Tag Archives: #Featured

Lil Tay: “Life After Death”

I was first introduced to Lil Tay, the Atlanta Georgia born, Canadian Rapper. Unsurprisingly, when news of her death broke in the summer of 2023. I was at the time, writing, and researching a political memoir of my life. As well as finishing up my thesis for my eventual matriculation at my graduate level, Economics, and International Relations programs. I found out about it, surreptitiously while searching for information about an Olivia Rodrigo song “Vampire”, which had recently debuted on the internet.

At this time, I was not someone who necessarily researched the past histories, legitimately or not, of this, the most recent cropping of Teen, and “Tweenage” Pop Stars, Models, an Influencers, which has recently, more often than not, dominated the headlines.

However, as the Taylor Swift led “Era’s” Tour has begun to take hold of the public’s imagination. And as my fascination, and now, outright relationship with Instagram, and Tik Tok Influencer, Ansley Fromm (My Current Girlfriend). And as an influencer myself, whom has attracted a following which numbers at over 100k followers on Instagram alone. I was not out of character to research one of the both least, and most plausible, Canadian produced Pop Stars, of the early 21st century. Once found, however, I think her unstereotypical beginnings, and the lack of any one dedicated source of information available. Owing, to her estranged father’s, then attempts, to control any past, and future cash flows which may arise, from her adolescent charged, and highly successful career in front of the camera.

Nevertheless, when I am able to confirm that Lil Tay, or Tay Tian, the all but sixteen year-old Canadian Rapper, and Pop Star, is in fact safely alive, and nestled at home, in her high rise loft condominium. My mental faculties that regulate stress, and adrenaline, are put to rest, though however restless, the now alleged “publicity stunt”, has made me become.

As I continue to pursue Lil Tay, and her chiasmic, and unadulterated fanbase. Which focuses almost exclusively on Lil Tay, and either the “abject”, or “defunct”, “beefs”, which she pursues with her father, other Rappers and Pop Stars, or her fans themselves. Has become something of what can only be described, as one of the most curious strains, of the now inundated streams of entertainment, which we as consumers come across, on an almost daily basis on the internet. Irregardless of the amount of time, which some may actually enjoy viewing them. And, while I was affectionate towards models, pop stars, and Lil Tay in general, before I was ever truly, or formally introduced to her on her self-styled platform and record label Loner Gang Records and Productions. If the amount of raw talent which Lil Tay, and other artist on social media platforms, has seemed like it was too much to ever begin to contemplate emulating. Then for sure, Lil Tay, and her magisterial playing of the guitar, and such hits from Metallica, Led Zepplin, or The Eagles. All on key. And, all with the same bravado, and mien which she’s displayed in her music videos. Should make any aspiring musician give pause, to the amount of hard work, and exacting dedication which is required an order to produce the amount of success which her, and other young artist, especially women, have been able to achieve in this short, yet enduring century.

To say, that her latest musical contraption, since parting ways with her “obsessed” father, “SUCKA 4 GREEN”. Has all the hallmarks of a truly successful record. It being seemingly produced by Lil Tay herself, runs a full and infectious three and a half minutes (3:34), showing up as a title track for the release of her 2023 single. If the trappings of this recently found success, and newfound freedom, and their showing on Google’s YouTube Platform, are any indication of the sort of life that she lives, independent of her father’s enduring legacy in her life. Then this, is indeed, the sucker for green that I’ve become.

To say that it seemed certain that her life, and career, would transpire so successfully, so quickly, after the resultant fall out, over her reported death, and demise. Is a fact, which does not go untarnished. After all, the most logical explanation, that she had in fact died, appeared to, for a brief, but momentous time, seem to be correct.

However, as the days and weeks wore on. And her presence began to be known throughout my YouTube Feed. Alas she’s alive! And, it became difficult, to ascertain the exact amount of clarity, which this new single would bring, to the immediate fallout surrounding.

However, with its infectious beat, and catchy dancing, and song title. The accompanying video, certainly helped to clarify for me, that Lil Tay’s existence in this world, is not at all an accident, or simply another rumor.

And this, I suppose brings us to the conclusion of the saga surrounding Lil Tay. Though, not the end of Lil Tay’ herself. That, is presumably left in the hands of her 5.6 million Instagram followers, Her mighty almost 1 million strong Tik Tok following. And the countless other Millions of viewers whom have seen “SUCKER 4 GREEN”, on YouTube, her latest incarnation. If the silence surrounding the hoax of her death is deafening. It’s only because I leave it up to you, the readers, to further research the countless videos of, and on her, that have appeared, in the wake of this incident. An absolute question, for which I have no absolute answer for.

So, as we the general public continue to obsess, and satiate, our curiosity for the Atlanta, Georgia, born Lil Tay. The lacking, or death, which we may all live to tell of, may in the end be ours and ours alone.

