to receive low-enriched uranium produced at Natanz for further enrichment to weapons-grade material.”[12]

Figure 10 Fick’s Equation, Courtesy of National Research Nuclear University (Russia), Nuclear Reactor Physics Basics, Yury Volkov (Instructor),, Accessed On: 2/25/2024

This extant, which was provided by the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Public Policy, gives a clear and concise explanation of the basis for ongoing nuclear negotiations, which have currently reached an impasse, as of June 2021.

Add to that a resourceful, and diligent case study of the Ayatollah’s finances in Iran. And it’s estimated that he personally has accumulated over $US 350 Billion Dollars, in personal wealth, over the course of time since the signing of the JCPOA agreement, and the wars in both Syria, Yemen, as well as Gaza. This summation, the Woodrow Wilson Center’s Public Policy Extant, however, does not include the existence of undeclared sites, which may be yet smaller in scope, but could number in the tens or more. The exclusionary nature of the Iranian Nuclear Program, along with its undeclared assets, and facilities, is one of the historical hallmarks of covert nuclear programs around the world, and is what makes it so dangerous. It should be noted however that the main conduits of the Nuclear Program, the Uranium and Plutonium Milling Mines outside of the processing facilities, including Gchine, and Saghand, as per News reports, are no longer functioning, owing to the laborious processes the Iranians have gone through to produce Nuclear Fissile Materials, and the limited capabilities which they have been able to covertly develop, after its acquisition.[13] If true, this revelation should be of the utmost of issues which the Americans, and the other P5+1 interlocutors can use to leverage Iranian compliance with their nuclear program. As the lack of raw fissionable material, negates the programs efficacy for the purposes of exploiting current technologies for the development of Nuclear Fission Weapons. And the inclusion of sensitive monitoring equipment, such as cameras, and other positive scoring sensors, and devices, at these, and other mining, and milling technology sites, must be included in any further discussions of the renegotiation of the JCPOA, and its compliance regime.

Figure 11 CERN Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) Experiment at Light Hadron Collider #2, Cessy, France, Courtesy of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)

As for experimental centrifuges which Iran has under its command, the introduction of IR-6s, and IR-7’s was at first thought to completely transform the character and nature of the Iranian nuclear program, and the threat it poses. However, after initial analyses were conducted by western intelligence communities, using lasers pointed at the heat emanating from suspected nuclear sites, it was discovered that the Iranians are enriching at only a slightly more efficient level, and that the amount of these so-called experimental centrifuges must not number in less than 500 totals.

Nevertheless, when they are able to acquire these more advanced centrifuges, the Assay really only begin to decrease to so called super efficiencies at the IR-8 and above. That’s not to say that the amount of Enriched Uranium produced by these centrifuges is negligible, with Cannibalized Assays reported at 11.27%, and 20.71% Respectively, these technologies, should they ever fall into the Government of Iran’s Hands could precipitate another nuclear crisis.

And, while I suspect that the technology already exist. The added knowhow, such as Krytron Switching, and other light, and gas based, vaporous, diaphanous, vaporizing devices. Needed an order to perfect certain Nuclear Fission, and thus Weaponization technologies. I’ve concluded they may not have mastered the knowhow of.  

Figure 12 CERN Light Hadron Collider (b) (LHCb) ALICE Propulsion Experiments. (Image Courtesy of CERN)

Figure 13 CERN ALICE pPb Heavy Ion Collisions Experiments, Courtesy of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)

These numbers which are articulated in the above section on capabilities, do not negate the presence of current Iranian enrichment capabilities, indeed by the time the JCPOA negotiations began in 2015, it was already revealed by the Iranian side, that they possessed enough enriched Uranium to make at least five (5) nuclear weapons. The numbers on cannibalized arrays simply relate to the capabilities of their current centrifuge campaign for their Nuclear Weapons Program, and is indicative of the Iranian sides inability to progress past certain technological thresholds.       



[2]  Holdren, John; Bunn, Matthew (1997). “Managing Military Uranium and Plutonium in the United States and the Former Soviet Union”. Annual Review of Energy and the Environment. 22: 403–496. doi: 10.1146/


[3] Barnaby, Frank (5 March 2014). Barnaby; Holdstock, Douglas (eds.). Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Retrospect and Prospect. p. 25. ISBN 9781135209933


[4] Matthew; Holdren, John P. “Managing military uranium and plutonium in the United States and the Former Soviet Union” (PDF). pp. 403–409.




[6] “Explainer: How close is Iran to producing a nuclear bomb?”, Francois Murphy,, Found At:


[7] This ratio is made by taking the amount of Uranium needed for feedstock and dividing it by the number of centrifuges used, an order to obtain 30 Kilograms of High Enriched Uranium. For actual numbers used see the Appendix.


[8] Explainer: How close is Iran to producing a nuclear bomb? François Murphy,,

[9] Ibid.


