Tag Archives: California

Dianne Feinstein, The Golden Lion of the Senate

I, at first would like to offer my condolences to the Feinstein, and the larger Bertram-Feinstein Family. I know that the suffering which she must’ve experienced in her final days, to see it end, I hope has brought you the ultimate comfort which you have sought. My first, and foremost remembrances, and recollections of Senator Feinstein, is as part of what I would uniquely describe, as one of the most dynamic, and fearsome, all-female led, tag team duo’s. In Politics, or any sport for that matter, that I can recall, in quite some time. Her, and Senator Barbara Boxer, now retired, constituted one of the most charismatic, and duopolistic Senate friendships, and decades long relationships, that I, or really anyone in the country, could no doubt recall.

I can recall, personally, her earliest battles on Capital Hill, as someone who fought during the Clinton Administration for entitlement reform, and health savings accounts, for the elderly, and disabled. Including her staunch opposition to the Newt Gingrich led, Republican Libertarian Politics, of the New “Contract With America” Republicans. Which had earlier, swept out of office, my now girlfriend Ansley Fromm’s relative, who was part of a stauncher, more moderate, Reaganite era wing of the party. Which was a holdover from the Bush Senior Years. In the earliest years of my life, mind you.

I turn forty, later this March.

The naughty nineties, gave way to a more conservative, and neo-liberal wing of the Democratic Party, that Dr. Feinstein led, from this point forward. Her elegant prose, and acute, almost tensile command of the facts, as well as the English Language, made her stylistically, one of the most convincing Senators, and therefore successful, that I think I have ever witnessed, on this side of the Potomac.

Joe Biden Included.

At her fiercest, she was a vociferous, and convincing abortion rights supporter. The shade of her blouse, was known to bring down entire House Speakerships. Almost before they could even begin. And at her most eloquent, she could stare down, even some of the Republican parties most blazing hawks, as she debated the merits of smaller, and therefore more productive, more easily accessible, but therefore more dangerous, miniature nuclear devices on the floor of the Senate, while most of the civilized World, could do nothing but sit in awe, and marvel, the complexities which her own mind held.

 And when I needed a friend, her office was readily available, as I fled California, fearful of street gangs, and violence, which had followed me there, from my small hometown of Palatine, Illinois, with availability, and rapport, as I conversed with some of the greatest intellectuals of our time, including the highly revered, and personal intellectual primogeniture, the Harvard Professor, and Educated, John Rawls. This, outstanding measure, on the one, her ability to illicit people, from as disparate as the corners of the Illinois Midwest, to President’s, Prime Ministers, and even a General or two.

I miss Senator Feinstein, and I hope her family finds the peace, and comfort which they’ve sought, in this hour of mourning.

Kevin Michael Miller

A Copy of An Open Letter which was sent to the Office of Senator Dianne Feinstein, Requesting that I be Considered to Replace Her in the United States Senate, as the Junior Senator From the Great State of California


I’m expecting to graduate, and would like to solicit you, Senator Dianne Feinstein, with this story about my existence. And the call to service, which I feel I’m feeling, concerning the Senior Senators Seat In the United States Congress.

And as someone whom has written to your office before, sometimes frustratingly. But now finds the wherewithal, and strength, to carry on some of the most important task, and responsibilities which the Senior Senator has accomplished while at her time there in the Chamber.

And also, as someone who can be trusted to do what’s right by Californian’s, and right by the legacy of the senior Senator, knowing that the amount of work which we’ve both accomplished to get things done for the Country, as well as California, including the election of Jerry Brown, and Arnold Schwarzenegger, be something which unites us, and could even ennoble me. As the legitimate heir to the Senior Senator from California’s record of accomplishments, and successes for the American, as well as the people of California.

I look forward to hearing from the Senior Senator, and I know that though we may not be bound by party, or deep philosophical underpinnings, I know that the Senior Senator wants nothing more than to perpetuate the good state which California now finds itself in.

And I know that with these kinds words, and words of careful caution, and counsel, which I’ve sent her office as early as 2004, that we can bring the Senior Senators agenda to the forefront, of my promulgated first term as the junior Senator for California, Dr. Kevin Michael Miller, of Florida, originally, now residing in Illinois, a Neurosurgeon, Paleontologist, Chemical Engineer, Economist, International Relations Theorist, and Rocket Scientist. At 39.

