Tag Archives: middle-east

Introduction: Beyond Globalization

white smoke coming out from a building
Photo by Marcin Jozwiak on Pexels.com

Globalization, a relatively recent economic phenomena, and norm, at least in its most recent incarnation. Has brought wealth, prosperity, and diversity to billions of individuals worldwide. In the following pages, I try to clarify the effects of Globalization, and its normative successes, as well as failures. I will do this through the lens of a World which has been greatly affected by the COVID-19 crisis, and the resultant regime. And, I will attempt to perceive the future of Globalization. One in which the world is no longer ravaged by famine, plague, and Political disorder. And, one in which the United States, partners with its allies, to create better societies, throughout the World, while at the same time, taking account of the usury, and unobligated expenses, which the worlds remaining dictatorships have been party to.

This appraisal includes Russia, and its wars not only in Ukraine, but Syria as well. And, while the addition of credit extended, and credit used, has propelled dictatorial regimes, such as Iran, North Korea, and Russia, into higher, more prosperous, and more useful credit, and asset classes. Bringing into question the rules, and obligations of the established Global World Order, led by the United States. These credit bubbles, which have instead become a part of the international investment positions of these countries. Has led many millions of the former world’s poor, into levels of attainment, and wealth, never before seen by a great many of them.

And, while these credit snafus, have ultimately only legitimated, and benefitted the regimes in question. The adjoining information is useful, an order to better allow the perception of these misdeeds, as well as the sheer magnitude which they hold in their size, scope, and weight, as failed, or formerly failing nation states. And how that may apply to future conflicts, or even transboundary disputes, which may arise during any given circumstance. Particular attention is paid to the solvency of the European Union, and the United States, as well. 

Copy of Letter Sent to The Honorable United States Representative Brad Schneider Dated January 25th, 2024

To The Honorable Representative of the United States House of Representative, Representative Brad Schneider,

Dear Representative Brad Schneider,

Hello, my name is Kevin Michael Miller, and I’m currently a PhD. MOOC student in neuroscience, as well as Financial Engineering, Economics, and International Politics on the Massively Open Online Course websites, of Edx.org, and Coursera.org. I’m writing an order to convey my appreciation for your recent tele townhall, and its focus on delivering healthcare, and other vital healthcare related needs to the 10th district, and its cohorts. I’m writing this most recent letter, as an addendum to the previous letter which I wrote, concerning the need for proper appropriation, concerning the passage of the 2009 Affordable Care Act, and its provision of constituent services, in the United States Congress. My concerns I felt, were serious enough to warrant a letter to both your office, as well as the Late Senator Dianne Feinstein’s office. And, while I hoped that she would read the contents of my letters, as she’s done so many other times in the past, including during my earliest collegiate years, when I lived in southern California, and successfully campaigned for, and helped win, a successful recall of California Governor Gray Davis, and the election of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, against him. My concerns have been wide ranging since then. And since moving to the 10th Congressional District, here in Illinois. I’m proud to have helped first elect both Mark Kirk, to the United States House of Representatives, as well as to have voted for then State Senator Barack Obama, to the United States Senate. As I’ve said my concerns have been far ranging, and far reaching since then. Including the passage of Opioid and Fentanyl Legislation, so here entitled Matt’s Law (After a High School Classmate of Mine Whom Overdosed on Opioids in an Alleyway in Chicago in 2006). With the help of both the George W. Bush Administration, as well as the administration of then President Barack H. Obama. My most cherished memories of being part of the Republican party, are when I’m able to see legislation such as Opioid Legislation, as well as legislation pertaining to wounded veterans, and soldiers, as well as the other many legislations which I’ve advocated for, and sought to have passed along the way, particularly as concerns Xstat Syringe Wound Treatment systems, for our combat soldiers in Iraq, and Afghanistan, as well as other important legislative accomplishments which I’ve sought, and advocated for, in my twenty-two year long voting record, as well as my twenty-two year incumbency as a member of the Republican Party. I encourage you to find out more about my social, and political activism, particularly as relates to crises which have erupted on the world stage, concerning Ukraine, as well as the Middle East, and Israel. Which can be found at www.kevinspolitics.com. My most singular, and resolute contributions to the state, and its welfare, are found on this website. And it brings me great comfort to know that it will continue in its existence, which has existed in its most current form, since at least February of 2013. I encourage you, and your office to look at this website, for any ideas, or wisdom which you may derive from its political analysis, and content. Just as I encourage then Congressman Dold’s office to do the same, some years prior. My Letter at this juncture, is simply to encourage you to decrease taxes for your constituents, and to reject any legislation which may interfere in the ability for insurance providers to provide safe, and cost effective medications, and other health care needs. This includes legislation which may accelerate the dramatic increases in Government provided Health Insurance which has only continued, even with legislation which I have observed to be illegal, pertaining to the commerce clauses of the constitution. Including one piece of legislation which allows for the sale of unregulated Canadian, and Irish Pharmaceuticals, as replacements for readily produced, safe, and effective medications produced here in the United States. As well as another piece of legislation, which would merge two of the biggest insurance providers in the country Cigna, as well as Humana. Both legislative ideas, which I feel violate at least two significant clauses in the Commerce Act of 1886, as well as the commerce clauses in the United States Constitution. These concerns are only a brief of what I intended to write to you about, and I hope that by sharing my story in a published memoir, upon my graduation from Harvard University. hopefully this spring. That I’m able to further the conversation surrounding politics, diplomacy, but also real life, and what that means for young teens, and adolescents in the 21st century. I plan on supplying a number of copies to your office, upon successful publishing. And I look forward to having greater friendship, and comity with you, as we continue to spark conversations surrounding the everyday needs of the American People, as the Representative of the 10th district, here in Illinois, Dr. Schneider. I wanted to speak about the recent hearing on AI, as well as other just as pertinent world issues, affecting our country, and both parties. But I leave you now, as I hope that your days are merry, for you and your office. And I look forward to hearing more about these topics, from you, and your office. Thank You, and God Bless. – Kevin Michael Miller       

Russian President Putin meets with UAE President Al Nahyan

Russian President Vladimir Putin, who visited the Gulf on a one-day trip, met with President Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan in the United Arab Emirates, the first stop of his visit.

Haber Lütfen – YouTube

On the Issue Concerning the Bombings, and Kidnappings in Israel, and Jerusalem Over the Weekend of October 8th, 2023

Concerning the recent crisis in the Gaza Strip, and the incursion of Missile fire, and other asymmetrical, and other violent means, to effect a conclusion to the ongoing dispute between Israel.

Hamas, and its collection of Parent, and Partner organization, including the Palestinian Liberation Organization, PLO, Hizballah, and its main benefactor the effectual, and illegitimate Government of Bashar Al-Assad’s Syrian Regime.

Israel, and the States which believe in the sanctity, and preciousness of Peace, and human life, must find a way toward a peaceful settlement of the situation.

The War against Hamas, in the West Bank, and Gaza Strip, if it is to proceed. Must be successful in its intended, and stated aims and goals, of successfully occupying, and pacifying the terrorist elements that have become a nuisance, in both the Gaza Strip Territories, The West Bank, Israeli Settlements, and occupied; annexed lands. As well as the surmised lands which fall under Israeli control, and fiat. Including Shebaa Farms, and the enclaves in and surrounding the disputed territories which lie on the borders with Lebanon, and Syria.

If there is to be a truly successful, and deliberative end to, and cessation of hostilities. In a decisive, and one-sided victory, ending in the establishment of the Jewish State, throughout all lands, presumed to be under the Federation, and control, of illegitimately elected Militias, Terrorist, and Warlords.

The unfortunate events which took place over the Weekend of October 8, 2023, have only brought more pain, suffering, and turmoil to the Palestinian Peoples, and their erstwhile way of living. This state, of uncooperation, as well as societal, and moral decay, must end, and should be deliberatively disposed of, by the Israeli Knesset, and Military. At the earliest possible junction.

The delegitimization of the Palestinian Peoples, and their plight, and suffering. By what has thus far amounted to a band, of terrorist, thugs, hooligans, and those seeking civil strife, must come to an end.

I call on the United Nations Security Council to expressly endorse the legitimate actions of the Israeli Military. And I call on the United States, and the Security Council to condemn these bombings, kidnappings, and killings.       