[10] The Logic of Restoring Compliance With the 2015 Iran Nuclear Deal, Arms Control Association, Vol. 14, Issue 2, February 16th, 2022; Found At:


[11] Comprehensive Report of the Special Advisor to the DCI on Iraq’s WMD, with Addendums (Duelfer Report), Iraq Survey Group (ISG), Central Intelligence Agency, April 25th, 2005, found at:, Accessed On: 02/16/2022


[12] Nuclear Crises with North Korea and Iran: From Transformational to Transactional Diplomacy, Pgs. 83-85, Robert S. Litwak, Princeton University Press, 2019


[13] Is Iran running out of yellowcake? By David Albright, Jacqueline Shire, and Paul Brannan, February 11, 2009, Institute for Science and International Security, Found At:, Accessed: 06/06/2021

Introduction: Beyond Globalization

white smoke coming out from a building
Photo by Marcin Jozwiak on

Globalization, a relatively recent economic phenomena, and norm, at least in its most recent incarnation. Has brought wealth, prosperity, and diversity to billions of individuals worldwide. In the following pages, I try to clarify the effects of Globalization, and its normative successes, as well as failures. I will do this through the lens of a World which has been greatly affected by the COVID-19 crisis, and the resultant regime. And, I will attempt to perceive the future of Globalization. One in which the world is no longer ravaged by famine, plague, and Political disorder. And, one in which the United States, partners with its allies, to create better societies, throughout the World, while at the same time, taking account of the usury, and unobligated expenses, which the worlds remaining dictatorships have been party to.

This appraisal includes Russia, and its wars not only in Ukraine, but Syria as well. And, while the addition of credit extended, and credit used, has propelled dictatorial regimes, such as Iran, North Korea, and Russia, into higher, more prosperous, and more useful credit, and asset classes. Bringing into question the rules, and obligations of the established Global World Order, led by the United States. These credit bubbles, which have instead become a part of the international investment positions of these countries. Has led many millions of the former world’s poor, into levels of attainment, and wealth, never before seen by a great many of them.

And, while these credit snafus, have ultimately only legitimated, and benefitted the regimes in question. The adjoining information is useful, an order to better allow the perception of these misdeeds, as well as the sheer magnitude which they hold in their size, scope, and weight, as failed, or formerly failing nation states. And how that may apply to future conflicts, or even transboundary disputes, which may arise during any given circumstance. Particular attention is paid to the solvency of the European Union, and the United States, as well. 

A League of Their Own [Book Excerpt]

The following is an excerpt chapter [rough] from an upcoming memoir by Kevin Michael Miller entitled “Little Fires Everywhere”: The Education of and Political Triumphs of an American Political Scion [Publisher Forthcoming]

Baseball which was something that I enjoyed as a kid. And a sport that I still enthusiastically incorporate into my life. Had, by the fourth grade, become something which I knew could carry the day. And, eventually propel me into the local, and national media’s spotlight. In Tampa, Florida. And the surrounding area. One of the most complex, and painstaking things which could have ever happened to me, for the better. Was when The Supreme Court of the United States, handed down a direct decision to the local baseball league which I’m still proud to be affiliated with. That required them, directly to allow girls, and women, of a certain age, to both perform, and participate in league activities.

Town & Country Baseball, which was party to a countersuit that interjected with the plausibility of a previous courts Title IX ruling, against little league baseball. Was decided in a close decision, which rested on Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, the first female United States Supreme Court Justice, to rule in a contentious 5-4 decision. That the state of boys sports, and baseball in particular (Pop Warner Football would come in a later ruling), could no longer discriminate against ageless females. Including girls. And that, under the requirements of the ruling. The league was required to allow “free and open”, competitive positioning to females, of a certain age, and prospect.

This ruling, which I’m proud to have witnessed play out on my television screen at my home in Carrollwood, Florida was at once welcomed, but also vilified by almost a majority of the players and coaches, in, and around my privately funded, and run, little league baseball, sports league. Their contention, and emotions are still intemperate to this day. That if a girl is in the league, and specifically on their team, then the facilities requirements, as well as the amount of competition, will decrease, therefore preventing the free, and enjoyable competition within the league. And, since the facilities, were partially funded, and existed on land, which was technically a part of the Hillsborough County Public School District. That meant that the onus on fulfillment would rest with the league, and failure to do so, could jeopardize the future of the privately run league, as a feeder system for some of Baseball’s most promising recruits. Including its now current Republican Governor, Ron DeSantis.

The decision, which necessitated Major League Officials on hand to implement. Meant that the game which I grew up with, had been forever changed. My reaction, was not one of any sort of male braggadocio, or machismo, but actually of calm, and acceptance.

When I entered into the winter league with “Jaime”, as one of the first female recruits to our “Mustang” league. I must admit I was actually more than intimidated. After all, I was someone whom had only known the game to be composed of mostly young boys, and men at that age. And my awkwardness preceded my every move.

As someone whom I would respect, as a competent, and skilled center fielder. She, Jamie, was someone whom, on my fifth grade baseball team, had become someone who built a steady rapport, and comraderie, with me, as the season continued. Her most obvious answer was almost never the answer that I received. And her desire to “just be one of the boys”, could be rewarding at a time that I struggled to have, and maintain friendly relationships with the opposite sex. And provided the cushioning, and proper complexity, that I needed in my life, and really, we all need, at that age. Which was essentially my first introduction to multi-cultural perspectives, and gender studies, writ large.

As I got older, and was at times both curiously affectionate towards, and extremely shy, in front of the opposite sex. I never let the lessons which she taught me (including one of my first heartbreaks), pre-adolescence, become something which didn’t dawn on me, or prevent me from successfully appropriating my feelings toward the opposite sex.

The lessons that her presence on the baseball field inured within me. Are lessons, which really, all of us should learn at such a crucial age, as we grow up, and mature from pre-adolescence, to becoming teenagers. Where relations, and friendships with the opposite sex become more common.