I look forward to hearing from the Senior Senator, and I look forward to visiting her office. And I want to thank the Senior Senator for her time spent in the service of our dear, great, and mighty nation, and I look forward to learning more about her plans, should she indeed resign from her office, as possibly seeking an endorsement from her, and the Governor of California Gavin Newsom, should her seat in the United States Senate be unoccupied, and a replacement must be found to carry the fight against the excesses of government, and the clean water, and restoration of our public, and private lands.

I look forward to hearing about this, and potentially visiting with the Senator, and I thank you for taking the time to read an excerpt from my forthcoming book “Time of My Life” a Political memoir, that details my own life, and growing up, and eventual bildungsroman, which has placed me, I believe, in the perfect position to lobby the Senior Senator for a seat in the United States Senate.      

Thank You,    

and God Bless,    

Kevin Michael Miller PhD. (Forthcoming)    

Earlier, shortly before the Class of 2002’s, Twenty Year Reunion, could be announced, I happened upon the death of our High School Baseball Catcher, Joseph Ryback, or Joe, on his brother, and sister’s Facebook pages. It was a recent Facebook post about the death of their brother, who was an award winning coach, and State Champion, at a school not far from Palatine. I explained to Andrew Ryback, Joe’s brother, in my experiences with loss, it’s never been a good thing to beat yourself up, and come up with “what if”, scenarios in your head, as that only feeds into an insecurity loop during what can be a very trying and difficult period. I also explained, that it’s also not good to feed into stereotypes, of male machismo and tell you, or anyone else to “suck it up”, because often times that just makes things worse.  

In a time of grief and loss, it’s always a good idea to lean on the ones you love for comfort and compassion. And, don’t be afraid to cry. I explained that I lost my mother in 2002, and I still get choked up about her death and the circumstances surrounding it. What it did to me, what it did to my family, the things I never said, the people she’ll never meet. These are all healthy emotions to have, I explained, and not a day goes by that you shouldn’t think about him. And, his positive contributions to society.

I also was able to mention the sources of my meritorious conduct. And, how my Mother’s caring for those whom were most sick, and even bed-ridden, unable to talk, or hardly communicate. Had ingrained within me, a rugged individualism, and kind-heartedness. That I’d become known for at least by the fourth grade, when I was profiled by a local newspaper, in my native Florida, that mentioned it, along with my Singing, and Baseball practices. 

I explained that in times like these, it can be comforting, also, to accept help from sources, that you wouldn’t necessarily expect it from. When my mother died, while I was in high school, Joe Ryback reached out to me personally, and let it be known that he wanted to be around me, even in my darkest times. This is the same baseball catcher that used to frustrate me at the plate, as a batter. But to him, it didn’t matter it was all about school spirit, and doing the right thing. I explained that I told Joe what he did for me, but I don’t think he realized what it was that he had done.   Simply Put: He Cheered Me Up.   And as is often the case with seemingly larger than life figures, the enormity of the things which they accomplish in life, seem to fall on everybody else’s ears but their own.

I explained that I know that the sort of family you (Andrew Ryback) and Casey Ryback come from, and with the support system that they no doubt have throughout the city of Wauconda, and the Palatine, and St. Viator High School communities, they will be able to make it through this tough and no doubt arduous period in their lives.  

I thanked them for their time, and signed the letter with my name. If it was something that brought them comfort, I was happy to do so, and if this is the legacy he can leave behind, then I’m happy to acknowledge his role, and place within it. I can remember as kids that Joe wasn’t the most well-mannered individual I’d ever come across. One of the types of people whom I would presume to be off limits to me by my parents. However, this ending gesture towards the end of his High School, and to be honest academic career, was a touching tribute to his character, and I was more than happy to share the story of his successes while in High School.

I hope that this letter, I added, brings to an end the suffering that Joe’s Widow, and his young children had from their Father, and Husband’s demise. And I hope that these words bring peace, and stillness, to their sad hearts. Joe you’ll be missed, not for the catches that you made, but for the ones that you didn’t.    

Rest In Peace Joseph Ryback.       

Earlier, while still grieving the death of my Mother, and the nervous expectations of life, and the new role in life I would play as an adolescent, and adult, I was invited by Joe, to his High School Graduation Party. This party, which was held the day of, still resonates within me, and I think about that day often, even as I contemplate the ramifications of a life well lived.

To begin talking about that day, and what it meant to be invited to Joe’s House Party, it’s difficult to understate the enormity of the feelings on that day. It was, as it says on my diploma June 7, 2002. I was caught up in the feeling of the day. And, after watching the class Memorial Speaker say a few lines, that I hand crafted for him before his, almost canceled graduation speech that day, and receive my Diploma from Dr. Nancy N. Robb, our Principal, I was more than happy to see its conclusion.

