Tag Archives: internal security

Foreign Influence Law Protest Erupt in Tbilisi after being passed by Georgian Presidency

Foreign Influence Law Similar to Russia’s Law banning the press, was recently passed in Georgia, setting the stage for a summer of conflict, and wars in both Northern Georgia, as well as, more importantly in Azerbaijan, and Armenia. My Analysis is Below:

After the morally corrupt, though dubiously effective Saakashvili regime, there needs to be greater accountability for emerging democracies, and nascent nation states of all stripes and manner. After the unfortunate events that transpired in nearby Moldova, as well as Kazakhstan, after their attempted coups, it’s unfortunate to now see neighboring Georgia, become engulfed in some of the same cold war politics, which have plagued its neighbors.

The absolute truth of the situation, is that Putin wishes to pave the way for a continuation of the war in Azerbaijan, and Armenia, and that means having a friendly government in Georgia, an order to do so. Expect for these events to play out over the course of the next three to four months, before elections can be held in the United States this November.

The most obvious answer is to now placate Turkey, and its demands for a stable and conflict free Northern Syria. But this shouldn’t be done without being able to obtain guarantees for both the Armenian Peoples, as well as Kurdish elements of both Turkey, as well as Syria, whom have been marginalized, since the war against Bashar Al-Assad’s regime began.

The immediate focus should be to prepare for war with Azerbaijan. As well as separatist held parts of Northern Georgia. Expect riots, and looting in both Tbilisi, as well as Armenia’s capital, as a precursor, to the annexation of larger territories in Northern Georgia, and Eastern Armenia.


Introduction: Beyond Globalization

white smoke coming out from a building
Photo by Marcin Jozwiak on Pexels.com

Globalization, a relatively recent economic phenomena, and norm, at least in its most recent incarnation. Has brought wealth, prosperity, and diversity to billions of individuals worldwide. In the following pages, I try to clarify the effects of Globalization, and its normative successes, as well as failures. I will do this through the lens of a World which has been greatly affected by the COVID-19 crisis, and the resultant regime. And, I will attempt to perceive the future of Globalization. One in which the world is no longer ravaged by famine, plague, and Political disorder. And, one in which the United States, partners with its allies, to create better societies, throughout the World, while at the same time, taking account of the usury, and unobligated expenses, which the worlds remaining dictatorships have been party to.

This appraisal includes Russia, and its wars not only in Ukraine, but Syria as well. And, while the addition of credit extended, and credit used, has propelled dictatorial regimes, such as Iran, North Korea, and Russia, into higher, more prosperous, and more useful credit, and asset classes. Bringing into question the rules, and obligations of the established Global World Order, led by the United States. These credit bubbles, which have instead become a part of the international investment positions of these countries. Has led many millions of the former world’s poor, into levels of attainment, and wealth, never before seen by a great many of them.

And, while these credit snafus, have ultimately only legitimated, and benefitted the regimes in question. The adjoining information is useful, an order to better allow the perception of these misdeeds, as well as the sheer magnitude which they hold in their size, scope, and weight, as failed, or formerly failing nation states. And how that may apply to future conflicts, or even transboundary disputes, which may arise during any given circumstance. Particular attention is paid to the solvency of the European Union, and the United States, as well. 

China and the World: Post COVID-19 and Beyond

To conclude, the Chinese, mainland’s CCP Government, and its excellent use of the COVID-19 pandemic, an order to perpetuate its standing amongst the Chinese, people, while cherry-picking amongst the United States, and its allies, effectively picking winners, and losers, has become the lost story of our times.

The bellicosity which the Chinese socialist republic has demonstrated, both at home domestically, and economically, as well as in the foreign sphere, with countries such as Myanmar, and Taiwan, have only exacerbated the United States, nascent Great Game, Geo-Political Politics, which have begun to override, and overrule much of United States domestic political, and foreign policy priorities. Especially as relates to COVID-19.

The skillful use, of both legitimate international organizations, such as the World Health Organization, as well as the United Nations, an order to “Build a Vaccine Great Wall”, to both vaccinate, and terrify individual western countries, with the added threat of World Trade Organization tariffs, and fees, for goods, and services coming from China.

[1] While, simultaneously sidelining much of the dissent, and threat of dissent which emanated from within the country, while appeasing those whom were sidelined, yet were reluctant to voice an opinion of opposition to the mainland, and its common cause.

[2] While still being able to manipulate the United States, and its allies, with the concluding touches on the Nile River Dam project.

[3] The renegotiation of trade ties with the United States, and WTO contracts, and 21st century International Intellectual Property Law conferences, which were held almost exclusively in China, and on Chinese terms of endearment, without the explicit participation of any one major United States organ in attendance.

[4] The as yet unconfirmed secret deployment of the Chinese Strategic Defense Initiative, Missile Defense System, or Dragon Shield.

[5] The Chinese People’s Republic’s successful landings on the Moon of at least two orbiting Space Launch Vehicles (SLV’s).

[6] As well as, the secret, and newly verifiable expansion, of the Chinese Militaries secret expansion, of their Strategic Nuclear assets.

