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Bloomberg Conversation Chat Transcript 11-13-2023

Following is a transcript from the Bloomberg Markets Europe Webcast on the morning of November 13th, 2023

Meaning that they will have more money coming in than going out at subsistence levels and development or FDI Index shows that they will be a society which has reached its development and society goals

by that time 2100, which sounds interesting

​The United States is considered a little bit further behind at 2130

​All of Europe Before 2150 excluding Russia

​China has famously considered their development agenda as having been completed with retirement expected to be reached at the year 2050

​Which is hotly contested, and debated to this day

​As humans come to the realization of what the life sciences can actually offer them, and the paradigm of living to 100 years becomes less plausible, particularly for the wealthy

The idea that you can’t “have it all” is truly behind us

​Peter Thiel has some great books on the subject dealing with singularity, and sentience of human beings

There’s a lot of exciting things that are going to make people question the authenticity of spending the first 70 years of your life working a 9-5 job

​I learn all sorts of stuff while in school, and I’m always surprised at how little the American People, and people in general know about these new scientific discoveries

​Some of which have been around for the last 20 years though

You can’t always believe what you read, and you can’t always believe what you see either

​2026 2027 Dot Plotting Totally unrealistic

​I will not have a 2.5% prime mortgage in the year 2027

Syria, Venezuela, and Iran and Russia

​Not to mention a rising China

​A period of intense and not brief contestation is what awaits us

​but not as some observers say such as John Mearsheimer, and others of a Cold War 2.0

As long as resources and the ability to acquire them, is greater than the sum of those who are able to manipulate their scarcity we will not have the conditions of a cold war

That is my own personal definition of a Cold War Doctor Tchir

(forthcoming) Global World Order by: Kevin Michael Miller PHd

Harvard University Press/Oxford University Press/Yale University Press

​The most important State Visit of the Year

​Even more so than President Macron’s Destabilizing Visit


​Expected Short Fall For Period Ending June 30, 2024 is -0.03%

​From my own calculations

Indicating a weakening of current market conditions, and a moderate to soft landing

Yield Curve Modeled at Expected Levels of 4.5% for the Year Ending December 2024

​I’ve heard that before about efficacy and chemical compounds due to global warming

If the GAP became an omni channeling company in the same vane as a Pretty Little Things, or Fashion Nova, it could see sales quadruple or more over a similar span of time

​That takes a leadership style which their accustomed to, but haven’t really experienced since the 2008 financial crisis, as well as the Kanye West Ergo Failure

Walmart has quietly stressed its value as a key brand, and has transformed itself into a type of luxury retail sales big box brand that is hard to look away from

​But still difficult to digest

If they can replicate the same margins of other market leaders such as Amazon, while also innovating, and continuing to marginalize their increased prices, they can continue to find great success

Business Class Luxury Liners are some of what the former President Trump would call one of my favorite things about these companies

​If they can penetrate emerging markets such as Brazil, and South Africa, while maintaining their commitment to sustainability and catering to a luxury class of buyer, then Boeing, and Airbus, as well

​as overlooked Embraer, and other upstarts in Japan, and China, will find some level of success as well

​Look at Lula Da Silva’s moves for embraer, and the tax code as relates to emissions, and mining, and hopefully their can be a major move for production for the storied Aero engineering company

​What ever happened to Andy Murray and the promise of English Tennis via Tatler


Pete Sampras

Djokovic wants to play longer than Federer

Why bother with the minutiae of that when History has already ended as Francis Fukuyama says?

​You can siphon these additional revenues by projecting your source as a new News event for people whom are not accustomed to the United States system, or even those whom admire it

But the end of the ability to necessarily aggrandize our politics from a micro perspective such as daily white house briefing that have the seriousness of a AP examination to them has already passed

But it can heat up again which is unfortunate of our leadership

A very destabilizing perspective that our leadership comes from, the 20th century and has to take

​much like basketball we have a gap in our talent between the boomers and millennials

With X apparently not contesting in any generous format

Bloomberg is a generous format

Thank God For Bloomberg

What happened is that X never had a Vietnam experience or Iraq War experience sort of a middle state existence they had

a la Real World

​courtesy of MTV

The internet has allowed Y or Millennials which I am, and others who hope to be like us ironically

​To arrange ourselves online and in real time via journals, and articles, and spilt ink

While at the same time perspectives, and long held stereotypes have come to an end simultaneously

along with a number of other simultaneous events COVID Recessions, 2001, 2008, Tech Booms, Wars, 9/11

​I got a memoir coming out hopefully before the end of the year

​Time of My Life

I explain a lot of my generation and the steroids, and human smuggling scandals which surrounded me, and pervaded my high school graduating class

From the American Midwest in 2002, and how it was a micro event that eventually was rationalized by bringing it to a macro perspective

​Kim 2.0, Silk Road 2.0, Pirate Bay

Whoa the secret service opened fire near Natalie Bidens Security Detail

​Very serious indeed

Via Daily Beast

With me playing a sort of George Walker Bush perspective that others certainly recognize and aggrandize without me

​Its a political memoir after all

Kevin are you speaking to someone, I don’t see the other person’s messages. just you.