And for Lil Tay,

even when she does cease,

to no longer exist in our lives.

Will be a past,

well worth living for.

Whether live,

or die.                    

The Death of Alexei Navalny, and the Coming Reckoning Between the West, and Russian President Vladimir Putin

Today the Russian Prison Services announced the death of Russian dissident, and Humanitarian figure Alexei Navalny.

His time opposing the reign of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin extends to before he became the duly anointed successor to Soviet Apparatchik heir Boris Yeltsin. His opposition to the regime, on the grounds of its Humanitarian woes, as well as its lack of support for Human Rights, as well as Press Freedoms, has extended beyond his death.

At the beginning of the Putin Regime’s self-anointing as Silovaki, or Oligarchs, to the fortunes, and spoils of the former Soviet Empire. He alone found himself in gross opposition to the authority of Putin, and his cronies. The coopting of his message by others both domestically, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn; an author and Putin favorite, as well as others within, and funded by the government, would play a crucial role in the disestablishmentarianism of his natural legitimacy to the reigns of Russian power. But also overseas, including a well-publicized, and ultimately illegal influence campaign, that relied on authors such former Economist staff writer Stephen Short, and his recent book entitled “Putin”, which fails to picture, yet still mentions the now deceased Russian opposition figure. Yet also, in its ghastly brutality, and corruption. Oversaw the direct, and assisted killings, or attempted assassinations of other key regime opposition figures, including Garry Kasparov, Alexander Litvinenko, LGBTQ Rights Activist Yelena Grigoryeva, as well as a number of high profile successful killings of journalist including, Anna Politkovskaya, Ivan Safronov, Yevgeny Gerasimenko, Timor Kuashev, and others both at home, and abroad.

Navalny, whose voice was at the beginning of Putin’s reign, heard clearly over the Atlantic, and talked about in Sovietology circles as someone who could one day be a legitimate leader, of a Free, and Constitutionally mandated, Russian Democracy. Became someone whom, over the course of several years of at times indiscriminate, and brutal kidnappings, and killings. Became a cautionary tale, that saw its end in a Siberian, Soviet style Gulag. And a message of warning, for anyone who would be tempted to deviate from official messaging from Putin, and his gang of thugs, and cronies. His erstwhile incarceration while suffering from an unidentified ailment, has put anti-climactic Soviet freeze on any furthering of continued relations between the United States, and Russia. And has thrown the United Nations Security Council once deliberative, and sacred processes, into complete disarray, adding to the already looming disfunction, which the chamber was already becoming accustomed to.

To say that Navalny’s death is somewhat of a break or reprieve from the normal state of relations with the United States, and indeed the Putin dominated politics of Russia, is only beginning to scratch at the surface of the facts which now exist. However, to plan for something bigger than what the west already has on its plate, with Russia, and its attempts to reconstitute a neo-imperial, revanchist, neo-soviet empire, is not the newest answer to what has already become a state of deteriorated relations, between the west, and the then pronounced pariah state.

The best the United States, and indeed European Western Allied nations, can hope for, is the further deterioration of the Net Operating Balance of the Putin controlled Russian Government. And that the furthering of hostilities between Ukraine, and Russia, will lead to the end of the Russian leaders reign of terror. If only but for a time we may be able to further the cause of freedom, and democracy, in a country which has never known either. And Putin seemingly able to outlast four different Presidents, as well as the better part of a quarter century, his days, while numbered by the West, seemingly are worth their share in gold.

In Russia there is a saying, “Mother knows best”. For Putin, Mother Russia may know best, but as long as he aligns the cards, and shuffles the deck, Mother Russia’s best, will only play into his own cruel hands.

Rest in Peace Alexei Navalny. And may his widow, and young family, find the comfort, and peace of mind, that they seek, in this hour of their extreme woe, and sorrow.            

The Pitman Sisters and My Existential Crisis of Liking

When you first come across the Pitman Sisters, on TikTok @thepitmansisters, your first inclination, much like a lot of the ubiquitous social media trending videos that appear on the platform, is to sit, listen, and learn. At first appearances, Hasley Pitman, Hope Pitman, and Halle Pitman, Jacksonville, Florida natives. And Southern California implants. Whom all happened to attend, either the prestigious, and highly vaunted and prestigious. Saint Augustine Archdiocese, Catholic finishing school of Bishop Kenny. Or the equally prestigious, and connected young Hollywood, and Broadway; singing, acting, and dancing pipeline, of Douglas Anderson School of the Arts. May at first come off as less pretentious, and equally as relatable, as a number of young Hollywood, and social media influencers, are often want to be appreciated as. And, with their unique, and family anchored following, of over 3 million followers on TikTok, it becomes easy to find yourself agreeing, to a lot of the sentiments which they express throughout their TikTok, as well as YouTube videos.