Whereas the International Court of Justice shall interpret the UN Charter, as relates to Articles 41, 42, 51, and 25 of Chapter VII of the UN Charter concerning redress from the UN Security Council, as relates to an Aerial Incident at Lockerbie, Scotland, (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya v. United States of America) non gratis

ancient theatre in sabratha
Photo by Ayşe on Pexels.com

Whereas the International Court of Justice shall interpret the UN Charter, as relates to Articles 41, 42, 51, and 25 of Chapter VII of the UN Charter concerning redress from the UN Security Council, as relates to matters expressly relevant to treaty which ratified the Montreal Convention. And seeing to it that such convention shall correspond to the prohibition of the forcibly taking, possessing, or destruction, of an airliner, under any circumstances, and as such. It is in light of these statutes, and all relevant statutes granting the ICJ jurisdiction over these considerations therewith, that the ICJ declined the Libyan government request, in the case arising from the Aerial Incident at Lockerbie (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya v. United States of America) non gratis. Such was the opinion of the Court that Libya could in fact still be held liable for the Lockerbie bombings, despite the capacities afforded to it as a liberal nation state, which sought to sue the families of the deceased for having violated Article 25 of the UN Charter, erga omnes partes, in situ lex specialis, una foras. This interpretation of the UN mandate has been noted as being especially egregious by many public scholars, as well as by all Western Governments. For the particulars of this case it is especially telling that a number of enumerations of the UN Charter were noted against the government of Libya, including Articles 41, personae rationae; 42, personae materiae; and 51, personae temporis.

It goes without saying that the UN Charter as well as the Geneva Conventions governing the Conduct of War, and the treatment of the wounded and sick, expressly Conventions 1, 2, and 3; as well as prisoners of war, and Common Article III governing the treatment of hostiles on the battlefield,  must also be included concerning these crimes.

The attempt to sue the families of the deceased for having in effect been killed by the Libyan Government goes against all legal and customary norms as enumerated in the Vienna Conventions, the Geneva, and Hague Conventions, as well as any known customary laws, either Western, or otherwise.

The Libyan Governments argument that Article 25 expressly enjoys them the permissions to act on behalf of the international community, is in itself egregious, and unmistakable for its corruptible, and faulty logic.

In fact, it could be easily deduced from its faulty logic, and egregious thumbing of the nose at the International Community, to be considered in it of itself an admission of guilt, from the Libyan Government head himself.

As sad as this case is, it has only set a precedent for other heinous acts to follow. And the delayed justice which the families received from the Lockerbie Scotland Case, only sought to reaffirm the depravity, and degradations which tyrants may go to, an order to escape justice.

This case  helps to shed light on The February 14, 2005, attack that killed Rafic Hariri, the President at the time of Lebanon, which was a terrible blow for the advancement of Lebanese nationalism, and served only to strengthen the hold that Bashar al-Assad’s Syria had on the country, as an illegitimate, occupying power. And although the Syrian government was eventually forced to leave Lebanon in 2006 shortly before Israel’s war with Hezbollah. The perpetrators of this crime were never caught. A special tribunal was established shortly after the death of the former Lebanese Prime Minister, which has been headed by United Nations Independent International Investigation Commissioner Daniel Bellamare. The good news is that the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) made their decision in the affirmative, upholding the charges against the accused, thereby allowing the trial to proceed. The crux of the decision fell to the case “Prosecutor v. Ayyash, Badreddine, Merhi, Oneissi and Sabra case (“Ayyash et al.”)” and has been ongoing since 2009. The antecedents of the case stipulate that these four Lebanese nationals, conspired with the regime of Bashar al-Assad to assassinate Rafic Hariri in February of 2005. Specifically, there are cellphone records, and computer metadata which points to Bashar al-Assad ordering these men to kill former Prime Minister Hariri, to prevent Lebanon from breaking away from Syria, after elections later that year.

This damning evidence will be released to the wider world hopefully at an opportune time which will allow for the United States to expose the crimes of the Assad regime. This is an opportunity that the United States cannot let go to waste and must capitalize on so that the administration can exert maximum pressure on the Assad Regime.

In light of the Lockerbie Bombing case, as well as the delayed justice, which was sought but only partially rectified, as relates to the Libyan perpetrators, it is my recommendation that the ICC should Expedite the release of the report from the Special Tribunal for Lebanon. They should have the chief prosecutor Daniel Bellamare present the report to the United Nations Security Council at the appropriate time to exert maximum pressure on the Assad regime in negotiations for his resignation (or possible ouster) from the Presidency of Syria. As relevant to all international laws, and treaties governing Rule of Law, the use of force, and the extradition of those held as property of the International Criminal Court, as expressly stated.

I know that these are steps which the court may in fact take regardless of the political considerations. However due to the nature of such rogue régimes as the Syrians. And their deep and close connections to the formerly dictatorial Libyan régime, as well as the delayed nature as such of the conclusion of the formerly incumbent régime therein, it serves the purpose of the court to be particularly pointed in there rebuke of such an element on the World Stage, regardless of the political consequences of doing as such, in my recommendation to the jury. 

And although both of these crimes of international terrorism are absolutely horrible, and dangerously heinous, the perpetrators have both been able to elude justice for decades at a time. And though while Moammar Gaddafi was held responsible for his crimes, shortly after the Civil War in his country broke out, in 2011, Assad has, as of this date, been able to elude justice.

A Potential Pathway, to a Peaceful Solution, to the Middle East, and Nuclear Crisis with Iran

Iran has a very difficult time ahead. The bringing back of U.S. sanctions will direct Iran’s economy into recession. The persistence in the Nuclear Program has damaged seriously, the economy of Iran, as the country is isolated from Global Commerce, by United States Sanctions. Besides that, Iran has all the resources, both Natural, Intellectual, as well as Geopolitical. That an economy needs, to develop a much more significant role, in the International Arena. The Country will never reach Great Wealth, or true Great Power Status, in the Near East, or Middle East, or the World for that matter. While isolated from the West, and under United States Sanction.

An order to ameliorate this, the first step should be to recognize, and accept the existence of Israel, as a Nation that has the right to exist. And stop supporting, and giving aid, to Terrorists Groups. Such as Hizbollah, and Hamas.

Secondly, the Covert Nuclear Program has evolved into other forms of energy exploitation, as wind, solar and other forms of energy have also prevailed. The Iranian Nation could become an example to the World, as it develops new and efficient forms of Energy, with respect to the Environment. There will be always the opposition of the United States to the Nuclear Program. And it has delayed the development of the Country, and the well being of its people, that have suffered terribly with these societal, and economic barriers.

Iran is in a difficut situation, between its peoples stated desire to integrate into the West’s Global Economic Prosperity.  And the persistence of a Revolutionary Ideology, led by Ayatollah Khamenei. In which opposition to the West, and denial of Israel’s existence, constitute core elements of the Islamic Republic’s identity. These contradictions, avoid the development of a Foreign Policy, accordingly with Iran’s National interests. The people of Iran want peace and progress, an order to make possible their own economic, and societal progress. Opposition to the West by their leadership. And development by their Radical, and Ideological Government of Covert Nuclear Techonologies, and their Possible Military Dimensions (PMD). Will never allow them to achieve these goals. There must be a renouncing of the Foreign Policy of exportation of the Revolution, vis a vis, violence. And more of a focus on development within the borders of the Country, and Peace with the West, and Isael. Leaving behind the Possible Military Dimensions of their indigenous Nuclear Program. And looking forward, for new kinds of Energy, and opening their Society, and Economy, allowing them to renew, and strengthen, their relationship with the West, and other Countries.

After forty years of the Islamic Revolution, it is evident the failure in promoting wealth, and prosperity, for different social groups, such as teachers, the rural poor, retirees and bus drivers, among others. Has brought a deleterious effect to their economic prosperity. And societal well-being.

My Proposal is this. The Introduction of the Constitution of Iran, States That: “The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran is a Declaration of the Social, Cultural, Political, and Economic Foundations of the Iranian Society. Based on Islamic Principles, and Norms, that Reflect the Heartfelt Desire, of the Islamic Community. These Fundamental Desires, are Elaborated, in the Qualities of the Great Islamic Revolution of Iran, and the Revolutionary Process of the Muslim People, from the Beginning to the Victory. Principles which were Crystallized through the Decisive and Strong Slogans of All Segments of Society. Now at the Dawn of This Great Victory, our Nation Longs, Wholeheartedly, to Realize This Demand”.