​I suppose I’m waxing philosophical for the viewing pleasure @Meditation Learner

​I also talk about my life experiences and being on an airliner with ink cartridges full of explosives sent from someone I used to know while pursuing a career in acting in orange county California

​I’m hoping to receive a Phd in English from Harvard by writing it, via MOOCs at Edx, and Coursera

​By Pursuing a career in Politics, and forgoing a traditional path of family, and career, while all this is going on may have instead saved my life

​There was a recent World Economics and Sustainability Forum which was attended by Al-Jaber a state councilor for King Mohammed of the UAE

Who has advocated for more American Weapons and Knowhow for his country

​Sorry Kuwait I believe

​State Counillor

​I see these moves as ironically setting up a much younger, much more republican traditional Bush Family Administration

George Prescott Bush, someone who is not at all in favor with the media, but someone whom the former president living George Walker Bush

Would very much like to see come to power as president

contrary to popular belief

​Sometimes I wonder though with the election of Barack Obama, and the receding of President Bush, if that family doesn’t have more than one card up its sleeve

Or even two

​I see a 2024 Election where neither President Biden, nor President Trump become President

​Instead, the House of Representatives will elect the President after the vote is split in more than three ways between at least two parties

​This will bring a new much younger order that will institute the policies which I advocate for on my website kevinspolitics.com

But perhaps I wax too philosophically

​I’m not certain @Meditation Learner

Stents are not as conservative an option as statins in my book

This new much younger administration will be conservative, and will have one of the strongest mandates to govern in recent memory

​Perhaps General Eisenhower has a stronger one

​Torys are much stronger than Liberals especially now that Boris acquiesced to a liberal government which couldn’t form

​I suppose by giving you receive @Meditation Learner

​Kier Starmer is affectual, but this doesn’t matter he’s a royalist who supports the crown

And we have a new king by now after all

​At this rate I suppose we’ll have a king for almost as long as we had a king

​Which doesn’t sound like a bad thing

Their all injured by the end of the College World Series which is why they don’t come from that part of the world in the MLB

​Also they’re rated less

​Their all injured by the end of the College World Series which is why they don’t come from that part of the world in the MLB

​Also they’re rated less

​Look out for Duke


​I got great faith in those blue devils actually

Wake Forest its a North East thing to them

​They rate high but again they don’t usually perform at that level

​Florida is consistently some of the best

​especially with the Venezuela crisis

​I’m excited for Devil Rays, and Marlins organizations

​Braves Atlanta

New York Yankees

​Yankees will win a world series in the next five years

If they can get by Nolan Ryan

​and the Rangers

​real mean team he comes from

​One of the great managers coming to the fore

​Great Decisions Bidens making with that Keynesian Surplus he has

​I thought by waiting he would lose it by not spending it

​but instead he’s only matured in the matter

Great Decisions for the United States, and the World

​$25,000 cybertrucks very important

When it comes to president of the United States if you can’t out innovate Bill Gates, then don’t even apply

Phillies Organization will benefit obviously as well

​Very excited for those teams

Dusty Baker

Chicago and Cubs fans have had a long love affair with him

And the Astros are a resilient organization that can bring in some of those Venezuelan Talents

Miami is bound to make up its mind this election

​I fear for the Democrats

​2016 I saw the CNN Map on Florida and Hernando County

Hillsborough County

Polk County

Along with the Others When North Florida And Leon Closed

​I knew it over at that time

​What is going on @Matt Miller

​This is not necessarily called

But not necessarily as close as they perceived either

​Had a crash course in politics though when my teacher told me they started lying to the pollsters

Never expected that necessarily

But I do write about it on my blog www.kevinspolitics.com

​First Impressions of the Trump Family

Yes I do Have a Blog @Meditation Learner

Wow sounds like some sort of tech bubble

And controversy

​San Francisco is a great city from what I understand, but you have to remember your in California

That’s not necessarily what you came for

To see a Golden Gate Bridge

And Willie Brown

​I propose we elect Pusha T as our new official Mascot on Wall Street, am I right @Matt Miller?

​Instead of Just Jay-Z?

​I love that guys music, his coachella set earlier this year, is one to never forget

​that’s for sure

Always brings the pain

Trumps Sister Found Dead Via Daily Beast in her Apartment in Manhattan

Lot of news breaking today