And, had I not known then, and from her, precisely how chauvinistic, and male-dominated my personae had become, during those twelve seasons of baseball that I’d participated in up to that point. With my days filled with boys my age playing tackle football, games of pickup squash, and kickball. I don’t think I would’ve ever understood, as succinctly as I do now. The more formalized relations, and reactions which I received in the seventh, and eight grade. When I would move to Tallahassee to be with my Mother. And ran into, in this the Capital City of Florida. More formalized undertakings, and relationships. That rested more, and more, on my perceived, social status, and nearby constituent organizations which I was a part of.

This far more heavily Democratic Party leaning portion of the state. Leon County, Florida. At the time, and still is. Due to its Bureaucratic, and highly urbanized setting. Was one of my first introductions to kids my age, that had more money, and time, than they knew what to do with. And, whom would often smoke not only considered by me to be hard drugs (like marijuana), cigarettes, and cigars. But would, actively seek out, and drink alcoholic beverages. At the seeming behest of their parents. Including at one time raiding my own Mother’s liquor cabinet. Them, then partying late into the night, with her own, handcrafted, Crown Royal Canadian Whiskey Recipes. While my only respite, and consolation, would be seeing the girls that I admired, chatted with online, and looked up to in my Middle School. Getting drunk, “skinny dipping”, in my Mother’s backyard pool, and pool house, while playing video games with me. Often until the sun came up. At one time even marveling over my then “prosaic”, 16x “viewfinder” telescope, in the nights sky.

One story that I’m able to conjure up from this era has to do with “Benjamin”, the black labrador dog that my Mom brought home for me one day.

I always thought it would be cool to have a dog, but as long as I lived with my step-mother, who was ghastly afraid of dogs, or any other type of animals. I had to be content with “visiting”, my best friend Nicko, and his small Shizu’s that his Father allowed him to have. As well as my other best friend from Tampa, Alex, whose mother had a cat named “Nirmal”. “Benjamin”, a dog which was given to my Mother by friends of the family, became an instant companion, from the moment that I first had him. In fact, for a number of months, from first moving to Tallahassee to be with my Mom, he was my only friend, and companion. Later, while caring for “Benji”, I was notified that he in fact would have to be sent back to where he came from, a local animal shelter, since I was too young to care for him all by myself.

When they came to take him away, I was just getting out of the shower in the morning. As I put my clothes on, I noticed that he wasn’t barking in the backyard to our home anymore. When I ran outside to see him leave, I could only just make out the vehicle they used to transport him to his new home. (I eventually got separately two hamsters as well “Chip”, and “Dale”). And, it was the first, but not last time that I would cry over losing a pet, and best friend.

Later when we moved to the other side of Thomasville. I would come across a neighbor whom happened to go to my Middle School.

In the intervening “Corbin”, a categorically beautiful girl, but far from one of the most beautiful girls at my school. Was a popular girl, that was friends with a nearby neighbor “Peter”, a fellow pupil, and someone I happened to meet before school could formally start over the winter break.

As we met up, and I introduced myself to her, and her family (her mother was also a nurse). Corbin introduced me to her newest family member. It was Benji, now eponymously coined as “Cisco”. The same black labrador that I was forced to give up earlier that year. When I saw him, along with what was apparently one of his sisters, I was so elated to see him, and I could tell from the way that he looked at me, that “Cisco”, recognized me as his former companion. Even if he did growl at me, after seeing his curious younger, sister puppy nearby. Still, to know that he was just across the street from me, and that I could hear him bark whenever I came outside, was a welcome relief that brought a sense of closure, and additional closeness, to our short, but sometimes tumultuous existence together.

This Middle School which I attended, Swift Creek, had, up until those more recent occurrences, made my life an unfortunate mess.

It was stories like these, that began to take on an uncharacteristic feeling of life imitating art. As I attempted to navigate a highly pressurized, and society infused Middle School social scene. That rested itself, almost exclusively, in Thomasville. The tony, and exclusive suburb which my Mother and I moved to. And the likewise surrounding “high-rent” suburbs in the area. Along the Florida, Georgia, State Line.

These suburbs, which by the eighth grade, could be populated with kids from political figures as varied as Senator Marco Rubio, Governor of Florida Jeb Bush, Governor Rick Scott; the since run Presidential Candidate, Ron DeSantis, Andrew Gillum, and Speaker of the Florida State House of Representatives, Don Gaetz; the Father of Matt Gaetz. Had decidedly made my big league political ambitions, come all but true. No matter how dreadful their nearby existence could be.

Matt Gaetz, whom I attended Middle School with, and eventually befriended. Was regarded by me, as cooler than he would at first appear to be. And, to this day, I follow him on social media, and the internet. As it both pleased me, and annoyed him, that I would call him “Fucts Destroyer”, after the black, emblazoned, skateboarding apparel company “hoodie”, that he was always known to wear, in our Middle School, and High School Years. Even to the point of me, later, contributing to, and endorsing his ideas, on my still updated Politics Website, For his first, and subsequent Political Campaigns, for Florida’s First Congressional District, in the United States House of Representatives.

And while I was always reticent, but also, erstwhile, heavily influenced, by his campaigning for the eventual ouster of former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy. I’m still grateful for his contributions to the Republican party, in advancing the cause of Freedom, Democracy, and Common Core Christian Values. And, I welcome his presumably, newly founded, political, and morally guided contributions, to mine, and his, Republican political process, and politics.

This marriage of the political, as well as the societal. Was a world which I had always burgeoned around, but until my successful matriculation at Swift Creek Middle School, was something that I had very little actual formal experience within myself.