The policy of developing covert Nuclear Technology for the purposes of Possible Military Dimensions, and recognizing the right of Israel to exist, is the de facto norm, for any upstart peace process which may in fact ensue. Should their be a leadership change in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Or if their is to be a de facto cessation of hostilities, as with the proposal of a Peaceful Religion, as the Islamic State, and the Islamic Republic of Iran, have stated as striving for, as a state of being. The mentioned introduction to their Constitution, should instead be changed to say “Iran is a Peaceful Republic of Islamic People, that Exports Peace and New Technologies to Bring less suffering, to the Whole Humanity.”

Accordingly in Article 14 of the Constitution: “In accordance with the Sacred Verses of the Holy Quran; (“God does not forbid you to deal kindly, and justly, with those who have not fought against you, because of your religion, and who have not expelled you from your homes [60:8])”. The Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran and all Muslims are duty-bound to Treat Non-Muslims in Conformity with Ethical Norms and the Principles of Islamic Justice and Equity, and to Respect their Human Rights. This Principle, Applies to All Who Refrain From Engaging in Conspiracy, or Activity, against Islam, and the Islamic Republic of Iran”.

Recognizing the State of Israel, in my opinion, and as I mention. Fulfills the Will of the Command of Article 14 of the Constitution as it Mentions the Respect of Other Peoples, Religion, and the Right to Exist.

The Solution, is to Understand Islamic Law, and Sharia, as being Consistent, with International Human Rights, Norms, and with Liberal Economic Policies.

The Country needs a Constitutional Reform, an order to Put Away Clauses Incompatible with Iran’s Modernisation, and Integration, with the World, writ large. This Should be Implemented, and Preceded by a Referendum, ex vi Article 59, of the Constitution, and a Subsequent Constitutional Reform. 

At the time It had been reported that Iran’s proposal has been accepted by the international community. In part the proposal forces Iran to discontinue certain parts of its nuclear program and allow outside international observers to monitor the partial dismantlement. In return the west will relax some of the crippling sanctions against Iran that forced them to the negotiating table in the first place. Benjamin Netanyahu has expressed his disgust with the proposal, reportedly, and urges the U.S. to reject the current deal as is.[1] This proposal; the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Agreement, and its future, is the most urgent issue facing Iran for the short term, as well as the long-term future.

Personally, I think that Iran is approaching these continuing JCPoA negotiations in good faith, but I think that the urgency on their side is not there. After all there were negotiations about a range of topics including the nuclear program back in 2007. I believe that after the accord this is really it for Iran. We have reached a fork in the road and its Iran’s path to choose.

They can option one: agree that their nuclear program is not going down a path that is for peaceful purposes and give up their quest for nuclear weapons. This will allow for a freer and safer Middle East that will be less antagonizing and more cooperative with one another.[2]

Or option two: go down a path that is not conducive to peace and prosperity for either the Iranian people or the Middle East in general. This will cause much suspicion amongst the allies of the U.S. and much consternation for the people of Iran. The results could be catastrophic for Iran and would put them in a position where Iran as it exists now may not exist in the future.[3]

The choice is Iran’s and Iran’s alone.[4] They must understand that this is not the beginning of a process but rather an end to a very long and convoluted dispute. The talks that were held in Geneva are meant to end the conversation over Iran’s nuclear program, not prolong a process that in their minds may just be beginning. [5]  The past decade has revealed that stability is only attained when the U.S. speaks not only to its friends but to its enemies as well. In the case of Iran, this is especially true. The talks which were held in Geneva, for the U.S., represent the ending culmination of a process that has taken at least six presidents to conclude. Again, the choice going forward is Iran’s, and Iran’s alone. 

[1] Netanyahu claims Iran lied about nuclear program, Politico.com, Quint, Forgey, https://www.politico.com/story/2018/04/30/netanyahu-iran-documents-559987, Accessed On: 06/25/19

[2] Obama’s Hidden Iran Deal Giveaway, Politico.com, Josh, Meyer, https://www.politico.com/story/2017/04/24/obama-iran-nuclear-deal-prisoner-release-236966, Accessed On: 06/25/19

[3] Pompeo threats Iran with “Strongest Sanctions in History”, Politico.com, Louis, Nelson, https://www.politico.com/story/2018/05/21/mike-pompeo-iran-sanctions-600922, Accessed On: 06/25/19

[4] Iran’s Supreme Leader Endorses Nuclear Deal, Politico.com, Gass, Nick, https://www.politico.com/story/2015/10/iran-ayatollah-ali-khamenei-nuclear-214992, Accessed On: 06/25/19

[5] Ex-Diplomats Urge Ratification of Iran Deal, Politico.com, Terry, Mucahy, https://www.politico.com/story/2015/07/iran-deal-diplomats-letter-ratification-120648, Accessed On: 06/25/19

A Letter to the Honorable Governor Gavin Newsom for consideration for appointment to the Senate of the United States of America for the Great State of California

To The Honorable Governor Gavin Newsom,

Dear Governor Newsom,

Hello, my name is Kevin Michael Miller, and I’m currently a resident of Illinois, residing in the Gurnee-Waukegan area. I’m writing because I would like to be considered for appointment to the United States Senate, representing the great state of California, my former state of residency.

After moving to California in the Summer of 2003, and pursuing a career in film and television, I was able to successfully have an award winning manuscript which I wrote in my teacher, Michael Mann relative, Johnathon Mann’s class, for what would become known as, the Stanley Kubrick directed film, “Eyes Wide Shut”.

After having this initial success, however, I decided, after continuing my studies in Political, and Social Philosophy, to pursue a career in Politics, foregoing any further encumbrances, to what could have been, and could still become, a flourishing acting, television, and film career.

My movie star good looks, are belied by my keen intellect, intelligible, though southern (I originally hail from Tampa, Florida) vernacular, and the character which has carried me through some of the nations most pressing, and arduous times. Particularly for my generation. As Someone who was born in 1984, I’ve witnessed the great recession, the great pandemic, the great climate change, and everything great in between.

I won’t tarry long with my request. I’m requesting that I be appointed to the seat which is currently vacated by Senator Dianne Feinstein, the longest serving senator from the San Francisco Bay Area. Though a Republican, I think my appointment would serve several fold for you, and your erstwhile agenda, in Californian, as well as Floridian, and the Nations Politics.

By appointing a well-regarded, and former well known Mouseketeer to the United States Senate. You, and I together would bring many constituencies together, an order to bring about the greatest good for all of Californians, and indeed the fifth largest economy in the World. I feel that by highlighting my exemplary conduct, which can be found on my blog at: kevinspolitics.com, as well as my Instagram feed, which has over 100k thousand, followers.

I think that we, me, and you, can work together before the American people, an order to make California, truly one of the most beautiful, safest, and most prosperous states in the Union. I recently posted on my blog a copy of a letter which I sent to Dianne Feinstein, and I urge you to look up the contents on it, on my website kevinspolitics.com, for any additional information about my history, and potential which you may need.

I look forward to hearing back from you, and I look forward to working with you, an order to make with the Senate, and Congress; The United States, and especially California, truly the most prosperous land that has ever existed.

Thank You, and I look forward to hearing from you about this exciting opportunity.


Kevin Michael Miller


Breakfast of Champions

  Always as a young kid, I think that I was always very precocious, but not overly analytical. Like much of my generation I grew up in the suburbs of a fairly middle-class existence, with a fairly middle-class youth. This was not the sort of thing which was uncommon growing up in the 90’s.

Recently I was contacted about my Twenty-Year High School Reunion on the now, erstwhile, Facebook.  


Man, what a time to be alive.  

As someone who graduated from the first High School class immediately following September 11th, 2001, I can remember the raw, and emotional tempo that complemented that fateful event. I was seventeen at the time, but I can still recall a great deal of that day. Though don’t expect me, like most, to be able to commit every single detail to memory.

