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Copy of Letter Sent to The Honorable United States Representative Brad Schneider Dated January 25th, 2024

To The Honorable Representative of the United States House of Representative, Representative Brad Schneider,

Dear Representative Brad Schneider,

Hello, my name is Kevin Michael Miller, and I’m currently a PhD. MOOC student in neuroscience, as well as Financial Engineering, Economics, and International Politics on the Massively Open Online Course websites, of Edx.org, and Coursera.org. I’m writing an order to convey my appreciation for your recent tele townhall, and its focus on delivering healthcare, and other vital healthcare related needs to the 10th district, and its cohorts. I’m writing this most recent letter, as an addendum to the previous letter which I wrote, concerning the need for proper appropriation, concerning the passage of the 2009 Affordable Care Act, and its provision of constituent services, in the United States Congress. My concerns I felt, were serious enough to warrant a letter to both your office, as well as the Late Senator Dianne Feinstein’s office. And, while I hoped that she would read the contents of my letters, as she’s done so many other times in the past, including during my earliest collegiate years, when I lived in southern California, and successfully campaigned for, and helped win, a successful recall of California Governor Gray Davis, and the election of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, against him. My concerns have been wide ranging since then. And since moving to the 10th Congressional District, here in Illinois. I’m proud to have helped first elect both Mark Kirk, to the United States House of Representatives, as well as to have voted for then State Senator Barack Obama, to the United States Senate. As I’ve said my concerns have been far ranging, and far reaching since then. Including the passage of Opioid and Fentanyl Legislation, so here entitled Matt’s Law (After a High School Classmate of Mine Whom Overdosed on Opioids in an Alleyway in Chicago in 2006). With the help of both the George W. Bush Administration, as well as the administration of then President Barack H. Obama. My most cherished memories of being part of the Republican party, are when I’m able to see legislation such as Opioid Legislation, as well as legislation pertaining to wounded veterans, and soldiers, as well as the other many legislations which I’ve advocated for, and sought to have passed along the way, particularly as concerns Xstat Syringe Wound Treatment systems, for our combat soldiers in Iraq, and Afghanistan, as well as other important legislative accomplishments which I’ve sought, and advocated for, in my twenty-two year long voting record, as well as my twenty-two year incumbency as a member of the Republican Party. I encourage you to find out more about my social, and political activism, particularly as relates to crises which have erupted on the world stage, concerning Ukraine, as well as the Middle East, and Israel. Which can be found at www.kevinspolitics.com. My most singular, and resolute contributions to the state, and its welfare, are found on this website. And it brings me great comfort to know that it will continue in its existence, which has existed in its most current form, since at least February of 2013. I encourage you, and your office to look at this website, for any ideas, or wisdom which you may derive from its political analysis, and content. Just as I encourage then Congressman Dold’s office to do the same, some years prior. My Letter at this juncture, is simply to encourage you to decrease taxes for your constituents, and to reject any legislation which may interfere in the ability for insurance providers to provide safe, and cost effective medications, and other health care needs. This includes legislation which may accelerate the dramatic increases in Government provided Health Insurance which has only continued, even with legislation which I have observed to be illegal, pertaining to the commerce clauses of the constitution. Including one piece of legislation which allows for the sale of unregulated Canadian, and Irish Pharmaceuticals, as replacements for readily produced, safe, and effective medications produced here in the United States. As well as another piece of legislation, which would merge two of the biggest insurance providers in the country Cigna, as well as Humana. Both legislative ideas, which I feel violate at least two significant clauses in the Commerce Act of 1886, as well as the commerce clauses in the United States Constitution. These concerns are only a brief of what I intended to write to you about, and I hope that by sharing my story in a published memoir, upon my graduation from Harvard University. hopefully this spring. That I’m able to further the conversation surrounding politics, diplomacy, but also real life, and what that means for young teens, and adolescents in the 21st century. I plan on supplying a number of copies to your office, upon successful publishing. And I look forward to having greater friendship, and comity with you, as we continue to spark conversations surrounding the everyday needs of the American People, as the Representative of the 10th district, here in Illinois, Dr. Schneider. I wanted to speak about the recent hearing on AI, as well as other just as pertinent world issues, affecting our country, and both parties. But I leave you now, as I hope that your days are merry, for you and your office. And I look forward to hearing more about these topics, from you, and your office. Thank You, and God Bless. – Kevin Michael Miller       

International Monetary Fund IMFx Course: Monetary Policy Analysis and Forecasting

As I stated earlier, I’ve been taking courses at the International Monetary Fund via the Edx.org online learning MOOC platform. MOOC’s, or Massively Open Online Courses, allow individuals to take classes from world leading institutions, and partners, and learn from some of the best, and brightest minds, on the chosen subject matter. To better explain what they are, I’ve found this video, which can be accessed below for the IMF course: Monetary Policy Analysis and Forecasting. Later, I hope to post more video about other courses at the IMF. I hope you enjoy this teaser video as much as I have!

Monetary Policy Analysis and Forecasting IMFx on edX.org (Credit: International Monetary Fund)