[7][8] The adjoining of the Chinese People’s 14th National Congress, with the North Korean 75th anniversary of the People’s Congress.

[9][10] As well as the North Korean’s mysterious lack of any overt signs of the COVID-19 pandemics effects on its economy.

[11] The deployment of a Chinese spying outpost in Cuba, which is less than 90 miles from Florida, and the United States Mainland.

[12] Along with the launching of over 100 missiles to date, total, in the year 2022-2023.

[13] Plus, the mysterious death rumors of the younger grandson of General Mao Tse-tung, in North Korea, towards the beginning of the convening 13th People’s Congress, and the communist cult of mythology undertones, which intermingled with the two events.

[14] And it becomes clear that China has indeed been very productive, and very busy, since the onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

This startling turn of events, the maturation, and muscularization of the Chinese People’s Economic, and Military prowess, has only now begun to fully form itself out, taking shape, just as the economic, and material political woes, of Europe, begin to have seemingly take hold.

[15] Emmanuel Macron’s April 2023, trip to China, which has sought to assuage much of Europe’s fears, of a multi-polar dominated world.

[16] And the end of American Hegemony. Has on par met the tenacity of the ascendant Chinese, for now. However, if the wars in Ukraine, and in the Middle East, along with the nascent saber rattling by China, against its erstwhile rebellious neighbors, in Taiwan, continue.

[17] The United States, and Europe, may have to confront not only the declining, yet still animated Russian Republic. But, also, an as yet uncontested, and newly militarily dominant Chinese People’s Republic. Add to that the newly nascent domestic political woes of the United States, and its lack of resolve militarily, in dealing with an as yet uncontested Taliban takeover of Afghanistan.

[18] And the bombing of Israel by Lebanese Hizballah, militias, and ISIS, and the Assad regime, reenergized from their time on the battlefield.

[19] And it becomes clear that the United States, as well as its partners and allies, will have more than their hands full, over the coming decades, with the Chinese People’s Republic taking center stage.         

[1] https://www.fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjdt_665385/zyjh_665391/202108/t20210806_9170557.html, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, of the Chinese People’s Republic of China, Accessed On: 4/6/2023

[2] https://www.cfr.org/in-brief/peng-shuai-china-disappeared-how-beijing-silences-critics, Cohen, Jerome, Council of Foreign Relations, November 23, 2021

[3] https://www.al-monitor.com/originals/2022/03/china-expands-its-influence-horn-africa-overlooks-dispute-over-nile-dam, Saied, Mohamed, Al-Monitor, March 29, 2022

[4] https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trade-china-laws-explainer/explainer-china-changes-laws-in-trade-war-with-u-s-enforcement-a-concern-idUSKCN1SD18G, Reuters Staff, Explainer: China Changes Trade Laws with U.S., Enforcement a Concern, May 7th, 2019

[5] https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/19/china/china-anti-ballistic-missile-test-intl-hnk/index.html, Jessie, Yeung, China Claims Successful Anti-Ballistic Missile Interceptor Test, June 19th, 2022

[6] https://www.cbsnews.com/news/chang-e-5-china-spacecraft-lands-moon/, Harwood, William, China Says Spacecraft Successfully Lands on Moon for Historic Sample Collection, December 1st, 2020,

[7] https://www.armscontrol.org/act/2021-12/news/pentagon-sees-faster-chinese-nuclear-expansion, Pentagon Sees Faster Chinese Nuclear Expansion, Shannon, Bugos, Arms Control Association Magazine, December 2021

[8] https://carnegieendowment.org/2022/07/18/striking-asymmetries-nuclear-transitions-in-southern-asia-pub-87394, Striking Asymmetries: Nuclear Transitions in Southeast Asia, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, July 18th, 2022

[9] https://www.fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/zxxx_662805/202210/t20221018_10785042.html, 20th National Congress of Communist Party of China opens in Beijing, Xi Jinping delivers report to Congress on behalf of 19th CPC Central Committee, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, October, 16th, 2022

[10] https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20221207000164, North Korea to Hold Parliamentary Meeting on Jan. 17: KCNA, Korea Herald, December 7th, 2022

[11] https://time.com/6178501/covid-north-korea-kim-jong-un/, Two Million Cases, COVID-19 may finally force North Korea to Open Up, Guzman, Chad, Time Magazine, May 19th, 2022

[12] https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/10/us/politics/china-spy-base-cuba.html, China Has Had a Spy Base in Cuba for Years, U.S. Official Says, NYTIMES.com, Karoun Demirjian, Edward Wong, June 10, 2023

[13] https://www.nytimes.com/article/north-korea-missile-launches.html, North Korea Conducts 7th Missile Test in Less than a Month, Choe-Sang Hun, New York Times, March 26th, 2023

[14] https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/mao-zedongs-grandson-rumoured-to-be-dead-in-north-korea-accident-makes-public, Mao’s Grandson Rumored to be Killed in North Korean Accident Makes Public Appearance, The Straits Times, May 17th, 2018