Before that day, the most depressing thing that could happen to me would be for it to rain. You know like precipitation from the sky, ironically. You see, as someone who grew up in the Northwest Suburbs of Chicago, as a teenager, with a lot of fungible capital (Tweens, We Did It First!), and a lot of time on my hands, I was committed to perfecting my studies in aggressive in-line skating. For those of you who don’t know, aggressive in-line skating, is differentiated from regular in-line skating by the fact that the boots for the blades contain “grind plates”, which are different in shape and size. The concept has never been perfected, hence the industry which makes up its constituent parts. The aggressive sport itself is something which had fascinated me since I was a young elementary student trying to perfect the stances, I’d use on the flower planters at my school. It was an early version of the sport of “freestyle walking”. I guess you could say we looked at ourselves like JFK (Me), and his “Muckers Posse” (Them). In the sense that we saw ourselves how the average teenagers did. Meaning we didn’t see ourselves, as being beholden, to what life handed everyone else on a daily basis. For good, or for ill.  

On the date of September 11th, 2001, in Palatine, Illinois, this artifice would forever be changed. It was almost the exact same weather that played out on everyone’s picture screens in New York City that day, only there in Chicago. The sky was bright, and clear, with only Stratus, and White, Wispy, Cirrus Clouds in the air. A week later, when I took the ACTs for school, I would always begin to question why the sky seemed so bright, even in some of the nation’s darkest hours. As I sat, in my first period English class, reading out loud the Knight’s portion, of the beginning of Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, in my youthful, well cultivated, Anglo-Frankish dialect, I noticed that there was a commotion in the hallway, outside the classroom.  

I wasn’t disturbed by the idea of it, but rather the lack of absence of it.   This to me seemed peculiar.   As the rest of the class took turns, reading Salian selections from the book of the Knight, in Chaucer. I can recall witnessing our teacher, Ms. Boebel, a first year University of Illinois alum, pausing the class from its studies as a School Administrator calmly, but hurriedly opened the door, adjacent to where I was sitting, and told Rachel Boebel, and us, her class, that a plane had hit the World Trade Center, in New York City. When I heard the news, I paused.   We all paused.  

I asked him “what kind of plane?”  

He said he was “unsure”, but was being told to “inform the classroom”.  

I paused for a moment, and looked to my friend, Ryan Voigt, behind me. The contemplation was deep, but ungrounded in reality. I satisfied myself, when I realized that the school administrator, was probably only talking about a small, single engine, bi-plane, that hit the World Trade Center in New York.  

This causal inference, that no more than a pilot, and those affected were in fact hurt, or injured, would dominate my thoughts, for the next forty minutes or more, until class could be let out.

Afterwards, I headed to my locker on the third floor, which was quickly becoming a task, as Canterbury tales must have weighed about as much as the original annotated tomb, which was not easy to carry up a flight of stairs in your backpack. However, as I shuffled along with my copy of Chaucer in my arms, I quickly noticed that there was a certain quiet pall, in the halls of my school. I didn’t know what happened, until I came across my group, of aggressive in-line skating friends, who speculated that they saw an “Airliner” hit the World Trade Center.  

I asked “Like Delta?”.   He said “Yea man, my mom is on a flight to Nevada right now, I’m really worried.”  

I’d known Matt Craigmile, my friend almost from the first day I arrived at Palatine High School, from Tampa, Florida. On the first day of freshman year, we sat at the same lunch table, and he only lived about four blocks away from me.

I was at once shocked, and absorbed, almost completely by the carnage of the moment, that I was at a loss for words, for once, as I consoled Matt, about the state of my friends’ familial relations. I was simply incredulous.  

I can remember thinking that the next class I have is called Senior Survey, a sort of Social Science, and Economics planning course, that all Illinois Seniors were required to take and pass, before graduating from High School.  

The feeling, as I walked hurriedly to the next classroom, was one of impatience, and frustration, since I knew we didn’t have individual computers in the class, and since Politics, and History was my chosen college major, I planned on pursuing. The ability to discover the events as they unfolded was my most pressing concern.   As I got closer to the classroom, however, in the hallway, I could tell that there were a number of young ladies who were coming of age at that precise moment.  

To call it a wake, would have been discursive, of what that moment was like.   The feeling, which is something that not a lot of authors my age has touched upon, was reminiscent of the killings which occurred on that fateful day in Columbine, Colorado, which saw the mass murder of students, by fellow students just two years prior.  

But this, sobering, and eventful experience, does not deter most of my civics class, from making it to the second period.   When everyone finally does get in the class (I was one of the first to arrive), I notice that the teacher, Mrs. Kristin Scott, The Poli-Sci Major, a very attractive thirty-something, with shoulder length Blonde Hair, and Bright Brown Eyes, has the projector screen down, and is updating us on the situation, with a T1 connection, and a live feed from MSNBC.com.  

It shows, what I knew I would never forget, and I knew could only mean war. This was mine, and my generations first experience with something like 9/11, and was something I would not fail to remember.   As Mrs. Scott, the teacher, displayed the aftermath of the attacks, and the second plane, hitting the second building, my peers, and even the rest of the country, naturally wanted to know: “Who did this?”, And “Why?”.  

As someone who had followed the events of the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan, and the aftermath of its wave of Islamo-Fascism, throughout the 90’s, and early 2000’s.      

I immediately knew that the answer could only be one person: Osama Bin Laden.  

Bin Laden, the son of a wealthy construction magnate, was someone who was raised in privilege, but somehow was drawn to Qutbism, a virulent strain of Saudi Arabian Wahhabist Islam.

As I explained about the attacks, and the attacks attacker, at that moment one of my friends, and classmates Rich, began to cry.

I couldn’t stand to witness someone who was always one of the better in-line skaters that I knew, and had a cousin who was a famous in-line skater, cry, and so immediately stopped vocally analyzing, in situ, to comfort him.

When I looked to my left, as I sat at the bottom of a row of desk, forming a U-shape in the entire room, while in front, a projector, I saw Carrie Murphy. Who was at that time, My ideal Girl Next Door.

As she wondered out loud what’s going on, I couldn’t help but answer all her, and really my entire school, and the countries questions about that day, as she, Carrie, felt more secure than most, knowing that her father was at home, and her mother worked at the school.  

Her, and her mother, always thought I was so bright, to have so much information on that day, and I was assured by her, and a lot of the other girls, and teachers at my school, that around the dinner table, it brought them great comfort that night, to know that it was an American from the Midwest, who told them who the perpetrators of those attacks were.  

At that moment, however, during, and following the attacks, I believe, is when my class, and the entire Senior class, because of my actions on that day. Began to look at me, as somewhat of a romanticized father figure.  

My teacher, Mrs. Scott, was so impressed with my bravery, and heroism on that day, that she even asked me in front of my Political Science Class, and the schools JROTC military recruiters if I wanted to be President of the United States One Day.  

I responded in the affirmative.  

And, along with my further reputation as one of the foremost writers, and thinkers of my generation, as judged by my teachers, my test scores, and our class.  

I was receiving a chorus of swoons from the rest of my class, and the faculty.  

With the added addendum of acing my college entrance exams, I had officially come to hold the positions that I desired in my life, at my high school. And my collegiate ambitions, were officially ever before me.  

As we went on to college, and Carrie studied pre-Med, at a school in Illinois, while I continued to pursue my Degrees in Democracy, and Autocracy Studies on the East Coast, we lost contact with each other.

As I said earlier, I was precocious, without being overly analytical. Carrie could be just as curious, but overly compensated too much, by fully, then perhaps too fully playing all too readily into the hands of nefarious forces, which were unbeknownst to me at the time, surrounding my High School Graduating Class.

Freshman year of college, someone wrote to me that she had survived a suicide attempt, and was no longer attending classes at her university. I don’t know if she became a casualty of the Prescription Painkiller, and Opioid Epidemic, but to this day I wonder what kind of life she made for herself.

After that class period, my mind just kind of goes blank for the rest of the school day, when I think really hard about it, I can remember being in Physics class, and under the pretense that Big Ben, the huge clock in London, next to its Parliament, had come under attack. Later it was discovered to be a group of fanatics online, who purposefully spread that rumor.  

When I finally got out of school, I immediately told my friend Ryan, who sat behind me in Ms. Boebel’s English class, to drive me home.   Presumably so that I can be with my Family, My Father, a Tax Attorney, works at the United States Headquarters, for one of the largest Tax Accountancy Firms in the World, and so was presupposed by me to be a target, considering the World Trade Center is a Financial Center, but also to analyze the situation on the nascent blogosphere, on the internet.  