But as I said, One of my first true Middle School bullies, whom would later confide to me his sexuality, as a friend, and “ska” music bandmate, together, in this cliquish “Capitol Hill” existence, would be Peter “Pete” Buttigieg.

Pete, someone whom came from the same highly cultured edifices, in the surrounding. Yet was still from, some of the same, in my opinion, seriously flawed, Democratic dominated politics. Was someone whom had befriended the schools Information Technology Administrator, and future Democratic United States Senate Candidate, and Democratic National Committee Chairman, from South Carolina, Jaime Harrison. After explaining to Harrison, the particulars of the schools LAN networking schema, and how it was structurally flawed from one of the positions of its creators, whom preceded him. He was thoroughly impressed with my entrée into politics.

With this knowledge, I had not only impressed future State Senator Harrison. But also “Pete”, and his on again, off again, best friend; my neighbor, and secret boyfriend to Pete whom also had the name “Peter”. And erstwhile, some of the most popular kids in the entire school. To the point that I began to be invited to Social Gatherings, Parties, “keggers”, and “get-togethers”, on the weekends, with the other kids, but really the other girls, that attended my Middle School, Swift Creek, and lived in the surrounding suburbs.

“Peter”, someone whom was my classmate, and nearby neighbor, was someone whom “Pete”, had been secretly in love with, all throughout my time there.

In fact, one of the most jarring things, I ever saw happen to Pete, someone whom had become a friend of mine over the course of our time at Swift Creek Middle School. Was when “Peter”, a neighbor that only talked to me casually. Dumped “Pete” prematurely, while at an after party, after a highly anticipated school dance. And instead made out with his, Peter’s girlfriend, that whole night, and weekend.

This tryst, something which being from a male dominated baseball culture, such as in South Florida. And having no prior experience with the plausibility of another boy dating another boy. Especially in my Evangelical, and strict Father’s household. No matter how openly accepted, it may be. Could be at times jarring, and counterintuitive. Like the time Pete spread a false “rumor” that he was dating me.

But also, for my own societal ambitions, frustratingly simple.

In fact, to expect one thing before arriving to the capital city. A sense of ultra popularity, belonging, and non-conformist, intellectual curiosity, bordering on Hyper-Affability, and Geniality. That had enamored me to so many, so quickly. In my hometown, and similar enclave of Tampa, in Carrollwood. Only to find the confines of the Capital City, Tallahassee, to be frustratingly stuck in their own chiasmic, and meretricious societies. To be a wakeup call, that I never truly expected to experience in life.

And, while it was going on, with no forthright knowledge to how the spectacles which played out, on a nearly continuous basis, at my newly built middle school, and how they would affect me. But also, the highly intricate, and seriously big league politics, which would play out in the states capital. You never caught on, to how insulated a bubble people were actually portraying. As well as hoped for you to exist in. And you thought the individuals, particularly the girls, with their pink, bright, and puckish skin, and lips. With long blonde hair sprayed and dyed, on an almost daily basis. To be an existence that you never stopped to presume, would ever end. Either for them, or you. No matter how cruel, and manipulative, their “games without frontiers”, could actually become, And seemingly be.  

Add to that, the insularity of the suburbs, including only the Thomasville area, and the immediate enclaves surrounding. Tallahassee, a town which had much cultural, and material wealth. But could also be, to my own suburban, and enclave upbringing, devastatingly impoverished. My lack of official time with my mother, whom was a constantly attendant full-time Bed Nurse, to a child-hood, near-drowning victim.

Including to that, the prevailing social, and societal mores, that were in constant attendance of the Democratic Party controlled Legislature, and Governor’s Mansion. Clashing, sometimes, to never before, previously witnessed, conniption. Against my own ideas, and free-spirited, and conservative underpinnings.

With my mother and father. While true, being Conservative. Had raised me in successive, staunchly Southern, Democratic Voting, African-American households. And were all too ready to take up their own appurtances, and attitudes. Even as I still attempted to participate in after school, and officially school sanctioned activities.

I, luckily, was not involved in many of the controversies, which surrounded this peer graduating class. Including an episode of drinking during the school day. An enormous, heretofore unheard of amount of truancy, and disciplinary action. And while it included a period of extended, unexcused (erstwhile) absences, and truancy on my part. After the untimely death of my older, college aged Cousin, Michael Mitchell, on Thanksgiving day. That caused me to have to embarrassingly, partially abandon the credits earned, for my textiles manufacturing course. I was never implicated in those, and the many other scandals at my own middle school. As well as, at least two high profile, and provocative abortions from one time fellow classmates.

This season, which existed in my life, would prove to be only the beginnings, of what had become a society wide, social, drug fueled “epidemic”. The now so called Opioid, and Fentanyl Crisis. That wouldn’t end until very recently with the scandals involving the “Varsity Blues”, cheating, and test taking scandals. As well as the “Abercombie Gate” scandals, that had begun to engulf not only the once prosperous, but now severely drug enabled community, in that Tallahassee, Capital City, and well to do enclave, in Thomasville. But also, the just as new, and prosperous suburb, which I would inhabit, in the bread basket, heart of the nation, Palatine. Which was located along the end of the John F. Kennedy Expressway, in the highly affluent enclave, of the North West Suburbs of Chicago, Illinois.