[15] https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/european-central-bank-says-a-recession-has-become-more-likely, European Central Bank says A Recession “Has Become More Likely”, David McHugh, PBS News Hour, November 16th, 2022 

[16] https://www.reuters.com/world/high-hopes-china-eu-leaders-prepare-xi-talks-2023-04-06/, Macron Seeks China’s Help on Ukraine, Xi “Willing” to call Zelenskiy, Reuters.com, Michel, Rose, Laurie, Chen, April 6, 2023

[17] https://www.theweek.co.uk/news/world-news/asia-pacific/954343/what-would-happen-china-attempt-invade-taiwan, Is China About to Invade Taiwan, The Week, April 3rd, 2023

[18] https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2022/12/20/1144502320/the-taliban-took-our-last-hope-college-education-is-banned-for-women-in-afghanis, The Taliban Took Our Last Hope: College Education is Banned for Women in Afghanistan, Diaa, Hadid, National Public Radio, December 22nd, 2022

[19] https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog-april-6-2023/, IDF Says Hamas Behind Rocket Barrage from Lebanon Israel Expected to Retaliate, Fabian, Emanual, Times of Israel, April 6, 2023

The Death of Alexei Navalny, and the Coming Reckoning Between the West, and Russian President Vladimir Putin

Today the Russian Prison Services announced the death of Russian dissident, and Humanitarian figure Alexei Navalny.

His time opposing the reign of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin extends to before he became the duly anointed successor to Soviet Apparatchik heir Boris Yeltsin. His opposition to the regime, on the grounds of its Humanitarian woes, as well as its lack of support for Human Rights, as well as Press Freedoms, has extended beyond his death.

At the beginning of the Putin Regime’s self-anointing as Silovaki, or Oligarchs, to the fortunes, and spoils of the former Soviet Empire. He alone found himself in gross opposition to the authority of Putin, and his cronies. The coopting of his message by others both domestically, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn; an author and Putin favorite, as well as others within, and funded by the government, would play a crucial role in the disestablishmentarianism of his natural legitimacy to the reigns of Russian power. But also overseas, including a well-publicized, and ultimately illegal influence campaign, that relied on authors such former Economist staff writer Stephen Short, and his recent book entitled “Putin”, which fails to picture, yet still mentions the now deceased Russian opposition figure. Yet also, in its ghastly brutality, and corruption. Oversaw the direct, and assisted killings, or attempted assassinations of other key regime opposition figures, including Garry Kasparov, Alexander Litvinenko, LGBTQ Rights Activist Yelena Grigoryeva, as well as a number of high profile successful killings of journalist including, Anna Politkovskaya, Ivan Safronov, Yevgeny Gerasimenko, Timor Kuashev, and others both at home, and abroad.

Navalny, whose voice was at the beginning of Putin’s reign, heard clearly over the Atlantic, and talked about in Sovietology circles as someone who could one day be a legitimate leader, of a Free, and Constitutionally mandated, Russian Democracy. Became someone whom, over the course of several years of at times indiscriminate, and brutal kidnappings, and killings. Became a cautionary tale, that saw its end in a Siberian, Soviet style Gulag. And a message of warning, for anyone who would be tempted to deviate from official messaging from Putin, and his gang of thugs, and cronies. His erstwhile incarceration while suffering from an unidentified ailment, has put anti-climactic Soviet freeze on any furthering of continued relations between the United States, and Russia. And has thrown the United Nations Security Council once deliberative, and sacred processes, into complete disarray, adding to the already looming disfunction, which the chamber was already becoming accustomed to.

To say that Navalny’s death is somewhat of a break or reprieve from the normal state of relations with the United States, and indeed the Putin dominated politics of Russia, is only beginning to scratch at the surface of the facts which now exist. However, to plan for something bigger than what the west already has on its plate, with Russia, and its attempts to reconstitute a neo-imperial, revanchist, neo-soviet empire, is not the newest answer to what has already become a state of deteriorated relations, between the west, and the then pronounced pariah state.

The best the United States, and indeed European Western Allied nations, can hope for, is the further deterioration of the Net Operating Balance of the Putin controlled Russian Government. And that the furthering of hostilities between Ukraine, and Russia, will lead to the end of the Russian leaders reign of terror. If only but for a time we may be able to further the cause of freedom, and democracy, in a country which has never known either. And Putin seemingly able to outlast four different Presidents, as well as the better part of a quarter century, his days, while numbered by the West, seemingly are worth their share in gold.

In Russia there is a saying, “Mother knows best”. For Putin, Mother Russia may know best, but as long as he aligns the cards, and shuffles the deck, Mother Russia’s best, will only play into his own cruel hands.

Rest in Peace Alexei Navalny. And may his widow, and young family, find the comfort, and peace of mind, that they seek, in this hour of their extreme woe, and sorrow.            

Russian President Putin meets with UAE President Al Nahyan

Russian President Vladimir Putin, who visited the Gulf on a one-day trip, met with President Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan in the United Arab Emirates, the first stop of his visit.