How my nights and weekends usually worked, is that since I was usually sober, and so didn’t have any worries over driving under the influence of alcohol, I usually left the party planning, and the details of my social calendar, to at least two individuals who were far more liberal in their habits. Brandon, and Ryan.  

Later, after graduating from High School, I would find, that if I planned on going to the theater on Friday’s, then I would be contacted by at least a few people that I never really hung out with in High School, but since they had progressed into adulthood, and their parent’s prohibition on dating had ended, they were eager to get to know me, and even date throughout the summer after High School.

But, like I said, before this was commonplace, most “bookings”, or “plans”, for the weekend, were filtered through either Brandon Bretl, or Ryan Voigt, two people who were the sum of my relationships, as best friends, while in Palatine.

In the intervening time, between going out to eat with my friend Ryan Voigt’s family, and the beginning of the weekend. There had arisen at least five or more invitations to parties which could last the entire weekend. As someone who had, by the end of High School, become a sort of status symbol on my High Schools, and surrounding High School’s social radars, it became obvious to me later on, that the bulk of my High School Parties, and flirtations, were made up of this same status, which I had compiled slowly at first, and then by the beginning of Senior Year of High School, very quickly. And, am still known for to this day.

The addition of “Real(ity) TV”, “Internet Fame”, and “Abercrombie”, good looks, which still penetrate to this day. Along with the potential, to date some of the most coveted personalities of my generation, were pieces of the puzzle which I never thought would come together so quickly. I would eventually attend all of them, successfully concluding my High School Social Calendar, and Career at Palatine.

Nevertheless, by the beginning of the night, my escort for the weekend, Brandon, had already introduced me to several new individuals, and by the end of the night, I would resolve at least two conflicts, from my now formative, High School years.  

The first party of the weekend, which was ironically moved, began at my friend Ryan Voigt’s house. It was, from all intents and purposes, a “mixer”, in his front driveway, with everyone that we usually hang out with. While everyone was sitting around enjoying the sun, in its golden hour, the early evening, a report came in, that the head of the Hockey Team was arrested for Marijuana Possession. This report, which was of someone that I knew, and was so close as to witness it’s undertaking, was a stiff blow to his future in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. As he had obtained a scholarship to play Hockey at a north of Wisconsin College.

Later, I would write a letter to the Judge presiding over his trial, as a character witness for the defense. Add to that his collegiate aspirations, and it’s my understanding that the letter which was read to the Judge, helped to properly appropriate his sentencing, for the crime which was committed. At the time, I saw it as a symptom of only a small problem with Palatine’s Class of 2002.

Later, I, however, after learning more of the details surrounding our now defrocked Prom Queen, and the impending indictments from a Federal Grand Jury, saw these symptoms, as more acute, and more malignant than at first perceived. This report, which disturbed us already, to begin the night, only added to the sense of relief, that I felt to finally be going away from Palatine for my University Studies.                  

Palatine, a place that had won my heart by the end of my time there, had always been a community that was difficult, and sophisticated enough, to warrant my evolution while in it. What were years as a teenager, spent deliberatively molding, and shaping my personality, and physique. Had by the time I graduated, seen me blossom, and bloom, into a beautiful, smart, articulate, “one-off”. That was one of the nation’s top young intellectuals. And, the envy of my High School class.

This parthenogenesis by me, something which at the beginning of my High School days, was someone seen as awkward. But, by the time I matriculated at Harvard, had become someone who was as well regarded, and looked upon as some of the foremost thinkers of my generation, was almost classically, something which I sought to project in my early teenage years. Yet, at the same time, I understood this new bout of both fame, and fortune, to be something, which would separate me from my remaining family. And, at the same time, would help to ennoble me, even painstakingly. 

This reality, which still exist, is something which I’ve been fortunate enough to cultivate, and mature, even while still an adult. And, after the teenager years which could sometimes be filled with groups of young girls, and women, whom craved to be near me, or even just to take a picture of me, or steal an article of my clothing, as a memento. Such was the case, the week of my Graduation. Which would be filled with scenes much like this, and included that week at least one underage streaker, at a Pizza Shop that I’m known to frequent.