These experiences in my life. Navigating a “totally contrived”, and “totally pretentious”, social scene. At first in Middle School at Swift Creek Middle School. And then, only later, to find the same instances playing out in my High School, Palatine High School. In the Northwest Suburbs of Chicago, Illinois. All while at the turn of the 21st century. And, having done so willingly. Had, in both instances. Left an indelible mark, for good, or for ill. Within the social contextualizing, which I would carry with me in life. Throughout my DNA. That I’m only now writing about in this book, at length, and with, thankfully, not the same life choices, as its unintentional victims. With a sense of pleasure, and accomplishment. Even at this late date.

To say, however, that I don’t regret the circumstances, and the resultant endings. Of Midnight Partying. Drinking before the Sun even comes up. And the other stereotypical things that highly affluent, highly conformist adolescents, are presumed to spend their time doing.

The bartering, and selling of sexual favors, for drugs, and alcohol. So called “Affluenza”. Is something that I have a hard time squaring with my own life, and the sometimes mediocrity, of my highly literate, and often times “plain”, and “boring”, quiet Friday, and Saturday nights, as they’ve existed over the last two decades of my life. And, while I always presumed, that the children of some of the adults whom I got to know, and befriend, during these periods in my adolescence. Would grow up to be much like their adult counterparts. I understand now, the many nuances, and subject matters, which only adults can truly grasp the gravity, and weight of. And in ways, which only an adult, can fully appreciate.

I still question, what the legitimacy of my actions at this age in my life, as I end my thirties, would’ve been. And precisely how casual some of these acquaintances would have seemed. And indeed, the scenarios which played out within them. Had I not come across such fool heartiness, and wanton destructive behavior. In a previous, less mature, and adolescent, period in my life.

However, like I said, the experiences which I had both on, and off the baseball diamond. Would shape, and mold my character, and existence, at least into my adult years, and beyond. Something, later on, I would not find lacking. When I needed to truly be alone, and have the sense, and willpower, to concentrate. And the academic studies I would embark on, would last days, weeks, and sometimes even months, and years. Effectively killing any premature, and adolescent social ambitions, which I would presume to have for myself.

This understanding, between the social, the affable, and yet still very consciously serious. Is something I would have to navigate at a later period in my life. And, after the lessons, and teachings of my youth, along with the understandings of what dangers can befall you in the world. Irregardless, of the perception and outlook of others. Including the desire, and need to conform to the expectations of the media, and a much wider, and more influential swath of not only the United States, but the World as well.

These lessons, this nuance, and its understandings, however nascent. Is the life blood of my proud American upbringing, and spirit. And is something, however plain and contemplative my existence would become, as I got older, and true friends, and friendship were hard to come by. Even within my own family. Is something, I would not, come to regret.                                

Letter of Condolences on the Occasion of the Death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, and the Commonwealth Countries [Transcript]

Your Majesty, and his Ladies, Lords, and Lordships, I wanted to sincerely profess my deepest, and most sorrowful condolences, to You, and Her Majesty the Queen’s Family. I’m sincerely regretful, for the loss of her Majesty, and I wanted to convey that to You, and Your Family, Your Highness. I’m hopeful for the future that is to come, between our two Countries, and the Future of Your Lordships Reign, as Sovereign Lord. However, I wanted to convey my condolences at the terrible lost of Her Majesty the Queen, and the loss of a family member, to His Majesty, the King, and His Family.

– Kevin Michael Miller

The Pitman Sisters and My Existential Crisis of Liking

When you first come across the Pitman Sisters, on TikTok @thepitmansisters, your first inclination, much like a lot of the ubiquitous social media trending videos that appear on the platform, is to sit, listen, and learn. At first appearances, Hasley Pitman, Hope Pitman, and Halle Pitman, Jacksonville, Florida natives. And Southern California implants. Whom all happened to attend, either the prestigious, and highly vaunted and prestigious. Saint Augustine Archdiocese, Catholic finishing school of Bishop Kenny. Or the equally prestigious, and connected young Hollywood, and Broadway; singing, acting, and dancing pipeline, of Douglas Anderson School of the Arts. May at first come off as less pretentious, and equally as relatable, as a number of young Hollywood, and social media influencers, are often want to be appreciated as. And, with their unique, and family anchored following, of over 3 million followers on TikTok, it becomes easy to find yourself agreeing, to a lot of the sentiments which they express throughout their TikTok, as well as YouTube videos.


However today, my most earnest impulses were centering, instead, around a photo of a high school acquaintance which I happened to look for. It was in this impulsive environment. Google Image Search, Instagram, and TikTok, all open at precisely the same time, that I came across the Pitman Sisters. Their campy attitudes. Which bordered on victual, in there confessional gravitas. And, with their hierarchical state of needs more than met, I knew that the outermost appearances, of what I was witnessing, was just the beginning of a far more convoluted, and socially aggrandizing pit maneuver (pun intended).

In this, an unassuming TikTok branded video that featured all three sisters, Hasley, Hope, and Halle. Was a small clip, part of an inevitably more important story, which centered around their recent Vogue Magazine editorials.

In this video, and I have yet to see the actual photographs in Vogue. They, very casually speak about the naivete of having been “fortunate”, enough to have been photographed, while being seen, at a 2024 Vogue Magazine, Dior sponsored event, for New York Fashion Week.

This, the unmistakable hint, of a burgeoning “instafluencer” class of freshman. Is on its face, not the most stereotypical, and thus most plausible ways. To begin, what has, by now, become one of the most successful forays, according to their 3 million plus following, that I’ve ever witnessed, into this influencer lifestyle.