However today, my most earnest impulses were centering, instead, around a photo of a high school acquaintance which I happened to look for. It was in this impulsive environment. Google Image Search, Instagram, and TikTok, all open at precisely the same time, that I came across the Pitman Sisters. Their campy attitudes. Which bordered on victual, in there confessional gravitas. And, with their hierarchical state of needs more than met, I knew that the outermost appearances, of what I was witnessing, was just the beginning of a far more convoluted, and socially aggrandizing pit maneuver (pun intended).

In this, an unassuming TikTok branded video that featured all three sisters, Hasley, Hope, and Halle. Was a small clip, part of an inevitably more important story, which centered around their recent Vogue Magazine editorials.

In this video, and I have yet to see the actual photographs in Vogue. They, very casually speak about the naivete of having been “fortunate”, enough to have been photographed, while being seen, at a 2024 Vogue Magazine, Dior sponsored event, for New York Fashion Week.

This, the unmistakable hint, of a burgeoning “instafluencer” class of freshman. Is on its face, not the most stereotypical, and thus most plausible ways. To begin, what has, by now, become one of the most successful forays, according to their 3 million plus following, that I’ve ever witnessed, into this influencer lifestyle.

However, at this juncture, during the nearly three minute long “clips”, undertaking, I, at this moment have a crisis of existentialism, that I know has reached its apex, during the pandemic. For almost everybody. In this moment, while watching the video to its entirety, I’m quizzed within myself, almost plausibly, in several sincere instances, as to how to respond to the posting of this video’s messaging.


Halle bday fit check ✨

♬ hot ppl only – sam

After all, I have been successful enough, as well, in my Instagram, and social influencing. To be able to garner quite a successful following myself. That numbers currently, at over 10k on the popular TikTok platform. As well as an additional 100k on Instagram.

Along with the success, from my studies in autocracy, my past incredulities in acting, and writing for Hollywood. As well as my nascent politics blog, kevinspolitics.com.

This, which on its outermost shell, appears as a facsimile, of the all too often cited, and stereotypical social deviance, which is presumed to come from the vainglorious, and all too cynical “media peddling”. That others have attached to the idea of social media, and social networking at large.

And, this idea, that I’m vain enough, while at the same time all too provocative enough, to “shade”, this, the Pitman Sisters, valiant, and all too real accomplishments. For the sake of my own following. Has, in our pandemic stricken world, and former environment. Become something, which speaks of an all too common reality, that harbors these unrealistic expectations.

While clicking through their collection of snippets, and other life changing discoveries. I happen upon their YouTube collection, which has garnered a similarly viral, albeit smaller amount of attentions. More than 20k subscribers.

A far cry from the, more than the 3 million strong Tik Tok viewership, they can collectively claim.  

Somewhere between this happenstance, their collection of YouTube enabled content, and their very seriously, uncontrived, socially climactic home videos.

I within that, lose my place. And become unable to research, my past acquaintances, recently, as yet undiscovered collection, of online memorabilia.


happy birthday @halle pitman 💐

♬ No Bars – City Girls & JT

However, the Pitman Sisters, even though I lose my most parochial possession.

Are nonetheless, the sort of uncontrived, and content driven media, that I, maybe sought all along.

As I glean from them, and their surroundings, the success, of their creator, content journey.

I’m forever changed by the happenstance of where I’ve found myself.

I click.

I begin to like.

I become a part of their following.

Is it for the good?

Do they even know, or care, if I like their content?

All of this, I find all too trivial, as I spend the afternoon, getting to know Hasley, Hope, and Halle, and their quaint, and content driven normality. And that’s not the worst thing, I could’ve done at this time. Not the worst thing at all.                  

Gorgeous Queen❤️Mariah Carey leaving her NYC hotel on her way to Perform the Christmas Show tonight

Gorgeous Queen❤️Mariah Carey leaving her NYC hotel on her way to Perform the Christmas Show tonight

Elder Ordonez – YouTube

Seychelles Declares State Of Emergency After Huge Explosion | World News Today | N18V | News18

This powerful blast which rocked the Seychelles is eerily reminiscent of a similar one which rocked Egypt during the Arab Spring, and immediately before the Ouster of Hosni Mubarak, it will be interesting to see if the two are somehow related

#seychelles #worldnews #news18 Seychelles Declares State Of Emergency After Huge Explosion | World News Today | N18V | News18 The tiny Indian Ocean island nation of Seychelles declared a state of emergency Thursday after a huge blast at an explosives depot occurred after deadly flooding hit other parts of the country. #seychelles #worldnews #news18 #cnnnews18

NEWS18.com – YouTube