Foreign Influence Law Protest Erupt in Tbilisi after being passed by Georgian Presidency

Kevin Michael Miller

Hello, my name is Kevin Miller and I'm interested in all things political. I started in early 2013 but the truth is I've been writing for over a decade now. I live in Chicago, Illinois, am an avid international relations follower and consider myself a Republican. Don't hesitate to comment on my website or even just follow. Thank you in advance for your support. - Kevin M.

Foreign Influence Law Similar to Russia’s Law banning the press, was recently passed in Georgia, setting the stage for a summer of conflict, and wars in both Northern Georgia, as well as, more importantly in Azerbaijan, and Armenia. My Analysis is Below:

After the morally corrupt, though dubiously effective Saakashvili regime, there needs to be greater accountability for emerging democracies, and nascent nation states of all stripes and manner. After the unfortunate events that transpired in nearby Moldova, as well as Kazakhstan, after their attempted coups, it’s unfortunate to now see neighboring Georgia, become engulfed in some of the same cold war politics, which have plagued its neighbors.

The absolute truth of the situation, is that Putin wishes to pave the way for a continuation of the war in Azerbaijan, and Armenia, and that means having a friendly government in Georgia, an order to do so. Expect for these events to play out over the course of the next three to four months, before elections can be held in the United States this November.

The most obvious answer is to now placate Turkey, and its demands for a stable and conflict free Northern Syria. But this shouldn’t be done without being able to obtain guarantees for both the Armenian Peoples, as well as Kurdish elements of both Turkey, as well as Syria, whom have been marginalized, since the war against Bashar Al-Assad’s regime began.

The immediate focus should be to prepare for war with Azerbaijan. As well as separatist held parts of Northern Georgia. Expect riots, and looting in both Tbilisi, as well as Armenia’s capital, as a precursor, to the annexation of larger territories in Northern Georgia, and Eastern Armenia.

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