However, at this juncture, during the nearly three minute long “clips”, undertaking, I, at this moment have a crisis of existentialism, that I know has reached its apex, during the pandemic. For almost everybody. In this moment, while watching the video to its entirety, I’m quizzed within myself, almost plausibly, in several sincere instances, as to how to respond to the posting of this video’s messaging.


Halle bday fit check ✨

♬ hot ppl only – sam

After all, I have been successful enough, as well, in my Instagram, and social influencing. To be able to garner quite a successful following myself. That numbers currently, at over 10k on the popular TikTok platform. As well as an additional 100k on Instagram.

Along with the success, from my studies in autocracy, my past incredulities in acting, and writing for Hollywood. As well as my nascent politics blog,

This, which on its outermost shell, appears as a facsimile, of the all too often cited, and stereotypical social deviance, which is presumed to come from the vainglorious, and all too cynical “media peddling”. That others have attached to the idea of social media, and social networking at large.

And, this idea, that I’m vain enough, while at the same time all too provocative enough, to “shade”, this, the Pitman Sisters, valiant, and all too real accomplishments. For the sake of my own following. Has, in our pandemic stricken world, and former environment. Become something, which speaks of an all too common reality, that harbors these unrealistic expectations.

While clicking through their collection of snippets, and other life changing discoveries. I happen upon their YouTube collection, which has garnered a similarly viral, albeit smaller amount of attentions. More than 20k subscribers.

A far cry from the, more than the 3 million strong Tik Tok viewership, they can collectively claim.  

Somewhere between this happenstance, their collection of YouTube enabled content, and their very seriously, uncontrived, socially climactic home videos.

I within that, lose my place. And become unable to research, my past acquaintances, recently, as yet undiscovered collection, of online memorabilia.


happy birthday @halle pitman 💐

♬ No Bars – City Girls & JT

However, the Pitman Sisters, even though I lose my most parochial possession.

Are nonetheless, the sort of uncontrived, and content driven media, that I, maybe sought all along.

As I glean from them, and their surroundings, the success, of their creator, content journey.

I’m forever changed by the happenstance of where I’ve found myself.

I click.

I begin to like.

I become a part of their following.

Is it for the good?

Do they even know, or care, if I like their content?

All of this, I find all too trivial, as I spend the afternoon, getting to know Hasley, Hope, and Halle, and their quaint, and content driven normality. And that’s not the worst thing, I could’ve done at this time. Not the worst thing at all.                  

Paper Release: A Discussion on the Release of the New “Uber Eats Index”, and including its Rationale (Chicago), and Efficiencies (Los Angeles)

Uber Eats Index – Courtesy of Kevin Michael Miller
Uber Eats Index As A Percentage – Courtesy of Kevin Michael Miller

The creator of this paper, after attempting to find the most cost efficient take out order, and order substitution delivery service. And after discovering the ability with the Chase Sapphire Preferred Credit Card. To be able to order, with little to no additional delivery charge, and discounted surcharge, on all Chase Sapphire approved orders, on the Door Dash, a la Uber Eats, Meal Delivery Platform. This, being one of many experiences, which the author has had with the meal delivery service. Including from its earliest worldwide adoption, and service fee, and surcharge model. Led the author, to introduce a Meal Delivery Index, entitled “The Uber Eats Index”. This index includes within his research for this paper, information compiled from The Department of Revenue, at the City Hall of Chicago. As well as the Mayor’s official budget, for the City of Los Angeles.

By using a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model (DSGE). I was able to, by combining the forecasted revenues, as well as the forecasted delivery charges, and sales tax increases, the adjusted value of a non-generic take out menu value meal. Which, if not delivered, in 2007 dollars, would have a nominal tax incentivized value of $15.00, minus the input from the delivery service. Which includes a proprietary Vector Auto Regression (VAR) based model. That incorporates the above stated variables. As well as a proprietary tax modeling equation, which is strictly defined to the Los Angeles Metro Area, and therefore California as a whole.

This non-descript large market, large share “Value Meal”, would inevitably begin to be offered as a delivery item, on the Uber Eats Platform, first in Los Angeles in 2007. And later on, the same platform, and others, in Chicago, and the surrounding Chicagoland Suburban Area. In the summer of 2016. This added value increase to the meals, in the Chicago market. Has been shown to not be adversely affected by higher delivery fees, and charges, due to the price of Oil, and Gas, as well as emerging issues, such as automated delivery driving methods, as well as reforms to the municipal, and state tax ordinances.

This nominal $15 meal, in 2007, which is exemplified in the Chicago market. Would have an end price for delivery, using a mean adjusted Vector Auto Regression, and due to the ongoing wars in Afghanistan, and Iraq, in the Los Angeles area, of nearly $43 dollars ($42.84).

The unfortunate discrepancy in data, between various restaurant’s in this era, and the data, which is publicly available. Taking into account, and along with the Mean adjusted pricing level for the Los Angeles Metro Area Market. Means that we can only guess at the true non-Uber Eats delivery price of the same meal to be about $23.15, or a 54% increase in the amount of money paid for the same amount of food, absent the delivery surge pricing.

As for the future pricing of the same “Value Meal”, which will heretofore, be assigned a nominal 2007 value of $15 USD, has, at 2016 levels, remained at a constant price on the Uber Eats Application throughout 2016 for the Los Angeles Market. Finally dropping in both 2017, and 2018, to a 2018 low of $32.92 USD. Before rising again, in 2019 to $33.55. Presumably due to an increase in competition, and competitive advantages, and cost efficiencies, which were adopted by competitors in the distribution, and meal delivery service app market.

