International Monetary Fund IMFx Course: Monetary Policy Analysis and Forecasting

Kevin Michael Miller

Hello, my name is Kevin Miller and I'm interested in all things political. I started in early 2013 but the truth is I've been writing for over a decade now. I live in Chicago, Illinois, am an avid international relations follower and consider myself a Republican. Don't hesitate to comment on my website or even just follow. Thank you in advance for your support. - Kevin M.

As I stated earlier, I’ve been taking courses at the International Monetary Fund via the online learning MOOC platform. MOOC’s, or Massively Open Online Courses, allow individuals to take classes from world leading institutions, and partners, and learn from some of the best, and brightest minds, on the chosen subject matter. To better explain what they are, I’ve found this video, which can be accessed below for the IMF course: Monetary Policy Analysis and Forecasting. Later, I hope to post more video about other courses at the IMF. I hope you enjoy this teaser video as much as I have!

Monetary Policy Analysis and Forecasting IMFx on (Credit: International Monetary Fund)

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