My studious behavior, which included tempering my singing, and acting, had, by the time I moved away from home, become a full time pursuit. Add to that, my years spent modeling, and playing sports. As well as my national recognition, as one of the most promising, up and coming intellectuals. And I was well on my way to the sort of success, which I’ve only recently begun to enjoy being recognized for, now in my thirties.  

I always called them “The Reich”, but by the end of High School, I looked upon them as a crowd with just as mature appurtenances, as I. Their cavalier, and nonchalant attitudes, toward life. Were, by the end of graduation, taken for what they were perceived to be, legitimate successes, and aspirations.

All my life, I’d never known a more callous, and cruel, yet curiously intellectual group of people before. Their High School years filled with the type of exploits which I thought I could only dream of. Had, by the time we reached adulthood, become simply a prosaic attempt to become successful in their adult years.

To say that their downfall was precipitated earlier on, would be correct. However, to say that you didn’t anticipate what their future plans were, and what they would do, once they graduated from both High School, and College, would be an understatement.

And, you always wondered, after the news hit, of their impending flops, and embarrassing arrest. During more sophisticated Collegiate years: “Would they ever recover?”

The answer of course is decidedly “No”.

And, of course, they could never amount to what they built themselves up to be, in everybody else’s head, including my own.  But to fail, and not succeed, so mightily. That, by all respects, is the most provocative aspect, of their swift, and proud reckoning.

Often, when in a similar social situation, you mirror, or transpose the thoughts, and feelings, you have. On the individuals in that same social setting.

Had I known, at that time, that their seemingly picturesque, High School Academic Achievements, School Pride, and overtly aggressive behavior. Would, in fact, become a far too contrived American version, of what was at the time, an overabundance, of English Football League, “Hooliganism”. I certainly would have thought twice about, my, even chance serial, and social encounters, with this group of once promising class of 2002 graduates. I’ve said it so many times before, that I cannot elaborate to the reader, how abundant, and stark, their failings are, in comparison to their own clout filled presumptions, compared to my own more legitimate successes in life.  

Upon reflecting on Joe’s unfortunate demise. As well as, after reflecting on my family’s history within it. Has given me my sense of encouragement, to be more engaged in the political process, in the country. And, in the Republican Party.

And, to better yet still, mature through it, is perhaps some of the best decision making, that I’ve ever done. My commitment to this country, and its security, has only regarded me as one of the most well regarded intellectuals of my generation.

And, to be someone who lived through the attacks of 9/11. And, the intervening, internecine bureaucratic, and fraught with peril War on Terror. As a belligerent. Is something which I’ve taken with me, as a badge of honor.

From my time on the Sandlots of Florida, to answering the call to service to my nation as a teenager in Palatine, to my academic, and intellectual achievements in the name of my country. I think that these situations, and important, and trying times in my life, have only better prepared me for a leading role in our Nation’s Politics.

And I ask the American people to take my words seriously, and to regard my actions for what they are. A sincere, and prominent role, in the shaping of the Politics, and Geo-Politics of our nation’s future.

And I ask, legitimately, that the American people consider these roles seriously, no matter how high an office I may seek. Even, if that very office, which I’ve been so far encouraged to seek, may turn out to be, as high as the highest office in the land.

Never before, has there been a period in the nation’s history, where so much has mattered to so many. I’ve fought for this country, on every battlefield imaginable.

I ask that the stakes which were necessitated to be culpable for my own actions, be known, and be known loudly.

The threat of terrorism emanates from the Middle East, and Disparate corners of the African, and Asiatic continent. Real Politik, between Cold War Nemeses, and the influence of Chinese Imperialism, Economically, and in both its near abroad, and Africa, the so called nine-dash line, have made the threat of multiple near-peer adversaries, a constant reality.

The time for a new generation of leadership is now. My education, and lack of misunderstanding, of the enormous task ahead of us, should come as no surprise to the American people.

After studying these same issues, for my entire Adult life, I’m only too cognizant of the ways of the World, and the task laid before us. One thing I know for certain.

The gap between what I’ve been taught, and grown up to become, and the leadership that we now have in office, cannot stand. And, I ask, that as I consider all my options, each, and every day of my life.

That the realities of the four corners of the globe, and the crises which may emanate from them, including the proliferation of space-based, and nuclear capabilities, and the coming contest between near-peer adversaries.

As well as my intense, and private study of the matters, be something which is on American’s minds, as I contemplate my formal entry into American Politics.            

Thank You,  

God Bless,  

and God Bless,  

The United States of America.                       

Dr. Kevin Michael Miller