By the end of the first year of the pandemic, in 2020, the presumed cost efficiencies which arose from the decrease in State Wide California Sales Taxes, as well as the stabilization of the meal delivery market in Los Angeles. As well as additional tax efficiencies which arose from the further stabilization of the Los Angeles County, City Wide Tax Code. Produced a return to the price levels that appeared in 2018, nearly two years before the start of the pandemic.

This decrease did not last throughout the inflationary period which followed the ensuing shutdown, and additional health safety measures, which were rigorously enforced in both metropolises, and food services markets of Los Angeles, as well as Chicago. Led to an increase throughout 2021, and up to the current period, to $34.02. From here were able to witness a discontinuity in the amount, and pricing of the nominal “Value Meal” which was originally priced in 2007 at $15 USD. This disaggregation, which has seen Meal Prices, steadily rise in Chicago throughout the same period, until finally in 2023, catching up to the Uber Eats Prices, that were cited as having begun in the Los Angeles Metro Area in 2021, of $34.02. And Have preceded until the end of 2023 for the same metropolitan area.

Looking Forward, by using our DSGE, and Vector Auto Regressive (VAR) Statistical analysis. Which takes into account the past pricing of Meals from Uber Eats, in both sample markets (Chicago, and Los Angeles). Along with past, and future tax provisions, which both preceded, and were following the pandemics beginnings. Were able to find a continuously correlating, and causal price correlation between both Los Angeles Uber Eats final delivery pricing. As well as Chicago’s own. With Chicago (Metro) expected to increase its Uber Eats final delivery pricing for 2024 for the nominal 2007 “Value Meal” to $36.10 USD. This is in contrast to Los Angeles and its metro area, which expects a marked decrease in its final Uber Eats delivery pricing to $30.72 USD. A nearly 11% decrease from its 2023 prices ($34.02).

This decrease in pricing, is more than likely owing to the stabilization in both California, as well as Los Angeles County, and Metro areas, municipal, and state taxes. As well as further cost efficiencies, and windfall profits, which occurred throughout the beginning of the pandemic.

The included chart shows the information contained above, outlining the price and price differences in Uber Eats, and its meal delivery platform.                  

Uber Eats Index – Courtesy of Kevin Michael Miller

Copy of Letter Sent to The Honorable United States Representative Brad Schneider Dated January 25th, 2024

To The Honorable Representative of the United States House of Representative, Representative Brad Schneider,

Dear Representative Brad Schneider,

Hello, my name is Kevin Michael Miller, and I’m currently a PhD. MOOC student in neuroscience, as well as Financial Engineering, Economics, and International Politics on the Massively Open Online Course websites, of, and I’m writing an order to convey my appreciation for your recent tele townhall, and its focus on delivering healthcare, and other vital healthcare related needs to the 10th district, and its cohorts. I’m writing this most recent letter, as an addendum to the previous letter which I wrote, concerning the need for proper appropriation, concerning the passage of the 2009 Affordable Care Act, and its provision of constituent services, in the United States Congress. My concerns I felt, were serious enough to warrant a letter to both your office, as well as the Late Senator Dianne Feinstein’s office. And, while I hoped that she would read the contents of my letters, as she’s done so many other times in the past, including during my earliest collegiate years, when I lived in southern California, and successfully campaigned for, and helped win, a successful recall of California Governor Gray Davis, and the election of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, against him. My concerns have been wide ranging since then. And since moving to the 10th Congressional District, here in Illinois. I’m proud to have helped first elect both Mark Kirk, to the United States House of Representatives, as well as to have voted for then State Senator Barack Obama, to the United States Senate. As I’ve said my concerns have been far ranging, and far reaching since then. Including the passage of Opioid and Fentanyl Legislation, so here entitled Matt’s Law (After a High School Classmate of Mine Whom Overdosed on Opioids in an Alleyway in Chicago in 2006). With the help of both the George W. Bush Administration, as well as the administration of then President Barack H. Obama. My most cherished memories of being part of the Republican party, are when I’m able to see legislation such as Opioid Legislation, as well as legislation pertaining to wounded veterans, and soldiers, as well as the other many legislations which I’ve advocated for, and sought to have passed along the way, particularly as concerns Xstat Syringe Wound Treatment systems, for our combat soldiers in Iraq, and Afghanistan, as well as other important legislative accomplishments which I’ve sought, and advocated for, in my twenty-two year long voting record, as well as my twenty-two year incumbency as a member of the Republican Party. I encourage you to find out more about my social, and political activism, particularly as relates to crises which have erupted on the world stage, concerning Ukraine, as well as the Middle East, and Israel. Which can be found at My most singular, and resolute contributions to the state, and its welfare, are found on this website. And it brings me great comfort to know that it will continue in its existence, which has existed in its most current form, since at least February of 2013. I encourage you, and your office to look at this website, for any ideas, or wisdom which you may derive from its political analysis, and content. Just as I encourage then Congressman Dold’s office to do the same, some years prior. My Letter at this juncture, is simply to encourage you to decrease taxes for your constituents, and to reject any legislation which may interfere in the ability for insurance providers to provide safe, and cost effective medications, and other health care needs. This includes legislation which may accelerate the dramatic increases in Government provided Health Insurance which has only continued, even with legislation which I have observed to be illegal, pertaining to the commerce clauses of the constitution. Including one piece of legislation which allows for the sale of unregulated Canadian, and Irish Pharmaceuticals, as replacements for readily produced, safe, and effective medications produced here in the United States. As well as another piece of legislation, which would merge two of the biggest insurance providers in the country Cigna, as well as Humana. Both legislative ideas, which I feel violate at least two significant clauses in the Commerce Act of 1886, as well as the commerce clauses in the United States Constitution. These concerns are only a brief of what I intended to write to you about, and I hope that by sharing my story in a published memoir, upon my graduation from Harvard University. hopefully this spring. That I’m able to further the conversation surrounding politics, diplomacy, but also real life, and what that means for young teens, and adolescents in the 21st century. I plan on supplying a number of copies to your office, upon successful publishing. And I look forward to having greater friendship, and comity with you, as we continue to spark conversations surrounding the everyday needs of the American People, as the Representative of the 10th district, here in Illinois, Dr. Schneider. I wanted to speak about the recent hearing on AI, as well as other just as pertinent world issues, affecting our country, and both parties. But I leave you now, as I hope that your days are merry, for you and your office. And I look forward to hearing more about these topics, from you, and your office. Thank You, and God Bless. – Kevin Michael Miller       