When I got home, I noticed though, that no one was home, including my Stepmother, and her two sons, Kenneth, and Stephen, and there was a note on the refrigerator that said that dinner was going to be late.  

I had a cell phone already, so I knew, that if I connected my 56k connection, to my Pentium 3 233mhz computer, and America Online, that I wouldn’t be cut off from my immediate surroundings.   As I got online in my bedroom, I looked up every single think tanks website I could think of, and started jotting down notes from what I saw on Fox News, CNN, and C-SPAN.

Later, as an almost heroic, and serendipitous coincidence, the President, I presumed to be discovered, had received my note to the White House, which I wrote during the school day, almost demanding that he be the only plane in the sky, and that he eventually settle for the Midwest, an airbase in Nebraska.

Which I figured he could stay at, and run the country, until the attack on Washington D.C., had ended.

As the day wore on, and turned into night, I couldn’t help but feel so proud of what I saw in the Leadership of my country at that time. The idea of a 24/7 news channel was not a new concept, but I always caught flack, for watching Bill O’Reilly, in my staunchly Liberal family, and community, so I was expecting the worst. Instead, there was not even a whiff of wild, Trump-like speculation, to be found, amongst any of the viewing that I did.

Even on the newly positioned News Scrolls, or Chyrons as they were being called, on the bottom of the screen. That display so much information of horror, at the time, but brought relief, and comfort to so many, on that fateful day. Were not being hacked, to display any one person’s political, or in substantive world views. After avoiding so many late-night talking heads, I thought this was a relief, and breath of fresh air, that validated my trust in the media that I frequented on Television, and assuaged some of my fears about the subculture like commentary, that was all too commonplace, on the internet at that time, and still is to a great degree.  

But by far, the President of the United States, was easily the most impressive person on that day.    

I can remember before the attacks, in the spring of 2001, still being unsure of where he was directing the country.   I mean after all we had just been attacked only last year by a shadowy terrorist organization known as Al-Qaeda, and it was led by Osama Bin Laden, a wealthy Saudi Arabian citizen. A country that the press was shy talking about, due to the newly elected President’s connections, to the wealthy elite, in the Middle East.   Put best, before 9/11, Bush was the butt of jokes that ridiculously claimed he was actually a citizen of Australia, and questioned his IQ, and mental capacity.  

Immediately after 9/11, however, I didn’t hear any more about his alleged Australian citizenship, or the quality of the Man’s thoughts.   He had become the most popular American President since George Washington, and had solidified his place in my mind, as my most cherished American Leader, something which I’ve carried with me throughout the rest of my life.  

After 9/11 things were different in the suburbs I grew up in, there were rumors, and rumors of rumors.   I buried myself in my studies, which would bear itself out in my recent COVID-19 graduations from Oxford Universities’ Politics, and Business Graduate Schools, with Ph.D.’s in both International Relations, and Economics.  

And, after a flurry of rumors the latter half of my Senior Year of High School, that revolved around a group of dilettante, and borderline personality inspired Juniors, and Seniors, plotting to murder a randomly chosen “senior” classmate, at random. My excessive time with the class of 2002, came to a relieving end.    

Throughout the Fall and Summer semesters of my senior year of high school, however, my good friends Rich, and Ryan, began to delve further and further into drug sub-culture.  

Ryan, had always wanted to be a Stock Broker, which, as a Hedge Fund Manager, was what I eventually have found myself doing.   While Rich was going to school for art, taking art classes at Harper College, the local Community College, before he got kicked out of his mom and Dad’s house. I spoke to Ryan’s Mom over one Autumn break, and she let me know that one of Ryan’s friends from Palatine had overdosed on drugs, and had passed away.   His friend Matthew Kotrba, who was from the same crowd, that Carrie Murphy was always eager to please.  

A crowd that was more affluent, more subtle, but also more immature, and that he, Ryan, was now a part of.  

Matthew, had slipped into a coma in an alleyway, in Chicago, and was found dead later that night. When I heard about it, it shocked me so, that I sent a letter to Matthew’s parents, shortly after his funeral, just talking about how smart I thought he was when we were kids­­­.

They had addictive personalities, but to my teachers, and the community they were bright, and promising young pupils. In 2007, it was forwarded back to me unopened. As I write this it’s in storage in my closet. I still keep it in an old shoe box, that used to be under my bed.  

Rich who was use to a certain crowd, and became best friends with Matthew Kotrba, as they bonded over their shared drug use over the course of senior year, also became a casualty to the same opioid epidemic only a few short months later.  

Matthew Kotrba and Rich Ross succumbed to their addictions to opioids, and painkillers in 2006, both at the age of 22. As I said earlier, I was recently reminiscing over these things, when I was contacted via Facebook about a 20-Year High School Class Reunion.  

At first, I was excited. I mean, I don’t have any kids, but I’ve never been arrested, I don’t have any bankruptcies, my credit scores Great, I’m in great Physical Health, I have all my hair, I lift weights every day, and as I reflect right now, I’ve had the pleasure of dating some pretty bright minds my entire adult life, and they all happened to be Instagram Influencers, or Fashion Models.  

No divorces, no lawsuits, in short, I’m doing pretty good for myself, and I’ve just been in school, and academia this whole time, I thought “What’s the worst that could have happened to them?”.  

But then as I befriended them on the platform, and found it so difficult for any one of them to squarely address me (I created a special Facebook account just to speak to them), I began to realize that they are some of the oldest looking thirty somethings that I think I’ve ever come across.  

A pitiful clique, of College Dropouts (High School for some), and Rehabilitative Clinic Patients.  

And then, I realized what my teachers saw in me all along, and hoped to nurture within me, was actually more of an asset in the Real World, rather than something I would need to spend my life attempting to perfect, for a certain group of people, for a certain period of time, to hear about certain places, and things, in lives which are of none of my concern. 

I couldn’t believe the echoes, that pervaded my memories, as it all came back to me about this once titular “in crowd”, who found it easy to manage the everyday realities of High School, but were not able to abstain from Drugs, and Alcohol, and “Casual Sex”, long enough to decide what they even wanted to do with their lives, had become decidedly, and forever more “Out”, to me.  

What were once thick, long lustrous strands of blonde hair, curling and bouncing as they ran down the soccer pitch, had become receding, patches of grey tinted hair.  

Their follicular failings wouldn’t be all that bad, if their faces, and timelines told a different story.  

But time had handed them a fate crueler than my affluent, and prosperous own.  

Illegal Street Drugs is a hot topic of conversation between them, and often times the expectations which they had for themselves as adults, have perverted their entire outlook on life, to the point that their children began to show the crushing features which they hoped to conceal, albeit this time, far more overweight, and malnourished than the previous.   Like the former eventually became.  

To conclude, I was less than impressed with the successes, if there were any, that they saw in their lives.  

While I went on to study History, Philosophy, and Economics, from some of the most prodigious minds, and intellectuals the world has ever known, graduating with an Ivy League education, and receiving post-Doctoral honors for my theses.  

The most that could be mustered from this now pathetic looking “in-crowd” is what appears to be a pseudo legitimate “Trump Era” cannabis exchange page, that only looks half real. At least two people in the comments section complained about the service they received.  

Currently it does not accept PayPal.  

After writing this I was told by a friend, and colleague of mine, that the plethora of lies that the Trump, and Biden Campaigns attempted to come to power with, was merely an extension of the same tactics of deceit, of that once “Proud Crowd”, whose now been laid so humiliatingly low, that use to call the back of the Cafeteria at Palatine High School their hangout spot, all those years ago.  

But now, could not even so much as show their faces in that same cafeteria, let alone the same town.  

The same one I used to call Home, all those years past.    So, while I’ve been industrious, traveling to some of the most important places the world has ever known, and studying, and debating at some of the most prestigious institutions that have ever been founded by man, I couldn’t help but exhale and take it all in.  

And eventually I began to understand why I eventually became a professor, and teacher in the first place. It wasn’t luck, or even happenstance, though admittedly, I think I understood why.  

Those same people I grew up with, and always had a measured dose of humility towards. Me, never wanting either them, or I, to step outside the boundaries of our roles, and existences as children, and as we see ourselves. Making future plans to be Stock Brokers on Wall Street, or Lower Wacker Drive (“Steed Street” as we called it), in our Hometown of Chicago.  