Haber Lütfen – YouTube

On the Issue Concerning the Bombings, and Kidnappings in Israel, and Jerusalem Over the Weekend of October 8th, 2023

Concerning the recent crisis in the Gaza Strip, and the incursion of Missile fire, and other asymmetrical, and other violent means, to effect a conclusion to the ongoing dispute between Israel.

Hamas, and its collection of Parent, and Partner organization, including the Palestinian Liberation Organization, PLO, Hizballah, and its main benefactor the effectual, and illegitimate Government of Bashar Al-Assad’s Syrian Regime.

Israel, and the States which believe in the sanctity, and preciousness of Peace, and human life, must find a way toward a peaceful settlement of the situation.

The War against Hamas, in the West Bank, and Gaza Strip, if it is to proceed. Must be successful in its intended, and stated aims and goals, of successfully occupying, and pacifying the terrorist elements that have become a nuisance, in both the Gaza Strip Territories, The West Bank, Israeli Settlements, and occupied; annexed lands. As well as the surmised lands which fall under Israeli control, and fiat. Including Shebaa Farms, and the enclaves in and surrounding the disputed territories which lie on the borders with Lebanon, and Syria.

If there is to be a truly successful, and deliberative end to, and cessation of hostilities. In a decisive, and one-sided victory, ending in the establishment of the Jewish State, throughout all lands, presumed to be under the Federation, and control, of illegitimately elected Militias, Terrorist, and Warlords.

The unfortunate events which took place over the Weekend of October 8, 2023, have only brought more pain, suffering, and turmoil to the Palestinian Peoples, and their erstwhile way of living. This state, of uncooperation, as well as societal, and moral decay, must end, and should be deliberatively disposed of, by the Israeli Knesset, and Military. At the earliest possible junction.

The delegitimization of the Palestinian Peoples, and their plight, and suffering. By what has thus far amounted to a band, of terrorist, thugs, hooligans, and those seeking civil strife, must come to an end.

I call on the United Nations Security Council to expressly endorse the legitimate actions of the Israeli Military. And I call on the United States, and the Security Council to condemn these bombings, kidnappings, and killings.       

Whereas the International Court of Justice shall interpret the UN Charter, as relates to Articles 41, 42, 51, and 25 of Chapter VII of the UN Charter concerning redress from the UN Security Council, as relates to an Aerial Incident at Lockerbie, Scotland, (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya v. United States of America) non gratis

ancient theatre in sabratha
Photo by Ayşe on Pexels.com

Whereas the International Court of Justice shall interpret the UN Charter, as relates to Articles 41, 42, 51, and 25 of Chapter VII of the UN Charter concerning redress from the UN Security Council, as relates to matters expressly relevant to treaty which ratified the Montreal Convention. And seeing to it that such convention shall correspond to the prohibition of the forcibly taking, possessing, or destruction, of an airliner, under any circumstances, and as such. It is in light of these statutes, and all relevant statutes granting the ICJ jurisdiction over these considerations therewith, that the ICJ declined the Libyan government request, in the case arising from the Aerial Incident at Lockerbie (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya v. United States of America) non gratis. Such was the opinion of the Court that Libya could in fact still be held liable for the Lockerbie bombings, despite the capacities afforded to it as a liberal nation state, which sought to sue the families of the deceased for having violated Article 25 of the UN Charter, erga omnes partes, in situ lex specialis, una foras. This interpretation of the UN mandate has been noted as being especially egregious by many public scholars, as well as by all Western Governments. For the particulars of this case it is especially telling that a number of enumerations of the UN Charter were noted against the government of Libya, including Articles 41, personae rationae; 42, personae materiae; and 51, personae temporis.

It goes without saying that the UN Charter as well as the Geneva Conventions governing the Conduct of War, and the treatment of the wounded and sick, expressly Conventions 1, 2, and 3; as well as prisoners of war, and Common Article III governing the treatment of hostiles on the battlefield,  must also be included concerning these crimes.

The attempt to sue the families of the deceased for having in effect been killed by the Libyan Government goes against all legal and customary norms as enumerated in the Vienna Conventions, the Geneva, and Hague Conventions, as well as any known customary laws, either Western, or otherwise.

The Libyan Governments argument that Article 25 expressly enjoys them the permissions to act on behalf of the international community, is in itself egregious, and unmistakable for its corruptible, and faulty logic.

In fact, it could be easily deduced from its faulty logic, and egregious thumbing of the nose at the International Community, to be considered in it of itself an admission of guilt, from the Libyan Government head himself.

As sad as this case is, it has only set a precedent for other heinous acts to follow. And the delayed justice which the families received from the Lockerbie Scotland Case, only sought to reaffirm the depravity, and degradations which tyrants may go to, an order to escape justice.