New York Institute of Finance Course Spotlight: Corporate Treasury Management With Valisha Graves

Learn how to manage treasury activities more effectively using new approaches and technologies with a special focus on the U.S. financial environment. CPE Credits: 21

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • Develop an action plan and utilize better practices in treasury management strategy
  • Develop an action plan for evaluating and improving their treasury operations
  • Apply general principles to their specific situations through interactions with the course leader and other participants
  • Understand best practices in treasury management
  • Negotiate better terms and pricing with their financial service providers
  • Improve their cash flow forecasting systems and techniques

Upon completion, earn a valuable certification showcasing your expertise in Corporate Treasury Management.

Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your skills and advance your career. Our next session starts on October 11th, 2023.

Enroll Now Here:


Get To Know the NYIF Instructor        

Valisha is a seasoned financial professional with a wealth of hands-on experience across various domains, including Corporate Treasury, Financial Planning & Analysis, and Corporate Finance. Her extensive expertise encompasses corporate finance, financial statement analysis, and leveraged buyout analysis.

Current Position:

Valisha currently serves as an Executive Director on the Strategic Client Onboarding Product Development team at Morgan Stanley. In this role, she spearheads the “One Client” initiative and leverages client-centric data to drive the Advisory, Digital, Investment Solutions, and Wealth Management businesses. Since joining Morgan Stanley in 2005, she has played a pivotal role in defining, developing, and delivering a diverse array of Fintech applications, spanning equity derivatives, equity valuation, business supply chain, profitability analytics, LBO analysis, and cross-asset analytics. These applications provide invaluable client investment insights.


AB in Government/International Relations, Cornell University

MBA, Columbia University

Passed CFA Level I and II exams Valisha’s illustrious career and diverse skill set make her a valuable asset in the financial industry, and her current role at Morgan Stanley reflects her dedication to driving innovation and client-centric solutions.

Notes On Spanish Crown Princess Leonor of Asturias, and her future within the Spanish Royal Family

The Beautiful Comeuppance of the Spanish Crown Princess Leonor, should come as no surprise. Her Grandmother Was Beautiful, Queen Sofia. And, as an American, we are only too aware of the Spanish Monarchy, and their ties to our Latin American neighbors in the South. I was a Juan Carlos Fan, and I appreciate the Reign of his Son Felipe as well. To have a Spanish Reigning Queen on the Throne, is something that my times has only ever really heard of. Isabella I of Castile, an ancient ancestor of hers, is the most famous name we as American’s Know. Her Splendid Reign, and Her attentiveness to the Spanish People, and State, along with Christopher Columbus’ discovery of America, are some of the closest parallels to Princess Leonor that we have.

Her polling of public opinion, is only paralleled by previous Spanish Monarchs. Which is a good thing, considering Spain’s History with The Savoy Crown, and the so called antipopes which arose from earlier disputes. Nevertheless, as an American, I’ve thought that Juan Carlos, and his son Felipe, were both excellent Kings for the Spanish People, and Crown. ​Which is why I’m not necessarily of the suasion (persuasion), that Leonor should immediately take the throne. ​Much like Prince William, and King Charles III of England. Charles is personally one of my favorite Royal Personalities, ​and I look forward to his many continued successes. ​Just as Well Princess Catherine, and Prince William, are yet still too. Though I’m eager to get behind the headlines, and find out what could be troubling his brother, Prince Harry, and his Wife, the Beautiful Meghan Markle, and Duke, and Duchess of Sussex. ​

Yet still, the beauty of Princess Leonor, and Princess Sophie especially, is quite breathtaking, the two of them. ​They certainly make for some of the most charismatic individuals whom I’ve ever seen in their positions, as women. ​Though it’s no surprise, considering their pedigree. ​This is quite a time, to be a royal, with things being so much on the upswing these days. The beautiful Dutch Royal Family, as well as the Swedish Crown, are all seeing a resurgence of popularity. ​It is no mistake that they would be as beautiful then, as they are. As well as intelligent. This should come as no surprise. ​So then too, the Spanish Royal Family, and its successes, are cataloged, and properly placed, in the imagination of the peoples. ​This too should come as no surprise.