And even though, I now know that teaching in front of a bustling class full of young fervent high achievers, isn’t what my former friends had in mind, we’ve long since parted ways.  

I now know, that their resolve to live their lives in a completely antithetical way to how I was raised, and how our teachers disciplined us to be, only imparted upon me the good wisdom, to find my own way in this World, irregardless of what any one “in-crowd” of people, may in fact be interested in.  

It’s this same stoic outlook, that I look upon the rest of my generation of millennials with.  

I’ve observed that we are some of the most talented generations of American’s yet.   But we also happen to be, much like that highly anticipated, yet greatly tragic British Generation, of the turn of the 20th century, one of the most drug, and alcohol addicted.  

And while we don’t have some of the same woes with war veterans that that British, Highly Aristocratic, World War I, or Vietnam Generation had in their lifetimes, we still have a lot of soul searching to do, when it comes to our own friends and family, and drugs, and alcohol itself.  

I don’t say this to demean, or personally accuse anyone, or even to paint a stereotype.  

I’m simply reflecting on the lost, and wasted years, that others have found themselves broken down by. While others simply do not exist at all.  

And yet still others, have found ways to flourish, in spite of.    Had I known about the future outcomes of my friends, and their lives, I think I still would have become what I’ve been fortunate to accomplish.  

And that’s actually saying a lot.  

One night, sometime after senior prom, I was approached by my friend Ryan, I had just taken my girlfriend to it, and he was really anxious for some reason.  

When he pulled me aside, I didn’t know what he was thinking, but he said, “I don’t think I’m going to college.”

I asked him “why?”, and he just said “I just don’t think I am.”

Had I known then that he was suffering from a pancreatic condition due to weight loss from street drugs, and alcohol. And that he’d just been arrested that weekend for illegal drug possession, was something that I would not find out about, until almost a decade later, when he succumbed to injuries from being exposed to HIV, after being raped while in prison.  

Needless to say, after high school I lost touch with my friend Ryan.   And I miss his presence, though not his influence, in my daily life.  

I’m uncertain how to end what has really only been a beginning of the story for me and my life, and I don’t want you to get the idea that it’s been all bad for me.  

I’ve traveled the world, read deeply, and unsparingly, and have seen some of the most spectacular sights that nature, or man has ever invented.   Along the way, I’ve discovered how to manipulate the physics of money, and have had great success in doing so.  

I’ve also become accustomed to dating since I’ve left High School, and I think I may have met the woman, Ansley Fromm (pronounced like Ainsley Earhart of Fox News Fame), whom I may one day Marry, and start a family with.  

Maybe the last words to my High School Senior Year Yearbook, that I helped plan, and edit, will better encapsulate what this experience has been like for me.  

Or a proverb that can explain away all youthful indiscretion.   I don’t have one.      

But, at the back of our High School Yearbook, Which I helped to edit, and I still own, there’s a quote from the song Good Riddance (Time of Your Life), by Billy Joe Armstrong, the lead singer of the band Green Day, from which it’s from.  

It was true then, and it still resonates with me now.   And I hope it will for you too. Even if you’re not from the class of 2006.  

“It’s Something Unpredictable, but in the End It’s Right, I Hope You Had the Time of Your Life.”            

Life turned out to be extremely unpredictable, for all of us, and in the end, it wasn’t always the right thing that happened to us.    

And not all of us had the time of our lives while we did so. But hopefully, for the remnants that remain from our time together, the pieces can be picked up, and the survivors can make something of themselves, that properly memorializes the future our peers always wanted, but most never saw.  

So, take these words with you, and know all I wanted was what was best for you.

So, Eat, Drink, and be Merry, for that is all we have in this World.    

As Green Day would say, so I say to you,  

“Good Riddance”, you Muckers, 

and ‘Have the Time of Your Lives’.  

Good Luck…,  

and Good Riddance…,  


so the song goes,


The Attacks of September 11th and its Aftermath

The Attacks of September 11th and the Aftermath

The attacks of September 11th were a grievous wound inflicted upon the moral, and intellectual psyche of the United States, and its government. It was incumbent going forward, for the United States to take the fight to the terrorist. That meant preempting the threat of violent extremism before it foments into violence. This also meant bringing together communities, both here, and online, that these ideologies thrive in, as well as faith leaders, an order to prevent the radicalization process before it becomes a threat to the United States. Also recommended was the bringing together of friends and allies abroad to combat the threat of extremism no matter where it is, particularly in Western Europe.  


  On September 11th, 2001 Hijackers, under the direction of Osama Bin Laden, and his terrorist network of affiliates, known as Al-Qaeda, flew planes into the World Trade Center, and the Pentagon, in a deliberate act of terror. This attack, which is now known as 9/11, was one of the most brutal, and violent attacks in American history. This threat, which emanates from Afghanistan, but has its roots in the Middle East, is of the highest concern to the American Government, and has necessitated the actions below which were explicated in the 9/11 commission report to take place immediately following the attacks on our homeland.[1]

[1] Commission Report to Congress and the President of the United States of America Concerning the Events of 9/11, Senator George P. Keane, 9/11 Commission, Originally Published: July 22nd, 2004

Recommendations For Government and Law Enforcement

  An order to combat the rising tide of radicalism both here in the United States and abroad, it was required for the United States to have a robust response that synthesizes all facets of the United States Government, and includes cooperation, and contributions from our allies, both here and abroad.

The most pressing matter that was of concern immediately following the attacks of 9/11, was the securing of the homeland from threats both here and abroad. This meant reviewing National Security Agency wiretaps, and surveillance records for any possible plots which may exist here at home, and also any plots which are fomenting abroad. The next response was to make sure that Federal, State, and Local law enforcement had the resources to go after the people who perpetrated these attacks on the homeland. This meant that they needed to be able to train and recruit more law enforcement resources, and also be able to conduct surveillance activities on potential sleeper cells which may have existed here in the United States. This also meant that all vulnerable monuments and facilities needed to be fortified with existing law enforcement assets, and this also meant that Congress needed to pass legislation an order to provide the legal cover that these agencies needed an order to conduct surveillance and roving wiretaps on potential suspects both here, and abroad.

As for our friends and allies they needed to be able to likewise do the same, and in addition, be able to begin actively monitoring communities that may be hotbeds of radicalization, but also “soft targets”, as well as “hard targets” which may have been vulnerable to attack from individuals who seek to do harm to these countries. This pooling of resources, and coordination had to be done at the highest levels of American Government, as well as in friendly countries abroad, especially Western Europe.

The next thing which needed to be done is that we the American People had to take the fight to directly to the terrorist themselves, this meant, invariably that we anticipated military, as well geo-political actions which will necessitate the complete abolishment of the Taliban, and their theocratic government in Afghanistan. This attack, which was perpetrated on our country, and countrymen is regarded as one of the most violent events in American History, and it could not go unpunished.

The people who acted to do harm to this country before 9/11, must be brought to justice. That is why it was recommended to the President that he plan for, and prepare for the invasion of the country of Afghanistan. The mission critical was to defeat the Taliban, by driving them out of Kabul, the capital, and bringing the terrorist masterminds who executed this attack to justice.  

Recommendations For Internet Communications

   As for communications on the internet and social media, it was necessary to monitor these lines of communication, with the assistance of these companies, and to bring those who would plot to do harm to our country to justice.[1]

[1] 9/11 Commission Report, 9/11 Commission, 2004, https://www.9-11commission.gov/report/911Report.pdf, Accessed On: 3/18/2023

Recommendations for Private Sector Vulnerable Communities, and Communities of Faith

  Maintaining a strong line of communication with communities of faith in this country, particularly in vulnerable communities, and bringing them into the process of protecting this country was essential to the maintenance of peace, and prosperity throughout the entire world. It was also important for actors in the private sector to be onboard with these recommendations an order to ensure their continual support for the government’s actions as we prepared to take on a threat which knows no national boundaries, and has inflicted a grave wound on our moral, and national psyche. This we hoped to do in the coming months, and years of this international conflict. 