This case  helps to shed light on The February 14, 2005, attack that killed Rafic Hariri, the President at the time of Lebanon, which was a terrible blow for the advancement of Lebanese nationalism, and served only to strengthen the hold that Bashar al-Assad’s Syria had on the country, as an illegitimate, occupying power. And although the Syrian government was eventually forced to leave Lebanon in 2006 shortly before Israel’s war with Hezbollah. The perpetrators of this crime were never caught. A special tribunal was established shortly after the death of the former Lebanese Prime Minister, which has been headed by United Nations Independent International Investigation Commissioner Daniel Bellamare. The good news is that the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) made their decision in the affirmative, upholding the charges against the accused, thereby allowing the trial to proceed. The crux of the decision fell to the case “Prosecutor v. Ayyash, Badreddine, Merhi, Oneissi and Sabra case (“Ayyash et al.”)” and has been ongoing since 2009. The antecedents of the case stipulate that these four Lebanese nationals, conspired with the regime of Bashar al-Assad to assassinate Rafic Hariri in February of 2005. Specifically, there are cellphone records, and computer metadata which points to Bashar al-Assad ordering these men to kill former Prime Minister Hariri, to prevent Lebanon from breaking away from Syria, after elections later that year.

This damning evidence will be released to the wider world hopefully at an opportune time which will allow for the United States to expose the crimes of the Assad regime. This is an opportunity that the United States cannot let go to waste and must capitalize on so that the administration can exert maximum pressure on the Assad Regime.

In light of the Lockerbie Bombing case, as well as the delayed justice, which was sought but only partially rectified, as relates to the Libyan perpetrators, it is my recommendation that the ICC should Expedite the release of the report from the Special Tribunal for Lebanon. They should have the chief prosecutor Daniel Bellamare present the report to the United Nations Security Council at the appropriate time to exert maximum pressure on the Assad regime in negotiations for his resignation (or possible ouster) from the Presidency of Syria. As relevant to all international laws, and treaties governing Rule of Law, the use of force, and the extradition of those held as property of the International Criminal Court, as expressly stated.

I know that these are steps which the court may in fact take regardless of the political considerations. However due to the nature of such rogue régimes as the Syrians. And their deep and close connections to the formerly dictatorial Libyan régime, as well as the delayed nature as such of the conclusion of the formerly incumbent régime therein, it serves the purpose of the court to be particularly pointed in there rebuke of such an element on the World Stage, regardless of the political consequences of doing as such, in my recommendation to the jury. 

And although both of these crimes of international terrorism are absolutely horrible, and dangerously heinous, the perpetrators have both been able to elude justice for decades at a time. And though while Moammar Gaddafi was held responsible for his crimes, shortly after the Civil War in his country broke out, in 2011, Assad has, as of this date, been able to elude justice.

A Potential Pathway, to a Peaceful Solution, to the Middle East, and Nuclear Crisis with Iran

Iran has a very difficult time ahead. The bringing back of U.S. sanctions will direct Iran’s economy into recession. The persistence in the Nuclear Program has damaged seriously, the economy of Iran, as the country is isolated from Global Commerce, by United States Sanctions. Besides that, Iran has all the resources, both Natural, Intellectual, as well as Geopolitical. That an economy needs, to develop a much more significant role, in the International Arena. The Country will never reach Great Wealth, or true Great Power Status, in the Near East, or Middle East, or the World for that matter. While isolated from the West, and under United States Sanction.

An order to ameliorate this, the first step should be to recognize, and accept the existence of Israel, as a Nation that has the right to exist. And stop supporting, and giving aid, to Terrorists Groups. Such as Hizbollah, and Hamas.

Secondly, the Covert Nuclear Program has evolved into other forms of energy exploitation, as wind, solar and other forms of energy have also prevailed. The Iranian Nation could become an example to the World, as it develops new and efficient forms of Energy, with respect to the Environment. There will be always the opposition of the United States to the Nuclear Program. And it has delayed the development of the Country, and the well being of its people, that have suffered terribly with these societal, and economic barriers.

Iran is in a difficut situation, between its peoples stated desire to integrate into the West’s Global Economic Prosperity.  And the persistence of a Revolutionary Ideology, led by Ayatollah Khamenei. In which opposition to the West, and denial of Israel’s existence, constitute core elements of the Islamic Republic’s identity. These contradictions, avoid the development of a Foreign Policy, accordingly with Iran’s National interests. The people of Iran want peace and progress, an order to make possible their own economic, and societal progress. Opposition to the West by their leadership. And development by their Radical, and Ideological Government of Covert Nuclear Techonologies, and their Possible Military Dimensions (PMD). Will never allow them to achieve these goals. There must be a renouncing of the Foreign Policy of exportation of the Revolution, vis a vis, violence. And more of a focus on development within the borders of the Country, and Peace with the West, and Isael. Leaving behind the Possible Military Dimensions of their indigenous Nuclear Program. And looking forward, for new kinds of Energy, and opening their Society, and Economy, allowing them to renew, and strengthen, their relationship with the West, and other Countries.

After forty years of the Islamic Revolution, it is evident the failure in promoting wealth, and prosperity, for different social groups, such as teachers, the rural poor, retirees and bus drivers, among others. Has brought a deleterious effect to their economic prosperity. And societal well-being.

