Tag Archives: #LilTay

Lil Tay: “Life After Death”

I was first introduced to Lil Tay, the Atlanta Georgia born, Canadian Rapper. Unsurprisingly, when news of her death broke in the summer of 2023. I was at the time, writing, and researching a political memoir of my life. As well as finishing up my thesis for my eventual matriculation at my graduate level, Economics, and International Relations programs. I found out about it, surreptitiously while searching for information about an Olivia Rodrigo song “Vampire”, which had recently debuted on the internet.

At this time, I was not someone who necessarily researched the past histories, legitimately or not, of this, the most recent cropping of Teen, and “Tweenage” Pop Stars, Models, an Influencers, which has recently, more often than not, dominated the headlines.

However, as the Taylor Swift led “Era’s” Tour has begun to take hold of the public’s imagination. And as my fascination, and now, outright relationship with Instagram, and Tik Tok Influencer, Ansley Fromm (My Current Girlfriend). And as an influencer myself, whom has attracted a following which numbers at over 100k followers on Instagram alone. I was not out of character to research one of the both least, and most plausible, Canadian produced Pop Stars, of the early 21st century. Once found, however, I think her unstereotypical beginnings, and the lack of any one dedicated source of information available. Owing, to her estranged father’s, then attempts, to control any past, and future cash flows which may arise, from her adolescent charged, and highly successful career in front of the camera.

Nevertheless, when I am able to confirm that Lil Tay, or Tay Tian, the all but sixteen year-old Canadian Rapper, and Pop Star, is in fact safely alive, and nestled at home, in her high rise loft condominium. My mental faculties that regulate stress, and adrenaline, are put to rest, though however restless, the now alleged “publicity stunt”, has made me become.

As I continue to pursue Lil Tay, and her chiasmic, and unadulterated fanbase. Which focuses almost exclusively on Lil Tay, and either the “abject”, or “defunct”, “beefs”, which she pursues with her father, other Rappers and Pop Stars, or her fans themselves. Has become something of what can only be described, as one of the most curious strains, of the now inundated streams of entertainment, which we as consumers come across, on an almost daily basis on the internet. Irregardless of the amount of time, which some may actually enjoy viewing them. And, while I was affectionate towards models, pop stars, and Lil Tay in general, before I was ever truly, or formally introduced to her on her self-styled platform and record label Loner Gang Records and Productions. If the amount of raw talent which Lil Tay, and other artist on social media platforms, has seemed like it was too much to ever begin to contemplate emulating. Then for sure, Lil Tay, and her magisterial playing of the guitar, and such hits from Metallica, Led Zepplin, or The Eagles. All on key. And, all with the same bravado, and mien which she’s displayed in her music videos. Should make any aspiring musician give pause, to the amount of hard work, and exacting dedication which is required an order to produce the amount of success which her, and other young artist, especially women, have been able to achieve in this short, yet enduring century.

To say, that her latest musical contraption, since parting ways with her “obsessed” father, “SUCKA 4 GREEN”. Has all the hallmarks of a truly successful record. It being seemingly produced by Lil Tay herself, runs a full and infectious three and a half minutes (3:34), showing up as a title track for the release of her 2023 single. If the trappings of this recently found success, and newfound freedom, and their showing on Google’s YouTube Platform, are any indication of the sort of life that she lives, independent of her father’s enduring legacy in her life. Then this, is indeed, the sucker for green that I’ve become.

To say that it seemed certain that her life, and career, would transpire so successfully, so quickly, after the resultant fall out, over her reported death, and demise. Is a fact, which does not go untarnished. After all, the most logical explanation, that she had in fact died, appeared to, for a brief, but momentous time, seem to be correct.

However, as the days and weeks wore on. And her presence began to be known throughout my YouTube Feed. Alas she’s alive! And, it became difficult, to ascertain the exact amount of clarity, which this new single would bring, to the immediate fallout surrounding.

However, with its infectious beat, and catchy dancing, and song title. The accompanying video, certainly helped to clarify for me, that Lil Tay’s existence in this world, is not at all an accident, or simply another rumor.

And this, I suppose brings us to the conclusion of the saga surrounding Lil Tay. Though, not the end of Lil Tay’ herself. That, is presumably left in the hands of her 5.6 million Instagram followers, Her mighty almost 1 million strong Tik Tok following. And the countless other Millions of viewers whom have seen “SUCKER 4 GREEN”, on YouTube, her latest incarnation. If the silence surrounding the hoax of her death is deafening. It’s only because I leave it up to you, the readers, to further research the countless videos of, and on her, that have appeared, in the wake of this incident. An absolute question, for which I have no absolute answer for.

So, as we the general public continue to obsess, and satiate, our curiosity for the Atlanta, Georgia, born Lil Tay. The lacking, or death, which we may all live to tell of, may in the end be ours and ours alone.

And for Lil Tay,

even when she does cease,

to no longer exist in our lives.

Will be a past,

well worth living for.

Whether live,

or die.