Wahhabism and Al-Qaeda

  Radical Islam is a form of Islam which has its roots in the Wahhabist faith. Though the Rulers of Saudi Arabia, the house of Saud, follow its core tenants, they have sworn off any terrorist financing, or terror activity. This does not extend however to their charitable activities that seek to promote Wahhabism around the World through the building of Mosque, and Madrassas or Religious Schools. Al-Qaeda is an offshoot of this Wahhabist school of thought in Islam, and seeks to remove irreligious Arab governments, as well as what it views as the Great Satan (e.g., Israel, and The United States) from Arab Lands through a Jihad, or Holy War. Individuals are radicalized for certain reasons, and each one is different. These individuals often come from marginalized parts of society, and often preach adherence to Islam, but conduct themselves in a way which is antithetical to the teachings of Islam. There is no way to look at someone and tell that they are a terrorist or not. The most successful terrorist often come from wealthy, and privileged backgrounds that are usually not in keeping with traditional Islamic Teachings.  

The Historic Origins of Radical Islamic Fundamentalism

  The Radical Islamic Ideology that we know today as Islamic Fundamentalism has its roots in the sayings and teachings of Radical Saudi Arabian Scholars who were concerned with what they saw as encroachments on Arab Lands, and holy sites by Foreign Invaders, and later by what was considered by them an illegitimate Jewish state in Arab, and Palestinian lands. This conscious, and radical viewpoint has its roots in the Wahhabist teachings of 17th century custodians of the holy sites in and around what is today known as Saudi Arabia.

The rise of this non-secular Islamic sect of Islam, can be traced almost precisely with the house of Saud, and its eventual establishment of a monarchy on the Arabian Peninsula in the early 20th century. The house of Saud, its rise, and establishment therefore, cannot be divorced from the Wahhabist clerics whom they swept into power with up to this date. This arrangement, of the House of Saud adhering to the Wahhabist faith, and being the chief custodians of the Kabbah, the holy sites in Mecca, and Medina, and overlords of the secular parts of society, while the clerics maintain a monopoly on religious life, was established almost at the beginning of the House of Saud’s families founding in the 17th century.

So, while the house of Saud is tied to a fanatical religious cult, its behavior is not fully in lockstep with the teachings of some of the more modern fanatical preachers in the Wahhabist faith. Though the Rulers of Saudi Arabia, the house of Saud, follow its core tenants, they have sworn off any terrorist financing, or terror activity. This does not extend however to their charitable activities that seek to promote Wahhabism around the World through the building of Mosque, and Madrassas or Religious Schools.

This divorce from the reality of the Saudi Royal Families lifestyle, and the Wahhabist religion that they claim to practice, goes back for at least the last 60 years, when the Founder of Saudi Arabia, King Saud, declared his family as the only legitimate custodians of the Kabbah, the holy mosque in Medina, and the other spiritual, and Islamic Holy Sites in and around Mecca, and the rest of Saudi Arabia.     

Key Elements of Al-Qaeda’s Ideology

  Al-Qaeda on the other hand finds its philosophical roots in an even more virulent strain of Wahhabism by a preacher that advocated for the destruction of all infidels, and their strong holds around the World called Qutbism. Qutbism which would be co-opted by Al Qaeda’s (Literally “The Base”) leader, and 9/11 mastermind Usama Bin Laden. Bin Laden who was a Freedom Fighter during the Afghanistan War in the 1980’s, along with Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri was almost entirely responsible for the creation of Al-Qaeda, from a Freedom Fighter recruitment, and fundraising apparatus, to one of the most successful terrorist organizations in the history of man.

This duopoly which did not always exist peacefully, Dr. Zawahiri, and Usama Bin Laden, played to the strengths of both men. Where Usama could be shy and reserved, yet charismatic, preferring rather to fund raise, and carry out attacks, while inspiring the masses with critiques of Arab Governments, and calling for the destruction of Israel; Zawahiri could be reserved to, but was easily regarded as the philosophical underpinnings of the organization, and one of the most inspiring terrorist leaders to come out of the Muslim Brotherhood, and its existential protest against the Al-Mubarak regime. This Al-Qaeda did with a tight leadership structure which rarely changed, and a gift for disrupting world events with opportune strikes on what Usama Bin Laden would refer to as the weapons of Satan (Israel) and the Infidels.

Its telling to note that Al-Qaeda under the leadership of Usama and Zawahiri throughout the early years of the Islamic terrorist organizations founding, never struck in Europe, or European Capitals, instead deciding to focus their energies on what they saw as the main threats to Arab domination of Middle Eastern lands, Israel, and the United States. This they did to great effect with several bombings; at the World Trade Center, USS Cole, Kenya, and Tanzania, as well as the bombings at Oklahoma City, and the events of and leading up to 9/11. It’s been said that Osama Bin Laden is one of the most prolific mass murderers in all of history, for his execution of the attacks on 9/11, and that these attacks, form the core teachings and ideology of Al-Qaeda, this is almost certainly true, and as an outsider should help you to understand exactly what the motivations of the group, namely the exclusion, domination, dismemberment of any non-Arab country, which seeks to impinge upon Arab lands, and their sacred sites.

This belief that no non-Arab should use Arab lands to attack other Arab countries emanates from the period immediately after the end of the Cold War, and the United States basing of troops in Saudi Arabia, an order to remove Saddam Hussein from Kuwait during what is known as the First Gulf War. After this successful “incursion” on Arab lands Osama issued what is known as a fatwa, or religious decree, which expressly prohibited the Saudi Royal Family from participating in the Hajj pilgrimage that year, and called for the destruction of the Saudi Royal Family, Israel, and the United States.

This Fatwa was widely received in the Middle East, and directly led to the successful creation of Al-Qaeda as a terrorist organization, and network.  

Why Individuals Radicalize to Violence

  As for the radicalizing of individuals, it is not known precisely what circumstances lead to the radicalization of individuals. For those who come from Majority Muslim countries, it could be something as simple as the family that you come from, or your adherence to a certain teaching within your faith. But for others, and especially Westerners, the radicalization process can take many paths. Sometimes a crisis of culture within the individual, and the realization of these radical teachings can inspire them to do tremendous damage to their own society or another, as quote “Lone Wolves”, or to travel to a battlefield to fight with a Holy Army as a Martyr. Other times, it depends on the type of friends they have and sometimes crucially how much money they have.

But there is no one set prototypical persona, or type of person that you should be looking out for. All the features that they require often times cannot be seen with the naked eye. Often times these individuals are outcast in a segment of society, or just society in general, and they have nothing better to do, or as stated earlier, fall into the wrong crowd and are radicalized by their friends.  

COVID-19 and the Threat of Islamic Extremism

  Since the attacks of 9/11, the death of Osama Bin Laden, the ongoing war with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or simply ISIS, the threat of Islamic Extremism continues to emanate primarily from the Middle East, Near East, Sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa, the Maghreb, and South Asia, though not without evidence of western plots and cells. The most pressing threat which emanates from these lands, is of course the threat which is still being eradicated in ISIS, but also a number of philosophical offshoots, and even sister organizations, which have taken the name of the Caliphate, but have chosen altogether more prolific, and productive means of recruitment, and dynamism.

This of course means that the aforementioned policies, and tactics which the western intelligence agencies, as well as law enforcement sources, have taken, will be tested in new, and often times original ways, which have never been seen, or confronted before. And while I don’t have the ability to discern precisely what may be attempted. Needless to say, the ways in which they will try to exploit the very links, and couplings which make the modern world go round, will indeed be ingenious.

Therefore, I submit that the most pressing plots that will become the most strenuous to our systems of checks and balances, will revolve around the use of airborne, or even seaborne transportation, an order to defeat our security mechanisms, and protocols. This will include a replay of the Richard Reid shoe bomber attacks, as well as the inkjet cartridges that are becoming more superfluous. It could include the use of planted doubles that will expedite the defeating of the security, as well as the use of social media, and influencer personalities, as a decoy, or disguise.

This state of affairs may be attenuated, depending on the degree of severity with which it is able to be pulled off with. Nevertheless, the appropriate law enforcement sources, should remain diligent, and ready to apprehend any, and all subjects. And intelligence sources should be fully exploited, including signals intelligence over the internet, and CB, and Ham Radios, which are becoming increasingly popular with a younger generation.

The use of children, or even unassuming, and conformist bystanders, and individuals who may even belong to the same radical sect, or segment of society. Whatever the case may be, the proper authorities should be prepared to deal with whatever may come, and the funding, and maintenance, of these strands of intelligence collection, and human intelligence cannot be overstated.  