My Proposal is this. The Introduction of the Constitution of Iran, States That: “The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran is a Declaration of the Social, Cultural, Political, and Economic Foundations of the Iranian Society. Based on Islamic Principles, and Norms, that Reflect the Heartfelt Desire, of the Islamic Community. These Fundamental Desires, are Elaborated, in the Qualities of the Great Islamic Revolution of Iran, and the Revolutionary Process of the Muslim People, from the Beginning to the Victory. Principles which were Crystallized through the Decisive and Strong Slogans of All Segments of Society. Now at the Dawn of This Great Victory, our Nation Longs, Wholeheartedly, to Realize This Demand”.

The policy of developing covert Nuclear Technology for the purposes of Possible Military Dimensions, and recognizing the right of Israel to exist, is the de facto norm, for any upstart peace process which may in fact ensue. Should their be a leadership change in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Or if their is to be a de facto cessation of hostilities, as with the proposal of a Peaceful Religion, as the Islamic State, and the Islamic Republic of Iran, have stated as striving for, as a state of being. The mentioned introduction to their Constitution, should instead be changed to say “Iran is a Peaceful Republic of Islamic People, that Exports Peace and New Technologies to Bring less suffering, to the Whole Humanity.”

Accordingly in Article 14 of the Constitution: “In accordance with the Sacred Verses of the Holy Quran; (“God does not forbid you to deal kindly, and justly, with those who have not fought against you, because of your religion, and who have not expelled you from your homes [60:8])”. The Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran and all Muslims are duty-bound to Treat Non-Muslims in Conformity with Ethical Norms and the Principles of Islamic Justice and Equity, and to Respect their Human Rights. This Principle, Applies to All Who Refrain From Engaging in Conspiracy, or Activity, against Islam, and the Islamic Republic of Iran”.

Recognizing the State of Israel, in my opinion, and as I mention. Fulfills the Will of the Command of Article 14 of the Constitution as it Mentions the Respect of Other Peoples, Religion, and the Right to Exist.

The Solution, is to Understand Islamic Law, and Sharia, as being Consistent, with International Human Rights, Norms, and with Liberal Economic Policies.

The Country needs a Constitutional Reform, an order to Put Away Clauses Incompatible with Iran’s Modernisation, and Integration, with the World, writ large. This Should be Implemented, and Preceded by a Referendum, ex vi Article 59, of the Constitution, and a Subsequent Constitutional Reform. 

At the time It had been reported that Iran’s proposal has been accepted by the international community. In part the proposal forces Iran to discontinue certain parts of its nuclear program and allow outside international observers to monitor the partial dismantlement. In return the west will relax some of the crippling sanctions against Iran that forced them to the negotiating table in the first place. Benjamin Netanyahu has expressed his disgust with the proposal, reportedly, and urges the U.S. to reject the current deal as is.[1] This proposal; the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Agreement, and its future, is the most urgent issue facing Iran for the short term, as well as the long-term future.

Personally, I think that Iran is approaching these continuing JCPoA negotiations in good faith, but I think that the urgency on their side is not there. After all there were negotiations about a range of topics including the nuclear program back in 2007. I believe that after the accord this is really it for Iran. We have reached a fork in the road and its Iran’s path to choose.

They can option one: agree that their nuclear program is not going down a path that is for peaceful purposes and give up their quest for nuclear weapons. This will allow for a freer and safer Middle East that will be less antagonizing and more cooperative with one another.[2]

Or option two: go down a path that is not conducive to peace and prosperity for either the Iranian people or the Middle East in general. This will cause much suspicion amongst the allies of the U.S. and much consternation for the people of Iran. The results could be catastrophic for Iran and would put them in a position where Iran as it exists now may not exist in the future.[3]

The choice is Iran’s and Iran’s alone.[4] They must understand that this is not the beginning of a process but rather an end to a very long and convoluted dispute. The talks that were held in Geneva are meant to end the conversation over Iran’s nuclear program, not prolong a process that in their minds may just be beginning. [5]  The past decade has revealed that stability is only attained when the U.S. speaks not only to its friends but to its enemies as well. In the case of Iran, this is especially true. The talks which were held in Geneva, for the U.S., represent the ending culmination of a process that has taken at least six presidents to conclude. Again, the choice going forward is Iran’s, and Iran’s alone. 

[1] Netanyahu claims Iran lied about nuclear program, Politico.com, Quint, Forgey, https://www.politico.com/story/2018/04/30/netanyahu-iran-documents-559987, Accessed On: 06/25/19

[2] Obama’s Hidden Iran Deal Giveaway, Politico.com, Josh, Meyer, https://www.politico.com/story/2017/04/24/obama-iran-nuclear-deal-prisoner-release-236966, Accessed On: 06/25/19

[3] Pompeo threats Iran with “Strongest Sanctions in History”, Politico.com, Louis, Nelson, https://www.politico.com/story/2018/05/21/mike-pompeo-iran-sanctions-600922, Accessed On: 06/25/19

[4] Iran’s Supreme Leader Endorses Nuclear Deal, Politico.com, Gass, Nick, https://www.politico.com/story/2015/10/iran-ayatollah-ali-khamenei-nuclear-214992, Accessed On: 06/25/19

[5] Ex-Diplomats Urge Ratification of Iran Deal, Politico.com, Terry, Mucahy, https://www.politico.com/story/2015/07/iran-deal-diplomats-letter-ratification-120648, Accessed On: 06/25/19

Notice Concerning Russian Exception to Article 1, and Article 2, of the ICC’s Rome Statute, concerning Russian inclusion in the International Criminal Court, and its Tribunals

In light of the recent events which govern the International Criminal Courts jurisdiction over states in Article 1 of the Rome Statute, as well as Article 2, and Seven of the same, as well as the recent notification of President Vladimir V. Putin to abstain, and declare himself and his country The Federated Republic of Russia, from any involvement, or erga omnes partes obligations, de jure, The court has reached an impasse due to this recent provocation.

This news article should be taken in light of the recent abstentions, and denouements, inter alia, unilaterally taken by a number of African Nations, as quid pro quo.

The conflictions of such a withdrawal emanate from the conflict of customary law as defined in not only the Vienna Conventions, which govern international customary treaty law, but also all customary law codified in the UN charter, particularly under Chapter VII, as relates to the rights of states to seek redress, from the Security Council, Articles 51, 41, 42, and 25.

This failure to ratify the ICC’s treaty concerning jurisdiction, could also be viewed as in direct contravention of the Hague Statutes concerning the conduct of warring parties, and the rights of civilians and prisoners of war, Hague Statutes III, IV, and V; rebus sic standibus.

It is from this view point that the international community should view these recent events, as under lex specialis Rule of Law status quo ex ante.

An order to understand the possible motives behind the Russian Leaders decision, it is important to view this impasse through the lens of recent history.

After the end of the Cold War, there were many ills in the newly formed Federated Republic of Russia. As a matter of consequence, the Soviet programs of Perestroika, and Glasnost, which were started by then Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev, had amounted to the total collapse of the Soviet System. Since these times many economic changes have commenced with Putin primarily at their helm.

Since 2000, it has been said that Putin has taken the reigns of state as SuperPresidential(sic) leader.

It is said that he is the first to do so.

This, it is said, is what has led to the recent resurgence of Russia both on the international stage, as well as economically.

It is said that Russia may have neo-imperial ambitions that extend to Russian dominance of the energy markets.

This has been made clear with the downing of MH-17, and Russian intransigence in the Ukraine.  It is from this point of view that the Russian leaders recent geopolitical maneuvering with the ICC can be assessed.

Though the United States has recently objected to the Russian ICC abstention, there at present do not appear to be any legal avenues for recourse to rebuff the Russian leader.

From a legal standpoint there is not much which the International Community can do to stop the flow of other nations which may seek to withdraw from the Rome Statutes Governing the Creation of the International Criminal Court.

And though no articles of the Rome Statutes, nor any customary or international law treaties expressly prohibit, the legal separation from the Treaty, there could be precedent elsewhere.

For instance, in the Hague conventions governing the conduct of warring parties. Hague Conventions III, IV, and V, exceptions for the treatment of combatants captured during armed conflict, between nations is expressly enumerated, which may in fact entitle the jurisdiction of the ICC, in my opinion to still be valid. 

  All this is going on while Putin as a leader seeks to project a strongman image. However with Russian incursions faltering in Syria, and Crimea, and Putin, the Russian leader’s actions, relegating him to pariah status, it’s no wonder then that a lane seems to be opening up for the Russian’s, and other rogue state actors to begin to foment what seems to be the start of an organizational shift which could lead to, Asian, European, and African countries led by Russia into a separate World Order wholly corrupt, and morally bankrupt, but nonetheless a separate World Order different than the one now currently situated.

I’ve parsed the Russian leaders, along with the other potential belligerents’ rhetoric and I’ve come up with a number of things which I think that they may endorse, or be against, should this radical new change take place.

I’ve listed these for your consideration, sunter standi.


  • Allow the possible countries to redefine the global rules on trade, and human rights.

  • Allow for a return to post World War II posturing between the U.S. and Russia, albeit illegitimately (de facto), and on a much smaller scale.

  • Dictate the global price of rare, and superfluous commodities to non-aligned and aligned countries alike. (diamonds, gold, rare earth minerals, oil)

  • Allow for the proliferation of arms sales which would coincide with a more militant animus in chosen, and unchosen regions of the world.

  • Allow for the appearance of sticking it to the “evil imperials” gaining instant street credence among other pariah states, and stateless actors.


  • Politically, Economically, socially, morally, the consequences could simply be too much to bear for Russia.

  • The loss of pivotal transit lanes and customers for exports

  • Economically unsustainable

  • Politically catastrophic as the amount of capital spent attempting would send Russian markets and assets into a tailspin forcing out the current government almost assuredly.

  • Lack of basic goods would hamper the growth of already stagnant Russian society birth rate.

  • Russia risks forfeiting international prestige for the benefit of outlier states either once controlled by the soviets, or influenced by them, the expense of their own seat at the established economic, and political order.