Global World Order: Introduction

The following is the introduction to an upcoming thesis about International Maintenance, and Security entitled “Global World Order”

Excerpt Below:


After studying previously disclosed, and aforementioned information in this era of Globalization, and bringing in a closer, and more introspective understanding of National Security Cultures, and the way they work and behave, I’m here positing a more efficient understanding of the current boundaries of these security cultures, and their continued growth, and maturation. The Mumbai Line, or Mum Line is designed to help our current understanding of the future of Global growth, and the conflictual centers which may emanate from it.

As our times, the 21st century, begins to manifest, and deliver on the promises which were exceeded, following the end of the Cold War, and the ensuing Globalization, a Global Order which had not yet began to fully take hold, was already taking shape. After the events of 9/11, and the defeat of Al-Qaeda, and ISIS, the Old Order, was replaced by a more abundant, yet not fully conceptualized bifurcated Order, that exceeded the expectations of its creators, principally the United States, and Europe, with a number of not yet marginalized, not yet fully accepted Junior Partners, and Near Peer Adversaries.

These near peer adversaries and their partners include, but certainly are not limited to: China, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, India, Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt, Venezuela, Africa, Latin America, and the Eurozone. At varying times, and in certainly different positions, these Junior Partners have individually, and diametrically both attested, and confronted, the previous order which was established at the close of the Cold War, and its ensuing aftermath. This quasi-post 9/11 order, has become the de facto norm, after the close of the wars in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia against Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and the Islamic State. These two diametrically, yet complimentary conditions; one Globalization, the most significant, and important Socio-Economic events in the history of man; and the other a stressful condition of GWOT, or Global War, found its imprimatur in the events which transpired on, and after the morning of September 11th 2001.

The trends which were emanating from various regions of the world, population growth, the adoption of Democracy, and Capitalism throughout large parts of the World, and the continued development of peaceful Geo-Political conditions, that stressed cooperation and Economic success, over coup de tats, and revolutionary struggles, has only accelerated as the 21st century continues to unfold. And while a number of these Near Peer Adversaries, and their Junior Partners have developed their own conceptualization of how, and where their vision of this new Democratic Inheritance is, and should be, no one vision has been accepted, or fully embraced by any serious number of Countries that would significantly, and credibly, contest the vision which was initially envisioned for the World by the United States following the events which transpired on 9/11.

This at both times stable, and conflictual Geo-Political, Globalized Environment has become a normative dialectical disjunctive which the relationship between the United States and China is principally demonstrative of, and has yet to be fully conceptualized, and understood, even with Democratic, and Commercial Economic conditions being the normative conditions for most of the Worlds people. In short, our current view of the state of unipolar, and bipolar relations in the World, and the past lens which its future hostilities have been viewed through, fail to fully realize the potential, of our Multilateral and Globalized Present conditional Environment.[1] This complementary state of affairs, where individual security has been ensured by the Democratic, and Economic transitions which have already taken place, have only been exacerbated by the lack of a conditional, and predictable contestation between two individually polarized blocs.

The buildup of forces, and the advancement of technological knowhow, with the diffusion of these resources, throughout the immediate World, can be viewed only as a number of policy failures in the foreign policy space for the United States. That is to say, this lack of a stressful Geo-Political Environment can be viewed by the United States as nothing but a failure for them, and their policies. The lack of a legitimate diametrically opposed contender, along with the diffusion of Technological, and Economic successes, instead of precipitating a condition of legitimate, and perpetual peace, has instead become a new breeding ground fermenting the growth of Affluent Households, Economic and Socio-Economic Prestige, Educational and Technological attainment, and peaceful coexistence with Society, and its neighbors.

This has become the de facto ruling criteria for a large, and entirely peaceful majority of the entire World. Hence the Upper Quadrants above the Mumbai Line. Seemingly uplifting the Global South out of poverty, by means of Global Commerce, and Development Alone. Considering that the United States Spends upwards of 5% of GDP on Defense, this has to be considered nothing short of the utmost of policy failures for the Both the United States Intelligence, and Defense Communities. The most realistic outcome from all of this is not a large and protracted struggle for dominance over a finite measure of resources between contesting regional blocs around the World. Instead, this former inevitable reality has been replaced by the idea of how to keep what we already have, individually as nations, instead of trying to procure resources that we don’t. While at the same time, the soft power and relational successes of the United States, and Europe, instead of being seen, or viewed as weaknesses that have led to their steady, and eventual decline, have, in the wake of their success, only increasingly been adopted, and coopted by lesser realized regional, and conditional Near Peer Adversaries, and Junior Partners.

This state of Soft Power success, has in its wake, and this is the United States current most pressing concern, an Environment that has precipitated the desire by these Near Peer Adversaries, against the United States Junior Partners and States, as a way to have an equal measure of Hard Power that can plausibly ensure their continued successes in the spheres of Diplomacy, Intelligence, Military, and Economics. This is the aforementioned reasoning behind the idea that the policy successes of the United States, have only precipitated a stressful period of Hard Power and its growth. This however, is not an Environment that can currently be controlled by unlicensed coup de tats, or revolutionary successes, for the above-mentioned reasons.

So, without the ability to foresee or anticipate the Environment that will exist after all the above-mentioned successes are no longer anticipated, we have entered into what can only be conceived as a state of failed, or failing Geo-Economics. So, without the corresponding knowhow of why these things would fail, or no longer exist, and how they can be precipitated, or rather without any one plausible entity which could precipitate it, the lack of its failure, is indicative of its success. The panic from the idea that this, or their success individually as nations can be withdrawn from without the help of Democracy, and its resources, is palpable, and has only heightened with the realization of the idea of this lack of success has entered into the Political psyche   of the citizens of the United States.

The United States and its Partners and Allies, can anticipate these continued successes, and help to codify a world in better standing, and not failed or failing, by proactively defining, and helping to measure the definition of success which the World should strive toward, while realistically tackling the idea that this success is moribund, or inevitably on the verge of collapse. And can do this, by proving that the successes of Globalization, and the ensuing nation-building, and soft development are permanent, and that they have no greater partner than the United States, and its system of alliances, and partners.

This is not to say that the same selfish modes of thought are somehow an inevitable norm. Instead, the alliances, and successes which the United States built up after the end of World War II, and the Cold War, should only convince us to export even further our ideals, and societal soft resources. It is by doing this, that ultimately, the success which the United States has found in most parts of the world, can, and eventually, will be replicated, throughout the rest of it. In this paper I intend on reflecting on the consequences of the policy decisions the United States has experienced, by not recognizing this new strategic, and Geo-Political paradigm shift. Namely, one from a post-Cold War Geo-Political Hegemony. To one that has grown into a contestation of successful Military, and Economic interventions, by the International Community, Near Peer Adversaries, and the United States and its friends and partners.[2] But, also by a growing concentric circle of past, former, current, and potentially future Geo-Political nemeses, who have at one point, or another, sought to adopt United States ideals, and knowhow, while still transmitting the basic analog’s, of their inherent Political, religious, and Socio-Economic Cultures. 

So, while the inevitable Systemization of thought, has led us to view a contestation of these ideas, and ideals, as being somehow disjunctive, or not normative, the inevitable contest of ideas, while successful transmittal, and eventual adoption, even yet fully, of the ideals of the United States, are something which should not come as a surprise to policy makers, and indeed is not even a new phenomenon. What is needed is a new approach to Global Relations, and even Global Geopolitics for the United States in the 21st century. In this post 9/11 National Security Environment, and the ensuing Multipolar Environment, which is now coming into the fore.[3] Necessitates the realignment of strategic, and national security priorities, for a new Globalized, Systematized, and Collaborative Post-Cold War National Security Environment, which has come into existence. This, and its new, American Led World Order for the 21st century, is what this book attempts to describe.      


[1] America is too Scared of the Multipolar Order, Harvard Belfer Center, Stephen Walt, Found At: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/america-too-scared-multipolar-world, Accessed On: 3/13/2023 [2] America is too Scared of the Multipolar World, Harvard Belfer Center, Stephen Walt, Found At: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/america-too-scared-multipolar-world, Accessed On: 03/13/2023[3] Backstage Glimpses of Clinton as Dogged Diplomat, Win or Lose, Michael R. Gordon, Mark Landler, New York Times, Found At: https://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/03/us/politics/in-behind-scene-blows-and-triumphs-sense-of-clinton-future.html, Accessed On: 3/13/2023