  • Guns but no Butter: the Russians would risk almost everything they have currently for a future that guarantees them clients for their stated goal of becoming the world’s largest arms supplier. However, the ostracization inherent in the steps they would have to take to get to that point would make the selling of arms obsolete due to no aftermarket for currency.

The ICC has no contingency planning available to handle any of these potential actions, nor does the UN, or any relevant International Body.

As Relates to the Situation Concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and the Conflict Which Has Persisted in the North Kivu from Certain Outside Actors in the Region

Kim Jong Un, and his flagrant, and willful flouting of international norms, and behaviors, must end.

His unfortunate triangulation of the Congolese Peoples, their prosperous land, with its abundance of resources, along with the Rwandan Military, must end.

His characteristic use of DRC assets, and government connections, which precede even the Mobutu Sese Seko Regime, are a tactic which he has, over the years perfected in both the Congo, Syria, and territories beyond.

His radical, and revanchist agenda, which seeks to displace American ideals, values, norms, and systems, has been one of his most successful campaigns, with the use of the Rwandan Military, to profit from.

President Kagame, and his ambitious plans for Rwanda, have apparently seen him prospering from both American, as well as Chinese, and North Korean Actions, and responsibilities.

However, the pariah status of the Ugandan President, Yoweri Museveni, as well as his erstwhile succession plans for his son, will not wait for Messer Kagame to make his next deadly move.

MONUSCO staff should not be sent to a warzone that is prohibited by Rwandan military personnel, or its illegitimate, unelected, unaccountable, and derelict, Supreme Military Council.

But the issues which have been created by North Korean intransigence will remain, irregardless, of the outcome of peace negotiations, as well as the building, and successive impasse in DRC government.

China, will no doubt play a part in successive FDI investments, as well as International Public Works Projects. In the DRC’s growth, and prosperity. However, when they want their money back from Senior Credit Loans. North Korea, will undoubtedly make a move to collect from the government, beforehand, leaving in its wake turmoil, and political friction. Undoubtedly by force, which may cause further discord, and turmoil within the DRC, and their government.

As well as the DRC’s fragile peace process, from within. Due to the illegal mining of resources for profit.

The DRC, and its United Nations Delegation, no doubt have a valid claim, to the intransigence of their neighboring Rwandan regime, led by the swashbuckling Paul Kagame, and a group of insurgent generals.

His wanton, and blatant discrete military buildup, has only caused chaos, and destruction for not only his neighbors, but has no doubt wracked with inflation, and sanctions, his own economy, a pitiful outcome.

For the once rising, and model nation, led by the young, and mysterious head of the Rwandan General Assembly, and Rwandan Peoples.

Paul Kagame’s seeming duplicity, coupled with his cultivation of American might, and expertise. While seemingly being cultivated by Xi Jinping, and the Chinese leadership. Having supplied munitions, tanks, and other military materiel. Has precipitated a proud reckoning with Chinese leadership characteristics, and Chinese foreign policy in both Africa, and as a whole.

​To be under the presumption that China, and its highly touted progress for its nation, and indeed all mankind, which have preceded these actions, over the last three years, appear to be a selfish act. Meant to simply perpetuate the stalemates, and illegitimate conflicts which have existed throughout the world, throughout the 20th century.

These backwards, dissolute so called “Wolf Politics”, have unfortunate outcomes. With dire, and unfortunate consequences for the security of the International Community. And maintenance of peace, throughout peaceable societies, throughout the World.

And should be demeaning to the international community, for their aggressiveness, and lack of legitimate wherewithal.

Kagame, who has surrounded himself with the upper military staffs of his countries military, is principally deriving his sense of legitimacy, and courage to act upon, from their backing of his military, and domestic policies.

And has been slowly giving more, and more power, to a so called “Supreme” Council of Generals, who exercise complete control over large swaths of the military, and hold great sway on the Rwandan Military, and Security Councils. Often with little accountability.

Make no mistake about it, the illegitimate actions, and scurrilous squandering of resources of the Rwandan peoples, is a travesty, which transcends the economic, security, and societal borders of the Rwandan State. And the actions of a handful of thugs, and malevolent actors, must not displace the development, and prosperity, of Africa, a mighty, and proud continent, with cultural, intellectual, and artistic advancements, which our modern world, still has not been able to fully reckon, with our own understanding.  

If there is to be peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and beyond, then their must be a cessation of hostilities in North Kivu. And the amount of outside influence, including from Actors from China, and North Korea. In both Congolese society, and Rwandan Military affairs. Must be curtailed, and cease uninterrupted, if there is to be any change in the MONUSCO United Nations Military Peace Keeping Mission.

If there is to be a resumption of normalized relations between the two Great Lakes Super Powers. These security environments, must also not be manipulated by outside, spoilers, and stakeholders, like the Rwandan Military Council. An unelected, and unaccountable, military cabal, that supports Rwandan primacy in Domestic, and International Politics, in Africa.

The current impasse between the DRC, and this unelected body, must not stand. And the international community should do everything it can, to prevent this supremacist, and revanchist unelected military body, from encroaching any further in the DRC, or the politics of any other neighboring nations.